Sword star city swordsman association is only the second level branch of swordsman Association. On top of this, there are first level branches and headquarters.

Without much hesitation, Li Fuchen chose to go to the first level branch.

Of course, he can also go to other secondary branches, where he can also get the supreme sword bone.

However, there are too few supreme swords in each secondary division. It is quite troublesome to go one by one.

So it's better to go directly to the first level branch.

Sword star city has a transmission array leading to the first level branch, but the transmission cost is a little high. One transmission costs 100 billion contribution points, and Li Fuchen only contributes 660 billion points in total.

I can't help it. The distance is too far. I can fly by myself. I don't know how many star regions and how many star rings to fly over. The 100 billion contribution points are 100 billion contribution points. Li Fuchen chooses to transmit.


Brilliant star field.

One of the super star regions, which is not included in any star wheel, is more than 1000 times the size of normal star regions and larger than some star rings.

There are many relics and dangerous places in the brilliant star region. Correspondingly, it is also the most mixed star region in the universe. Swordsman guild, sword alliance, undead army, temple, dark Council, trial eye and other super families, almost all of the super forces have branches or headquarters.

Jianhuicheng transmission square, a figure came.

"Is this the first division?"

Li Fuchen let go of his soul and looked around.

It is found that Jianhui city is many times larger than Jianxing City, and the array strength is also many times higher.

"I don't know where your name comes from."

On the transmission square, there is always a ruler there.

Feeling the horror of Li Fuchen, he rushed to meet him.

"The emperor of Yuanji, from the star wheel with two horns."

Li Fuchen took out his guild badge.

At the moment, his guild badge is the third order of yaori level.

In fact, with his strength, he has surpassed the Yao RI level. Unfortunately, the second level division can only award him the shining sun badge.

As for the level above the sun, there are elders.

This elder is not a branch elder, but a headquarters elder.

Generally speaking, the head office elder must be a star level heavenly king, such as Chaoyang emperor and Qianying emperor. They are not only the president and vice president of sword star city swordsman Association, but also the head office elder.

Next, Li Fuchen met the Jianzu of Yuanming, the president of jianhuicheng swordsmen Association.

Jianzu of the yuan and Ming Dynasties is the existence on the list of emperors. In fact, his power is so powerful that he can rank at least in the top ten in the brilliant star region.

As you know, the brilliant star region is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. In other star regions, it's good to have one or two emperors. There are not a thousand emperors, but 800 emperors.

It is confirmed that Li Fuchen is a member of the swordsman Association, and is also a star level heavenly king. The Jianzu of the yuan and Ming Dynasties granted Li Fuchen the status of the elder of the headquarters.

In the whole headquarters, there are only a few people who can confer the status of elder in the headquarters. One of them is the president of the first level branch.

As an elder of the headquarters, Li Fuchen has many privileges. One of the privileges is that he can exchange the guild's reusable resources at half price. For example, it used to borrow a sword bone, which required one billion contribution points, but now only needs 500 million contribution points.

In addition, after becoming the head office elder, his / her contribution points will be automatically converted into elder points, and 100 million contribution points can be converted into a little elder points.

These two seem to have no difference, but some resources, only the elder points can be exchanged, belong to the real secret resources.

Li Fuchen has more than 560 billion contribution points. After turning to the growth of old points, it is more than 5600 points.

"This is a detailed introduction to the brilliant star region. You'd better take a closer look. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask other elders."

Jianzu of the yuan and Ming dynasties took out a jade slip and threw it to Li Fuchen.

"Thank you very much."

After taking over the jade slips, Li Fuchen left.

When Li Fuchen left the guild hall, the side hall, came out of an old man.

"This son is really extraordinary. He is not the son of the universe. He is better than the son of the universe. My nine Heaven Sword calculation can't calculate his future possibility." The old man stroked the copper coin sword in his hand, and his eyes twinkled with light.

It turns out that the emperor of Chaoyang has already sent a message to Jianzu of Yuanming, who has called Tianji sword, which can predict the heavenly secrets, to come back and ask him to figure out how high Li Fuchen's achievements will be in the future.

"Can't you work it out?"

Jianzu of the yuan and Ming Dynasties didn't feel too surprised. According to the information from the emperor Chaoyang, Li Fuchen was mostly the son of the universe, and he was the son of the universe who had a chance to go against the heaven recently. You should know that the children of the universe are favored by the will of the universe, and their fate will be interfered by the will of the universe.

Slowly spit out a breath, Yuanming Jianzu said: "no matter how, since it is suspected that the son of the universe, we should try our best to make it convenient for him. Of course, we should not be too deliberate. The fate of the son of the universe is unpredictable, too deliberate, but not good."Tianji sword expert said: "it is said that only 49 children of the universe will appear in the universe at the same time. Now we swordsman Association and Yuanji emperor have three people suspected to be the children of the universe. It seems that the universe will favor our swordsman association!"

Yuanming Jianzu said: "the son of the universe will also fall. Now there are many children of the universe, which doesn't mean anything. Only when they become demigods can they bring endless luck to the swordsman Association."

Among the super powers, it is not the number of children in the universe, but the number of demigods. Of course, if there are both, it is undoubtedly better.

"There was someone in the side hall just now, who should be calculating my fate." What a powerful force

Li's dust is, and there is nothing in the world that can stop his soul. The reason why he thinks he is calculating him is that Li feels that a force with no reality whatever comes to him.

"It's a glorious star territory. There are so many ruins, dangerous places and super powers."

While walking, Li Fuchen has transferred the information in the jade slips to his mind.

There are ninety-nine ruins and seventy-two dangerous sites in the Guanghui star region. The weakest one is fatal to the Lord of the city. Entering it can be regarded as a life of death. The most terrible ruins dangerous place is the life of an invincible emperor. Only a demigod can escape.

The so-called super power is actually a demigod force, which has at least one demigod.

Zhu family, for example, has a god of fire.

For example, the Yin family, such as the undead army, such as the swordsmen guild, all had demigods and were super forces.

Of course, there are also strong and weak super forces. Generally speaking, the vast majority of super forces have only one demigod, and the powerful undead army is the same.

Only a few super powers have many demigods, such as swordsmen guild, sword alliance, temple, dark Council, eye of judgment, etc.

However, this does not mean that super powers with multiple demigods can bully super powers with only one demigod.

It's very difficult for demigods to kill another demigod. If you offend the other half gods, you will only lose both sides in the end, which will benefit other super powers.

In addition, although some super powers have only one demigod, this demigod is enough to defeat several demigods. Who dares to provoke such super forces? For example, the undead king of the undead Legion is an extremely powerful demigod. Few super forces dare to fight against the undead Legion.

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