The warehouse was full of stone, but the area of ​​the small factory was not large, so many things were stuffed into the warehouse, not only the finished products, but also dyeing materials, stone powder, and some packaging waste.

The aunt pointed to the packaging waste paper and other waste products stacked in the corner and said: "These are the waste products. There are a lot of things. I will help you clean them up."

The aunt liked Su An very much and was happy to help.

Su An was a little surprised. In the past, when collecting waste, let alone helping, those people wanted him to do the cleaning work at the same time.

This was the first time someone took the initiative to help.

"Then trouble you..."

"Ding ding ding——"

Before Su An finished speaking, he was interrupted by a burst of electronic alarm sounds.

He looked in the direction of the sound and found that the sound was actually coming from the blue chain on the aunt's hand.

"Oh no, I forgot the time, but how did ten minutes pass so quickly? This is troublesome, I will definitely be scolded by the boss, no, I have to go back to the workshop."

The aunt's face changed drastically, she quickly threw down the paper shell in her hand, turned around and ran outside.

As soon as she ran to the door, a rough roar sounded.

"Hou Guifen, what are you doing! You have been away from your workstation for a full ten minutes. Don't you know that this is the busiest time in the factory? Your boss is busy all the time, and you are still hiding here?! If you like to work, do it, if you don't like to work, get out. The factory hired you to work, not to let you enjoy it! It is because of employees like you who only know how to cheat and do not do practical things that the efficiency of the factory will become lower and lower!"


A sturdy figure appeared at the door.

Covered with dust, unshaven, with a cigarette in his mouth.

As soon as he saw Hou Guifen, he raised his hand and pointed at her nose and cursed: "What are you doing in the warehouse? You are not required to unload the goods. The stone sculpture you were asked to carve is not finished yet. You should be grateful that I did not cause you any trouble. Now you are still hiding here and being lazy. I will deduct one hundred from you. If I find you again next time, I will double it!"

After cursing, he realized that there was an extra person in the warehouse. He raised his hand to shake off the cigarette ash and frowned, saying: "Who is he? Is he new?"

Hou Guifen said timidly: "No, this young man is here to collect waste. I was not lazy just now. There were too many things in the warehouse. I wanted to sell all the waste in the warehouse to make room for the carved stone sculptures. And I was not lazy. I thought there were too many things, so I helped the young man to clean up. Boss, can you please not deduct my money? My husband was laid off recently, and my family is busy. The income here depends on me, and the children are still in school..."

The stone carving boss flicked the ash of his cigarette and said impatiently: "Your husband was laid off and unemployed, and the difficulties in your family were not caused by me, what does it have to do with me? ! The rules are the rules. You can't leave your workstation for more than ten minutes. You violated the rules. Shouldn't you be fined? I only fined you one hundred, which is considered a small amount. If it were somewhere else, it would be at least two hundred! I say you are crazy, leaving your work and running to help collect waste. You really think you are a saint!"

"But, I calculated the time. In ten minutes, I can help the young man collect a bundle of paper shells, but I haven't started collecting it yet, and this bracelet is ringing. Boss, is there something wrong with this bracelet?"

Hou Guifen didn't dare to talk back when she was scolded. She only dared to explain timidly after the boss finished scolding.

The boss glared and cursed: "Problem? If you have a problem with your pig head, the bracelet won't have a problem!"


"But the hell is, why don't you go to work quickly? You have already wasted two minutes. If you continue to waste time and reach ten minutes, three hundred will be deducted from your salary! The full attendance bonus will also be cancelled!"

"I'll go now, I'll go to work now, boss, please don't deduct my full attendance bonus."

Hou Guifen was completely scared and didn't dare to say another word. She ran into the workshop next to her.

"Bah, a bunch of termites, they can't even do their work well, what's the use!"

The stone carving boss spat on the ground and said contemptuously.

Su An frowned slightly, and disgust flashed on his face.

The evil capitalists simply don't treat their employees as human beings.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and collect your waste!"

The stone carving boss noticed Su An's gaze and growled.

After that, he put out his cigarette butt and walked into the workshop next to him.

Su An frowned and looked at the waste at hand, and instantly lost the desire to collect the waste.

Although he didn't want to collect it, he thought of the aunt who was called in to work. If he didn't collect the waste,

Maybe the stone carving boss will take the opportunity to make trouble, whether it is an opportunity to insult or fine, the only one who will be hurt is the aunt.

Thinking of this, Su An had to continue to pick up the waste on the ground.


Several bundles of cardboard were piled up in front of him.

Practice makes perfect, picking up cardboard is very easy for him, and he can also spare some time to look at the stone carvings in the warehouse.

These stone carvings are big and small, the smallest is only a dozen centimeters, and the largest is estimated to be one meter high. They are all carved with birds, beasts, lions and the like.

Apart from other things, these stone carvings are really good, lifelike and vivid, different from the common shoddy stone carvings outside. I wonder how much this kind of stone carving costs?

Curious, Su An used the system to check.

[Item]: Lion stone carving.

[Details]: The stone has been treated with carving dyes...

[Value]: 980.

[Item]: Stone-carved screen wall bluestone antique relief

[Details]: Select bluestone, use tools to cut and carve…

[Value]: 1580.


The price of these stone carvings is not low!

Is this boss still exploiting employees like this?

It seems that the capitalists have praised him before.

He is simply a slave owner!

The value of the stone carvings appeared in front of Su An, and the basic price was hundreds, thousands, or even thousands!

He couldn't help but look at the small stone carvings on the other side.

These stone carvings are very small, basically only 30 to 40 centimeters high, and the carvings are relatively delicate. In addition, different colors are also dyed on the stone carvings according to different shapes.

[Item]: Han Huangyu Pig

[Details]: During the Western Han Dynasty, a couple ordered a jade carving craftsman to make a piece of chicken-yellow Hetian yellow jade into a piglet, 12 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, and 2.9 cm high…

[Value]: 18 million.

[Item]: Customized stone sculpture.

[Details]: Made of bluestone, supplemented by machine processing and manual carving…

[Value]: 200 yuan.

Su An saw that customized small stone sculptures could be sold for 200 yuan, and he felt that the stone sculpture boss was a scoundrel.

He made so much money.

He also exploited his employees like crazy.


He was stunned and tilted his head in disbelief.

What did he just see?

He quickly locked his sights on a small stone sculpture.

That's it!

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