He blinked hard.

That's right!

The number is - 18 million!

Su An's heartbeat quickened, his eyes fixed on a stone sculpture of a piglet. Seeing that the old lady was casually holding it and was about to pack it, he subconsciously reached out and snatched the stone sculpture from the old lady's hand in a flash.

"Hey! Why did you suddenly reach out, young man? You scared me!"

The old lady trembled and patted her chest.

Su An suppressed his overly fast heartbeat and apologized: "Sorry, I think this little thing is very unique, I want to take a look."

The aunt glanced at it and said: "You have a good eye. This one and the one next to you are both templates. They were sent by the guests who made reservations before. They look ugly. Except for those two, the remaining eight are all stone sculptures that we copied and carved. Although the templates are ugly, the craftsmanship is there. Even if we copy them again, the details must be more exquisite and delicate."

Speaking of the latter, the aunt's face was full of pride.

Obviously, she is very confident in her and her colleagues' carving skills.

Su An stroked the stone sculpture in his hand and smiled meaningfully: "So it's a template, no wonder it's different."

The aunt said with disdain: "These two templates are too ugly, they will definitely not be sold. You will lose a lot if you buy these two. These eight are relatively better. Although you will lose money, the loss is not much. If you resell them, you can still make up for some losses."

Su An smiled: "Lose a lot? Yes, it is a big loss."


He is not the one who lost a lot.

The aunt looked at Su An with sympathy, thinking that he was forcing a smile. She felt very uncomfortable. She was unable to help him even if he lied, so she could only lower her head and work harder to pack the stone sculptures and collect the waste.

It was because of the aunt's hard work that the stone sculptures were quickly packed.

The two stone sculptures worth tens of millions were packed by Su An in three layers inside and outside, and then put into the box.

It was also thanks to the fact that the aunt felt guilty and went to collect the waste after wrapping the stone sculpture. Otherwise, seeing Su An wrapping the stone sculpture in three layers inside and outside, she would definitely be suspicious.

Soon, the waste was also collected.

Prepare to carry it out for weighing and settling accounts.

The stone carving boss saw the two people carrying the waste out and immediately came over.

"Is there anything missing?"

The first thing he asked the aunt.

The aunt immediately shook her head: "No, there are only wastes in here."

After saying that.

She also moved the bundled paper shells in all directions, indicating that there was no way the stone sculpture was hidden in it.

The boss nodded, his eyes fell on the box wrapped by Su An, and he leaned inside to carefully check it out. After confirming that there were only ten, he finally felt relieved.

"Since everything is packed, let's weigh and settle the accounts! But I have one thing to explain in advance. The scales used for weighing must be the ones in our factory. The scales in our factory are all used to weigh stones. They are very accurate and will never be short-changed!"

Su An was speechless.

This guy really doesn't want to suffer any loss!

Although he was very unhappy and wanted to quit, he endured it for the sake of the two treasures he just got.

Su An compromised and said, "Okay."


Weigh and settle the accounts.

Su An looked at the weight on the scale and calculated in his mind: "The total is 208 yuan and 50 cents. I'll scan your prestige."

The boss said directly: "Make it a whole and transfer 209. Anyway, you can make a lot more money by selling these to the scrap collection station. It's equivalent to free money. It's not too much to give an extra 50 cents!"

Free money?

Human power is not money!

Su An had a stern face and was too lazy to say more. He took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to transfer money.

"Hey, didn't we agree on 209? Why did you only transfer 208.5?"

The boss yelled unhappily when he saw the payment.

Su An didn't answer. He moved the scraps into the car and put the stone carving box next to the seat.

After doing all this, he drove away.

"Bah, what a thing, he can't even give 50 cents. No wonder he's a lousy scrap collector. With this kind of idiot, he'll never make any money in his life!"

The boss spat unwillingly and cursed in the direction Su An left.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call: "Hey, baby, I made an extra profit today... How did I make it? Didn't I have a small batch of custom stone carvings before? After the customer paid the deposit, he couldn't contact me, causing the goods to be piled up in the warehouse.

Just now, a scrap collector came. That guy was also stupid. I provoked him and bought all the stone carvings for 300 yuan each. There were also two ugly templates.

Haha, I made a lot of money! Adding the previous deposit and the 3,000 yuan I just received, I made 3,500 yuan... I know you care about me. Although the previous customers don't seem to be good people, those stone carvings have been put away for a month. According to the agreement, if the final payment is not made on time, these stone carvings will all be mine. I can sell them if I want! If it really doesn't work, just ask the workers to carve ten more. Anyway, these workers are paid monthly and can be ordered around.

I'll take you to eat your favorite spicy hot pot in the evening, and then go to the old place. Oh, I'm not stingy. Besides, my money will be your money in the future..."

The aunt shook her head and turned to the workshop.

She didn't want to be deducted again!

On the other side.

Su An drove for about half an hour before stopping on a relatively quiet road with few people.

As soon as he stopped, he opened the box and searched for the two jade carvings worth tens of millions.


Su An picked out the two jade carvings worth tens of millions from a pile of packaged stone carvings. He found two stone sculptures that were wrapped the most tightly and were a circle larger.

After finding them, he remembered the camera that he had turned off.

After thinking about it, he turned on the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast started.

A group of netizens rushed in.

[Brother Su, you are too proud. You always turn off the live broadcast now. I still miss the way you were before. At that time, except for peeing, we were all honest with each other...]

[That small factory, no, that small stone carving workshop, looks small, but I didn’t expect that there are so many rules, and you can’t even broadcast live! ]

[That’s right! We are all clumsy , who has nothing better to do than to steal someone's skills! ]

[Wait, Brother Su, aren't you a junk collector? Why did you buy so many stone sculptures? ]

[This piggy stone sculpture is really casual. ]

[Brother Su will definitely not buy things for no reason. Is this stone sculpture also a treasure? ]

[Baby, have you ever seen a treasure carved so casually? ]

Su An had to admit it when he saw this.

This stone sculpture was indeed a bit too casual.

But when he thought of the system price, he instantly felt that it was much more refined, and his palm repeatedly stroked the stone sculpture Surface.

It was very heavy and smooth to the touch, no different from ordinary stone.


Su An suddenly felt something was wrong. He spread his hands and found a thin layer of dust covering his palms.

This dust was different from the dust on the surface of the stone sculpture. It was gray in color, like dye.

"This is..."

Su An suddenly had an idea and put down the stone sculpture in a hurry. He got out of the car and searched around in the trunk.

A few minutes later.

He struggled to push the waste aside, revealing the hidden knife.

Finally found it!

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