The price of the Hetian yellow jade was very high.

"It's good if it's true, it's good if it's true!"

Zhao Jianbo was pleasantly surprised and took out his mobile phone to ask his friend about the price of the Hetian yellow jade.

While asking eagerly, he didn't forget to greet Su An: "Su An, you said before that if you get good things again this time, you must give it to me. Don't forget, I want this Hetian yellow jade. I will ask my friend about the price of Hetian yellow jade. He specializes in collecting jade and knows the prices of all kinds of jade. He can definitely estimate the market price."

Zhao Jianbo spoke quickly and anxiously, fearing that Shi Jun and Ma Wenjun would take the things away.

Su An was stunned for a moment and hesitated to speak.

The system price of a piglet Hetian yellow jade carving is 18 million. Boss Zhao is worth only tens of millions, so it may be difficult for him to buy it.

But when he thought that Boss Zhao ran the fastest every time, but didn't receive any, he felt a little embarrassed to speak up.

He didn't feel comfortable speaking up, but someone else did.

Shi Jun was the first to speak: "Old Zhao, wait a minute, don't rush to call."

Ma Wenjun echoed: "Yes, Boss Zhao, don't rush to call. Although your friend is a jade collector, he may not be able to estimate the true price of this jade carving."

Boss Zhao looked at the two people who stopped him, with suspicion on his face, and soon the suspicion turned into understanding, and he snorted and laughed: "I understand, you also want this jade carving, right? Oh, it's a pity, I have already discussed it with Su An, I will take this jade carving! And Director Ma, what you said just now is not right, my friend knows all kinds of jade, he knows the value of each kind of jade, this kind of rare Hetian yellow jade, he can definitely estimate the price, and it is definitely the market price!"

Seeing Zhao Jianbo's defensive face, Shi Jun and Ma Wenjun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ma Wenjun explained: "I want this jade carving, but I just said that your friend can't estimate the real price. I don't mean to belittle your friend's ability, but the price of this late Hetian yellow jade is not only the jade itself, but also the historical value attached to it."

Zhao Jianbo was stunned: "Historical value? Is this jade carving an old thing?"

Shi Jun said: "You don't understand, so you don't know how rare Hetian yellow jade is. Hetian yellow jade is a precious variety of Hetian jade and is almost extinct. Now you can't find Hetian yellow jade on the market, let alone this carved Hetian yellow jade. There is only one possibility, this jade carving is an antique."

Ma Wenjun continued: "Of course, this is only one point of identification, and it cannot be completely determined that this jade carving is an old thing. If you want to further identify it, you need to judge the carving skills of the pig jade carving. Look at this The jade carving adopts the Yin line carving technique. This technique makes the pig mouth very realistic and soft. The pig's limbs are simply carved with relief, and only a few lines are used throughout the process, but the carving is very vivid and fat. There are few lines carved on the whole pig, but the layout is even, and the lines are simple and smooth. From these, it can be seen that this is a typical "Han Ba ​​Dao" style, which is a masterpiece of Han Dynasty carving art. "

Seeing that Ma Wenjun spoke clearly, Shi Jun thought of the boss's earnest words before asking him to show his ability more in Su An's live broadcast, taking the opportunity to attract more customers to auction antiques, and at the same time attracting many customers who want to buy antiques. After all, Su An's live broadcast room now has hundreds of thousands of people at any time, and the traffic is huge, which is an excellent marketing venue. The most important thing is that it doesn't cost money!

Shi Jun interrupted and said: "What Lao Ma said is right. In addition to the carving craft, pigs also have sacred and power symbolic meanings in primitive and feudal societies! Jade pigs were very popular in the Eastern Han Dynasty and were also called holding beads. Holding beads means that pigs can give birth to children. The more they give birth, the richer they can get.

So holding a pig is also called holding wealth. If the deceased holds wealth in his hands, his descendants in the future will definitely be rich and noble. In the book "Baopuzi", it is written: "Gold and jade are in the seven orifices, then the dead will not decay." Therefore, holding a pig in the burial objects can show wealth and the status of the tomb owner. However, because of the status and the gap between the rich and the poor, the texture of the jade holding the pig is also significantly different. This jade carving holding a pig is not only Hetian yellow jade, but also the more rare chicken oil yellow. If this jade carving is a burial object, then the identity of the tomb owner must be a prince and aristocrat, with a very high status!"

This remark really caused a discussion in the live broadcast room.

[As expected of being a capable assistant of Christie's auction house, Teacher Shi knows a lot! 】

【It seems that if I have good stuff in the future, I can go to Christie's auction house. At least I don't have to worry about them playing tricks, like some treasure appraisers

The experts on the show are deceiving people everywhere in the name of treasure appraisal. ]

[That's the truth, but the key is that there is nothing! After all, not everyone is Brother Su. I suspect he has a ghost. Otherwise, why is he always so accurate in finding a bargain! ]

[No, your focus is all wrong, right? According to Teacher Shi, this jade carving is probably a burial object in the tomb! ]

[What's wrong with a burial object? Who knows when this jade carving was dug out? Brother Su bought it through a regular channel, not by tomb robbery or digging it out! 】

【That's right...】

Zhao Jianbo was completely confused: "You mean, this jade carving is from the Han Dynasty?"

Ma Wenjun nodded solemnly: "Yes, this jade carving is from the Han Dynasty, so I said that the market price inferred by your friend is inaccurate. The value of this jade carving is not only in the quality of the jade."

Zhao Jianbo was completely dumbfounded, and said: "Then, how much is this jade carving worth?"

Ma Wenjun touched his chin and pondered for several seconds before slowly saying: "The chicken-oil yellow Hetian yellow jade is rare, not to mention This jade carving is not small in size and is rare. The estimated market price is around 10 million. In addition, it is from the Han Dynasty, so the value will definitely go up. I don’t know the exact price, but it is definitely over 10 million. By the way, Shi Jun, your auction house is not specialized in valuation. Take a look at the specific value of this jade carving. "

Shi Jun: "Wait a minute, I'll call the appraiser of the auction house."

After that, he took a few photos as usual, posted them in the work group, and then tagged a colleague to let him evaluate the price.

At the same time.

Office of the Deputy General Manager of Liu Group.

Liu Ben was processing documents.



Liu Bo, who was dyed yellow hair and looked lazy, rushed in with his mobile phone and shouted: "Dad, you should watch this live broadcast!"

Liu Ben was furious when he heard this: "What live broadcast! Can't you see that I am handling official business! Also, I let you join the company to let you study hard, not to let you watch live broadcasts in the company! Where is your boss, why don't you know to stop you!"

Liu Bo waved his hands: "How can they stop me! Dad, you should check the phone first. There is a Hetian yellow jade pig from the Han Dynasty in this live broadcast! And it is exactly the same as the jade carving that was lost in our house!"

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