The more Song Yong looked at it, the more he liked it. His eyes were glued to the mother sculpture.

Zhao Jianbo waved his hand: "How can I get this thing? Su An collected it."

"Collected it? Where did you collect it?!"

Song Yong was stunned and looked up at Su An.

Su An told the truth: "I collected it when I was collecting waste in a hardware grocery store."


Song Yong was dumbfounded. He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Hardware grocery stores also sell ancient copper coins?

Zhao Jianbo was also confused. Hardware grocery stores collect ancient copper coins. Isn't this ridiculous?

Seeing the two people's expressions of doubting life and doubting that they had heard it wrong.

Su An briefly recounted: "The father of the owner of the hardware store likes to buy antiques. This copper coin was collected from him, including the painting..."

"Damn, this is all right?"

Song Yong was shocked.

He has been playing with copper coins for decades, and this is the first time he has heard of someone buying copper coins from other people's collections, and the key is that he bought real ones!

It is a rare narrow Xuantong Tongbao mother coin!

Zhao Jianbo was shocked and gradually became numb: "Is this what the saying goes, luck is unstoppable? I buy fakes in a pile of real things, but Su An sells real things in a pile of fakes? And buy two??"

Su An estimated the value of this copper coin at more than one million, and he roughly estimated the value of that painting at more than one million!

The two together are almost three million.

This is too unreal!

Su An received two real things worth one million from an old man.

It's incredible.

After Song Yong was shocked, he held the copper coin in his hand and looked at it repeatedly. He believed in his experience that this mother coin was genuine!

So, he didn't hesitate and asked directly: "Mr. Su, how much do you plan to sell this mother coin for?"

"1.49 million."

Su An reported the system's estimated price.

"1.49 million?"

Song Yong looked up at Su An and was shocked.

The mother coin that was once collected by a famous Beijing artist was auctioned at a high price of 1.49 million at an auction house in 2022, far ahead of other mother coins and was called the most expensive mother coin.

Although he watched several live broadcasts of Su An and knew that he not only had a sharp eye but also had a good estimate, he was still greatly shocked by what he saw with his own eyes.

This knowledge is terrifying!

But this price is a bit high for him. After all, the 1.49 million includes a commission of more than 100,000 yuan.

Song Yong said with embarrassment: "1.49 million is a bit high. Although your mother coin is of good quality in all aspects, this price is really a bit high. In the spring auction of 2022, a mother coin with similar quality as yours was sold at an auction price of 1.495 million, which also includes a commission of more than 100,000 yuan.

Now less than two years have passed. Even if this mother coin is very popular, it is difficult to sell it because the increase is too high, unless you sell it to an auction house. But with the current market conditions, you can sell it to an auction house for a maximum of about 1.5-1.6 million, including commissions. In total, it is about 1.4 million. Moreover, the auction house will take a long time, at least three months. So Su An, you might as well lower the price and sell it to me. Although it will be tens of thousands less, it is not bad for your current worth, and it can also save time and energy, and you can get the money immediately. What do you think?"

Su An did not speak, but glanced at Zhao Jianbo.

Zhao Jianbo waved his hand at him, indicating that he gave up the competition.

He is a businessman. If the price is so tight, how can he make money?

It is better to sell it to Song Yong and get a favor for free. Why not?

Su An saw this, thought about it, and was a little tempted.

Since the last time the museum paid the final payment for several months, Su An prefers to take cash.

Convenient and fast, less trouble!

And Song Yong was right. His current net worth is indeed not bad for the tens of thousands. There is no need to drag it for several months for the extra tens of thousands.

"Boss Song, how much are you going to pay?"

"I'll pay 1.45 million. This price is definitely not a small amount. Su An, don't think I'm cheating you. If you don't believe me, you can ask Lao Zhao about my character. This price I give is not small. Even if you go to other places, unless you meet a collector who particularly likes this copper coin, no one can give me this price!"

Song Yong vowed.

Really cruel.

Cut off 40,000 with one knife!

Although I was prepared, I was still not prepared enough.

However, for the sake of cash, I can bear it for a while.

You can't let others make nothing!

"Okay, then 1.45 million. This is my bank card number. You can transfer it directly to my bank card."

Su An took out his mobile phone and turned out the bank card number.

Seeing Su An agreed, Song Yong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Okay, add me on WeChat, copy and send me the bank card number, and I will transfer it to you in two installments. I have a card limit, and I can only transfer hundreds of thousands at a time. Please pay attention to the payment."

"No problem, then trouble you, Boss Song."

Su An scanned the code to add Song Yong and sent the bank card number.

"No trouble, it's easy."

Song Yong opened the bank APP, copied Su An's card number, and started the transfer.

During the transfer, Zhao Jianbo came over.

During the time the two of them were discussing, he had already looked through the auction prices of Pan Su's previous works, and asked friends in the industry to get a rough estimate.

"Su An, I just checked. The transaction price of Pan Su's works is roughly between hundreds of thousands and more than one million. This Wan Shan Hong Bian is a relatively famous work, so I offer 1.68 million. What do you think?"

Zhao Jianbo was a little nervous. After all, he was not a professional appraiser and could only give a rough estimate.

Ten thousand more than the system price?

Su An frowned slightly. The system price is the standard market price. However, when it is actually auctioned, the price will change due to the number of existing works or the degree of preference. It may be high or low. It mainly depends on the popularity of the collection. After all, few collectors really understand the art in the painting. Most of them use it to appreciate or to save face for themselves.

Pan Su's reputation is not small, and his strength is comparable to Zhang Daqian, but in terms of popularity, he is far less than Zhang Daqian, so the popularity of this painting is far less than Zhang Daqian. It is almost impossible to sell it at a price higher than the system.

Boss Zhao is too impatient.

Su An said, "1.6 million, take it."

Zhao Jianbo was shocked and waved his hands repeatedly: "1.6 million? No, no, no, this price is too low..."

Su An said seriously: "Just 1.6 million, believe me, the audience of this painting is not wide."

Zhao Jianbo was stunned when he heard it, and his heart was touched.

He knew that the audience of this painting was not wide, but he hadn't received anything for too long, so he was inevitably a little anxious. The original estimated price was actually 1.65 million, and he added 30,000 more just to get it.

But unexpectedly, Su An still saw it.

His frown loosened, his smile became relaxed, and he nodded vigorously: "Okay, then 1.6 million."

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