The old woman died before, and these things were forgotten to be thrown away.

What bad luck!

The old woman died before, and these things were still kept until now.

"I don't want them anymore, you can take them away, but you can't charge the price of your mirror as scrap. Look at this mirror, it's still intact and the style is good. It can be sold at a good price!"

"I collect scraps, not second-hand things. I can only charge the price of your mirror as scrap. If you don't want to, you can take the mirror to the second-hand market to buy it. But the edge of your mirror has been bumped a lot, and there are scratches all over the mirror. Even if it is sold second-hand, I guess no one is willing to buy it."

Su An said with good temper.

Mirrors are cheap now, but few people are willing to buy second-hand mirrors.

Even if you like the style, there are several gaps on the edge of the mirror, and the style is incomplete, so it can't be sold at a high price.

Not to mention that the mirror is full of scratches, no one will buy it.

The spirited young man looked at Su An with disdain: "You are really poor and crazy. You are reluctant to give a little money. No wonder you come out to collect waste. With your mind, you will never get rich in your life!"

Su An looked at the spirited young man and smiled: "You have a big mind, so why are you fighting with me for this little money? Why don't you just give me the mirror and the waste."

The spirited young man was immediately ignited by these words.

"Why should I give it to you? I would rather throw it away as trash than give it to you for free! I tell you the truth, I don't need your money! This bag in my hand alone is worth 7,000 yuan, why do I need this little money? I am different from you, I will be a big boss in the future, so I look down on this piece of junk! Your money is not even enough for a fraction of my bag!"

The spirited young man took out the leather bag with Gucci clipped in it and shook it in front of Su An, looking like an arrogant rich second generation.

"So are you still selling this mirror? If you are selling it, I will weigh it." Su An asked expressionlessly.


"Sell, of course I will sell it!"

The middle-aged woman hurriedly stopped the spirited young man and rushed to say.

She knew that what Su An said was true. This mirror really couldn't be sold at a high price in the second-hand market, and it was a waste of time. Moreover, this mirror was used by the dead old woman when she was alive. It was unlucky to keep it. Although she knew it in her heart, she was still very unhappy that she didn't get a bargain. She cursed in her heart: Poor people are poor people. If you are reluctant to give a few dollars, you will never get rich in your life!

"Sell it, but this mirror is a copper mirror, it is made of copper. You have to give it to me at the copper price, 44 per kilogram, not at the scrap iron price of a few cents!"

"No problem."

Hearing this.

Su An immediately started to weigh.

There was only one copper mirror in the room that was made of copper. He put it aside and weighed it separately, and bought it according to the recycling price of scrap copper.

"These waste paper shells are 32 yuan, plastic bottles are 6 yuan, and there are some other fragments of iron and stainless steel waste, worth 35 yuan. This copper mirror is only half a catty, 11 yuan, a total of 84 yuan, cash or prestige?"

Su An calculated the price and asked.

"It's just a small amount of money, I can't even afford a barbecue meal!"

The spirited young man looked disdainful and opened the mobile payment code: "WeChat, who still uses cash in this era!"

Scan the code.


81 yuan has arrived.

The money is cleared!

Su An dragged the bundled waste downstairs and put it in the tricycle, then took off his gloves and prepared to leave.

After riding the tricycle out of the community, Su An called Zhao Jiabo of Jubaozhai.

"Boss Zhao, I received another small gadget today. I would like to ask you to take a look, identify the authenticity and estimate the price."

Zhao Jianbo replied: "Okay, I'm in the store now, and Boss Li hasn't left yet. You can bring the things over, and we can have lunch together."

"Okay, it's a bit far from here, it may take about an hour."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you."

Hang up the phone.

Su An immediately rushed to the direction of Jubaozhai.

The place where he bought scraps was at the South Gate, and Jubaozhai was at the West Gate. If it weren't for the good cooperation with Zhao Jianbo, he wouldn't have spent so much time going to Jubaozhai.

Netizens in the live broadcast room heard their conversation and were all confused.

[? ? When did Brother Su buy a small thing? Why didn't I see it! ]

[I didn't see it either! When did Brother Su find a bargain again? ]


Early this morning, Li Ming drove to Jubaozhai and couldn't wait to collect his silver coins.

The antique shop he opened also sold silver coins, which were specially purchased by coin collectors.

Li Ming came to Jubaozhai, and after confirming that it was the genuine one from last night, he immediately transferred money to Su An on his mobile phone.

Since this business was introduced and completed by Zhao Jianbo, Li Ming insisted on treating him to a meal.

People in their line of work spend most of their time treating people to meals, and business is negotiated at the wine table, so they are also important customers of many high-end restaurants.

It was not yet noon, so Li Ming was still in Zhao Jianbo's store.

"This bamboo branch design is really good. With this one, my store's modern silver coins are complete!"

Li Ming looked at the silver coin and rubbed it repeatedly with love.

At this time.

Zhao Jianbo smiled and said, "Boss Su received a small gadget and wanted me to help take a look."

Li Ming was confused: "He received something again so soon? Is he really a junk collector? I suspect he is a professional bargain hunter!"

"Haha, I also suspected this. His vision is too sharp. He received three good things yesterday alone!"

Zhao Jianbo sighed: "Meteorites, porcelain plates, coins, and collectibles from different fields can be seen through at a glance. Even professional bargain hunters can't achieve this vision!"

"Such a wide range of interests? But he looks very young, only twenty-one or twenty-two. Logically speaking, at his age, he is only half-baked in studying the collections of one field, let alone several different fields! What did he do before? Could he be the young master of a collecting family, who has been exposed to collectibles since childhood, so he knows so much?"

Li Ming said with some surprise.

Zhao Jianbo shook his head: "It shouldn't be. He is a graduate of Longguo University of Media, and his major is not related to collection."

"A graduate of media, so why would he collect waste?" Li Ming was surprised.

Zhao Jianbo smiled: "He participated in the live broadcast program "Graduation Challenge". He must have a career, and he chose to collect waste."

"Live broadcast program? Collecting waste? Is this a script deliberately arranged by the program team?"

Li Ming frowned slightly and couldn't help asking.

Don't blame him for thinking too much. His major is not related, and he is young, but he knows more than these old guys who are in their 40s.

How is this possible!

Zhao Jianbo thought for a few seconds and shook his head: "It's impossible. All media graduates from all over the country have to participate in their live broadcast program, not just him! And if it's a script, why do they want us? Why not find actors to play? Finding actors to play can also avoid unexpected emergencies."

"You're right!"

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