The two sides have been in a state of panic, and the two sides have been in a state of panic.

Seeing this message, Su An's typing hand paused.

Boss Zhao is serious!

To be honest, Boss Zhao is still a good friend. Although he is a little bit cunning, he has helped him many times.

This time the other party took the initiative to ask for help, and his words were sincere. Su An really had no reason to refuse.

Of course, after all, it involves a price of tens of millions, and the interests are overwhelming. For his own safety, Su An did not rush to agree, but asked about the location of the appraisal of calligraphy and painting.

Zhao Jianbo quickly responded that the location for the appraisal of ancient paintings was in Nanjiang City, Qinglu Mountain Summer Resort.

Nanjiang City is mountainous, and Qinglu Mountain is especially famous for its scenery. Every summer, it attracts a large number of people to hike and camp. Therefore, some businessmen smelled business opportunities and built a luxurious summer hotel near the waterfall on the mountainside for the rich to escape the heat in summer.

The identification area is in the hotel. According to the current temperature, there must be a lot of people in the hotel, and the hotel serving the rich will have no less security measures.

There will basically be no problem with his safety.

After confirming this, Su An replied and agreed: "Okay, I can go with you. By the way, when does your friend plan to go?"

The reward of 350,000 is nothing to Su An. It is mainly to help Boss Zhao and to repay the other party for his care for him before.

Zhao Jianbo typed quickly: "The time is agreed. We will arrive at the hotel where the collectors live to see the paintings at 7:30 tonight. It's only about 1 o'clock now. It will take about four hours to reach the destination by highway. As long as we leave before 3 o'clock, it will be fine. What do you think?"

Su An frowned slightly: "7:30 tonight? Then why don't we leave now? In this way, the arrival time will be at most 5 o'clock. Isn't this time just right?"

After all, it is a transaction of tens of millions of ancient paintings. In order to be on the safe side, it is safer to identify them under sufficient care during the day.

You should know that the light during the day and at night is different. Under the sunlight during the day, the details and colors of the ancient paintings can be seen more clearly, and the identification will be more confident. There are even many collections that can only be identified under the sunlight during the day, because some colors appear completely different under the sunlight and under the flashlight!

At night, the light becomes weaker. Even if there is a small flashlight specially used for antique identification, it is still not as good as the sunlight, and the probability of identification errors will be greatly increased.

This is why most antique markets are more popular during the day.

Of course, there are people in the antique market at night, but that is generally a ghost market. To put it bluntly, it is completely based on luck and Taobao, which is completely different from a serious transaction.

There are many tricks to deceive people in the ghost market, especially those who want to get rich overnight by Taobao. Few veterans are willing to go, unless they are very confident in their own strength!

"I'm afraid it won't work. I asked my friend before, and he said that someone in the owner's family is seriously ill and has been lying in the ICU. The collector stays in the hospital during the day and will only leave the hospital at six o'clock in the evening. The hospital is a little far from the hotel. It takes him exactly one and a half hours to rush back. And my friend has already paid a deposit of 1 million."

Zhao Jianbo replied quickly. He also felt that it was inappropriate to appraise at night before, and tried to persuade his friend, but this was the reason he got.

Su An frowned slightly when he saw this, and subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

If you really care so much about your family lying in the ICU, and you stay in the hospital worriedly all day, then why do you go back to the summer resort hotel an hour and a half away from the hospital at night? Aren't you worried that your family will get into trouble at night?

It's contradictory!

"Okay, let's do it at 7:30. I'll drive the car directly to your store after I finish my meal."

Although he realized that it was wrong, Boss Zhao's friend had already paid the deposit, and no matter how much he said, it wouldn't change anything.

"Come over directly. I haven't eaten yet. I'll send you the restaurant address. You can come directly according to the address and have dinner together before leaving."

Zhao Jianbo replied immediately.


Su An didn't pretend and replied to the message.

After that, he immediately rushed over according to the restaurant address sent by Zhao Jianbo.

An hour later.

Su An parked the electric tricycle in the underground parking lot and came to the restaurant.

Zhao Jianbo was already waiting in the restaurant, and waved to Su An immediately when he saw him.

Su An saw him and walked over immediately.

"Isn't your friend coming with us?"

He pulled out a chair and sat down, asking casually.

"Yes, he lives a little far from here, about ten minutes away.

Zhongcai will arrive, let's eat first and don't wait for him."

Zhao Jianbo was very casual.

From his tone, he should have a very good relationship with that friend.

Su An said "oh" and said nothing more.

Soon, a table of dishes was served, and the two began to eat.

Just after eating a few bites, Su An remembered something and said, "Do you know Teng Dong?"

Zhao Jianbo swallowed the roast duck and nodded, "Yes, Teng Dong is quite famous in the antique circle. He used to work in the Haihai Museum. He has strong professional ability, good personality, and is kind. The antique appraisal fee is not high. Sometimes he will help people with difficulties to appraise for free. He has a very good reputation in the circle."

"Really? Doesn't he love money? Why does he help people with free appraisal?"

Su An frowned and asked.

Zhao Jianbo was stunned and asked curiously, "Love money? Who told you that? Mr. Teng doesn't love money at all. He is very frugal on weekdays. He lives in an old rented community and rides an old bicycle when he goes out. If he loves money, then there is no one in the world who doesn't love money. "

Hearing this, Su An became more confused. He wanted to ask more carefully, but he remembered that he was live streaming and could only swallow his doubts.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jianbo suddenly said at this time: "It's pitiful to say that Mr. Teng is also pitiful. His wife was diagnosed with cancer a year ago, and it was still in the late stage. I heard that she had undergone several operations. The house in Changhai was sold and all invested in the hospital.

Also, didn't he work in Changhai Museum before? Just because he heard that Dr. Zhu of Qingjiang People's Hospital was good at treating cancer, he resolutely quit his job at the museum and came to Qingjiang City. He rented a house in an old and dilapidated house next to the hospital. While taking care of his wife, he helped people with identification. The identification fees collected were all used to treat his wife. I heard that his wife spent 50,000 yuan just for a box of medicine! Such expensive medicine, his wife has to take a box every month, without interruption, this is just the medicine cost, there are also hospitalization fees, surgery fees, these are like a mountain, pressing on Mr. Teng. To be honest, I rarely admire a person, but for Mr. Teng, I admire him from the bottom of my heart! "

After listening, Su An suddenly realized.

Mr. Teng loves money, but he doesn't love money.

He loves money because money can treat his wife's illness, and he doesn't love money because he has no demand for money and material things.

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