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Shen Li's mind went blank and she tilted her head, somewhat doubting what her ears heard.

"...I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you just said. Can you say it again?"

She would rather suspect that there is something wrong with her ears than she can't believe that Su An dared to refuse donations directly in front of so many people and live broadcast netizens.

Su An raised the corners of her lips, raised her voice, and said word by word: "I don't donate!"


The noisy scene suddenly became quieter because of Su An's words.

Everyone looked over.

[Damn, Brother Su is so tough! 】

【Just hammer! He is deliberately embarrassing people! I didn’t expect him to be this kind of person. He has made hundreds of millions by picking up leaks and is unwilling to donate even hundreds of thousands. This kind of person is simply a cancer in society! 】

【cancer? Brother, do you know what cancer means? You always say people are cancer, but I think you are the biggest cancer in society! 】

[Donation is a personal choice, so what if Brother Su doesn’t donate? Who stipulates that he must donate! 】

[Yes, I support Brother Su! If I don’t donate, what can you do to me? 】

【Unlocked! The quality of today's netizens is worrying. As the saying goes, if you are poor, you can only benefit yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world! Su An is worth hundreds of millions, and a few hundred thousand is just a drop in the ocean to him. He is unwilling to donate even this small amount of money to the poor people, which is simply shameful! What's more, he is still the most popular Internet celebrity on the Internet. Every word and action will have an impact on those who follow him. Such a person should promote positive energy and actively donate, rather than clinging to his own money and not willing to take any money. Come on, such a person is simply unworthy of society. When I think that such a person is the most popular Internet celebrity now, I feel deeply worried about the future of Longguo! 】

[It’s just a donation, but it caused you to break your defenses? Brother Su's refusal to donate is like breaking a law of heaven. If you really want to contribute to society, just go ahead and donate! 】

[That’s right, a group of defense-breaking brothers! 】

[Brother Su is not an iron rooster. He was able to directly ask Boss Zhao to give a commission of 350,000 yuan to Mr. Teng before, which shows that he does not value money. There must be his reasons for not donating this time. Anyway, it is definitely not because he is reluctant to give up money! 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room were in a quarrel.

In just a few minutes, Su An lost more than 100,000 followers.

Not only was the live broadcast room noisy, there were also whispers at the venue.

"Isn't this Su An very rich? I heard that his net worth has reached more than 200 million, but he is not even willing to donate hundreds of thousands?"

"Hmph, do you think everyone is a person of Mr. Shen's level? Are you willing to auction all the collections and donate all the money from the auction? This Su An looks like a small citizen at first glance, but he is just lucky and relies on picking up leaks. He has made more money in a short period of time than he could have imagined in his whole life, but the root of poverty is always there in his bones. Look at the clothes he is wearing, it looks like street food. I bet it does not cost more than a hundred yuan. Let him donate. Hundreds of thousands, wouldn’t it cost him his life?”

"That's what ordinary citizens are like. They just got lucky and made some money. But they are still poor at heart. Money is more important than life!"

"Tsk, tsk, this kind of person actually came to the auction and stood with us. It's really annoying!"

"Hurry up and take a picture. I've long been unhappy with this guy. I worked hard to open the company and ran it day and night. I didn't dare to stop for a moment. Even so, the net profit a year was only one or two million. This This kid has accumulated a net worth of 200 million in just over half a month. It’s really unfair!”

"Sure enough, comparison is harmful. Compared with Shen Laoyi, such a person is a complete clown!"

Shen Congwen looked in the direction of Su An, his face was green and white, his two gray and white eyebrows were tightly moving towards the middle, his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, almost ready to spit out fire!

Where did this wild boy come from!

He actually caused trouble at the auction!

If it weren't for the concern of so many people present, Shen Congwen would have ordered Su An to be kicked out.

But now.

He brushed aside the people who were whispering and whispering to each other, forced the anger in his heart, and said calmly and calmly: "We are not forced to donate. It is your wish whether to donate or not. Of course, you don't have to donate. I am still very grateful for the donation. Everyone, it was you who made me, an old man, understand that on this road of public welfare, I am not the only one working hard, but you are also behind me.

It is your donations that can give hope to farmers who have been severely affected! Some time ago, I received a call from Longguo TV to go to Gannan to express condolences to the victims.

At the invitation of the people, I will make a banner with your name and donation amount. Not only will the farmers who have been benefited know your contribution, but also the TV station and the people of the entire Dragon Kingdom will know your righteousness! "

The impassioned words of these words instantly ignited the atmosphere present.

Emotions over donations reached a fever pitch.

Many wealthy people who have donated have even made additional donations.

Nonsense, the name and amount will be made into a banner, they don't want to be compared with others!

In a few minutes, the donation amount reached 10 million!

Seeing this scene, Shen Congwen was very satisfied and motioned to the bodyguards on the side.

The bodyguard received the signal, walked up to Shen Li, and whispered a few words in her ear.

Shen Li glanced at Su An, said nothing more, avoided Tian Youcai and reached out to hold her hand, and returned to Shen Congwen.

Tian Youcai was rejected by his sweetheart, so he was inevitably angry at Su An, and said displeased: "Su An, I'm not telling you, you're young, don't value money too much! I asked you to come over to help this time, and the commission I paid is Two hundred thousand, you won’t lose anything by donating the two hundred thousand, why do you have to make everyone unhappy... Uh-huh..."

Before he could finish his words, Zhao Jianbo covered his mouth, and he could only make a series of unexplained grunts.

"Stop talking, you think there aren't enough people to come over? Besides, Su An is right. If he doesn't want to donate, he won't donate. Why do you want you to take care of so much? Is it because you want to please that bitch Shen Li? Everyone wants to Like you, I have to donate even if I don’t want to!”

Zhao Jianbo lowered his voice and gritted his teeth.

To be honest, if it weren't for the sake of face, he wouldn't want to donate!

Tian Tian on the side looked at Su An, his eyes full of disappointment.

Her morals told her that donating money is everyone's obligation. What's more, Su An is not short of money, but he is unwilling to donate a penny to those poor farmers, which shows that he has no sympathy at all in his heart!

Is such a person really worthy of her love?

This moment.

The tall image of Su An in her heart suddenly collapsed.

Su An naturally felt the disappointment in Tian Tian's eyes, but so what?

He doesn't care at all!

Moreover, he looked at Mr. Shen and his group, his eyes full of ridicule.

A good person?

A philanthropic person who brings fake goods to auction?

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