The price of the painting is very high.

Su An threw the question back: "Boss Zhao is an expert in the field of calligraphy and painting. There are many people who ask you to do calligraphy and painting appraisal. You must know more about this than me, so it is more appropriate for you to estimate the price."

"Okay, I'll check the information and see Mr. Song Wenzhi's calligraphy and painting transaction records in recent years, and then make an estimate."

Zhao Jianbo calmed down at this time.

He was excited just now, so he asked Su An to estimate the price, but after all, it was his professional field, so it was more appropriate for him to do the valuation himself.

Valuation is a technical job.

If you underestimate, it will hurt your feelings, and if you overestimate, you will suffer!

Zhao Jianbo's mind turned over.

He came to the backyard rest area of ​​Jubaozhai with his mobile phone and started to call experts in the same field.

After the call, he started to check the auction transaction information.

In the store.

Li Ming made himself a cup of tea and asked with a smile: "Su An, since you can see the real painting hidden under the fake painting, and you can also tell the origin of the painting, then tell me, how much can these four paintings sell for?"

Su An also poured himself a cup and said lightly: "One million and five hundred thousand upwards."

As soon as the words fell.

Zhao Jianbo rushed in and said with a smile: "Su An, I want to pay one million and five hundred thousand for your four seasons landscape screen. Mr. Song Wenzhi's landscape paintings in recent years are about two hundred thousand per painting, but these four screens are a whole, and the price can only be higher, not lower. I also have his transaction records in recent years. You can take a look. If you think the price is not suitable after reading it, we can talk about it again."

Su An waved his hand and said indifferently: "There is nothing to see. I believe you. It's one million and five hundred thousand. You can keep it."

Hearing this.

Li Ming was stunned.

"It's really going up to 1.5 million!"

The look he gave Su An suddenly changed, with some awe in his shock.

That's called professionalism!

"Okay, or the same card? The limit of one card is 1 million. I'll transfer it to you with two cards, so I don't have to go to the bank."

Zhao Jianbo was excited and opened the mobile bank to start transferring money.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were completely excited.

[Duo Shao? You mean Duo Shao? ? ? ? ? ]

[Fuck! You bought a six-sided screen for 200, and you sold it for 1.52 million? ? ? ]

[Fuck! 1.52 million? ? I don't even dare to dream of so much money! ! ! ! ]

[I knew Brother Su wouldn't make a mistake, he was a ruthless person, Brother Su, you are my god forever! ]

[Is the anchor really a junk collector? 】

【Brother, please stop broadcasting, it's quite boring. Of course, I don't care, but my friend said that he felt uncomfortable after watching it, and was sweating and wanted to sleep. Of course, it wasn't me. I have always been very good and won't be so easily broken...】

The fans were jealous and envious.

"I received the money. The two bosses can chat slowly. I'm leaving first. See you later."

Su An picked up the two unopened landscape screens on the ground, threw the things in the car casually, and rode the tricycle.

He drove towards the second-hand trading market.

Zhao Jianbo and Li Ming didn't look away until Su An's back completely disappeared.

The two looked at each other and were silent for a long time.

"Old Zhao, how do you think Su An can see that the real painting is hidden under the fake painting through the glass?"

The more Li Ming thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. If it was just a layer, it would not be strange to touch it, but how could he see it through the glass?

Moreover, they were both there at the time, but they didn't see any problems at all.

Forget about him, but Zhao Jianbo is an expert in calligraphy and painting appraisal!

Even he didn't see anything wrong!

Moreover, it's not right to say it was luck.

After all, Su An looked very confident at the time, very sure that it was a real painting!

Zhao Jianbo suddenly realized: "You mean..."

"Script! This must be the script arranged by the program team!"

The two looked at each other and spoke at the same time.

It was a little after two o'clock in the afternoon.

Su An came to the nearest second-hand trading market.

There were many things on the market, clothes, shoes, toys...

Su An turned around and went directly to a second-hand furniture store.

There was not much business at this time, and there were not many people. The boss was sitting on the computer chair at the door of the store, leisurely browsing a certain sound.

"Boss, I have two landscape Chinese painting screens here, do you want to take them?"

Seeing Su An unload the two screens from the car and bring them to the boss.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

[Damn! Brother Su is really ruthless. He earned more than 1.5 million yuan from eating a meal, but he went to the second-hand market to sell two Feng Shui screens! ]

[Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Su is really the best at thrifty housekeeping! ]

[Rich people really think differently. If I had more than 1 million yuan, let alone sending the Feng Shui screens to the second-hand market to sell, I would have kicked the tricycle away with a flying kick on the spot, and I would have enjoyed it long ago by collecting the hammer waste...]

The live broadcast room was discussing fiercely.

Su An took the two Feng Shui screens to the boss who was watching short videos.

The boss reluctantly took a screenshot of the long legs of the black silk lady and saved it, and then looked at Su An.

"Why are there only two?"

He frowned and asked in surprise.

Feng Shui screens are usually four, six, eight, or ten, and at least four!

Su An smiled and showed two Feng Shui screens, introducing: "Hey, I bought these two Feng Shui screens from a restaurant. Although there are only two, you can see that the landscape paintings are very good, the frame quality is also very good, not inferior, and it feels heavy when held. Moreover, the two can just be hung in the small study. Wouldn't the atmosphere be improved immediately?"

The boss carefully looked at the two Feng Shui screens in Su An's hand, and then reached out and knocked on the frame.

After a while, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, the wood texture is good, and the landscape paintings on it look quite artistic. It's okay to sell them to those little girls. How much are you going to sell these two landscape screens for?"

Su An smiled and said, "I bought them for 200, you give me 240, and I'll make some shipping fees."

"Okay, the price is reasonable."

The boss didn't bargain and directly transferred the money to Su An.

After receiving the money, Su An drove away again and went to the scrap yard. His car was full of scraps and he had to sell them as soon as possible.

Follow the navigation prompts.

After more than half an hour, Su An finally arrived at a relatively large scrap collection station.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Su An chatted with the viewers in the live broadcast room with a dry mouth:

"Brothers, I am now at this relatively large scrap collection station. The small collection station I went to before had scales. This collection station is quite large. I hope there will be no tricks with the scales! Alas, do you think it is easy for me to earn some hard-earned money by collecting scrap in the hot summer? I have worked hard for most of the day, but I don’t know how much this truck can sell for. Alas, it is getting harder and harder to make money now!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were silent.

What a joke!

It turns out that the 1.52 million sold before was really not money?

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