It’s authentic!

Authentic handwriting of Lu Xun!

Zhao Jianbo was shocked but felt it was too unreal. He asked uncertainly, "Teacher Gu, Teacher Shi, are you sure this letter is really from Lu Xun?"

Gu Bin glanced at him and nodded affirmatively, "This letter This is a letter written by Lu Xun to his editor Tao Kangde. The content mainly gives Tao Kangde's opinions and suggestions on learning Japanese. In Lu Xun's opinion, Japanese is enough for reading papers. If you want to learn Japanese to read novels, And it is not necessary to read it in depth. It is better to learn European characters, because Europe has great works and great creations. The content of these words is plain and simple, which is Mr. Lu Xun's consistent wording style, and the signature also echoes his habit. From my professional perspective, the handwriting is impeccable. From many aspects, there is no doubt that this letter is Lu Xun's own letter. "

Shi Jun also said: "Although I am not a professional handwriting appraiser, the engraving and The handwriting is similar, so in my opinion, this letter is absolutely authentic. ”

Both experts confirmed that the letter was written by Lu Xun himself.

Especially Gu Bin, as a handwriting appraiser of the auction house, he is quite prestigious in the industry.

If he says it is real, then it cannot be fake!

Zhao Jianbo got a positive answer, even though he was prepared, he was still shocked. I stayed there for a long time and couldn’t recover.

Su An was very calm, as if he had expected it, and said: "Then two teachers, please give an estimate for this letter."

Gu Bin and Shi Jun looked at each other. On the way here, they After reading the information of Lu Xun's notebooks and getting a rough idea of ​​the price, Shi Jun said after confirming that the letter was authentic:

"According to the auction prices of Lu Xun's manuscripts and letters in previous years, the value of this letter is about 600 It fluctuates around 400,000, but this is the price for a private transaction. If it is put on the auction house, after multiple people bid, the price will rise a lot, and it is estimated that the highest price can reach around 6.7 million or 8 million." Gu Bin added: "The auction price is 6.8 million, but after the commission and tax, the seller can only get 6.5 million. The difference is only tens of thousands, not too much."

"The private transaction is 640 Ten thousand? ! "

Zhao Jianbo was stunned by the number after he came to his senses.

Although he had guessed that if this letter from Lu Xun was handwritten, the price could reach more than one million.

As a result, Gu Bin directly priced it at around 6.4 million!

You know.

There are only about 200 words on this letter!

That's equivalent to,

30,000 per word!

This is the real value of a word!

Hearing this estimate, Su An was very calm. He had known the price of letter paper from the system a long time ago, so he was not surprised at all.

But the people watching the excitement were shocked.

Everyone's scalp was numb.

Staring at the folded letter Serious letter paper, my eyes are almost glowing green!

"Oh my god! That's 6.4 million!!!"

"Oh my god, I thought that book was awesome for 5,000, but the letter inside was over 6 million!!!"

"This The little brother is really lucky, this is faster than winning the lottery!"

"Do you remember that he only spent a thousand to buy the cardboard box! He made more than four thousand just from that book, which is quite As for the six million, he got it for free! ! "

[Oh my god! I didn't expect that letter was really Lu Xun's original work!]

[No, Lu Xun is just a writer, not a calligrapher. That letter is really Lu Xun's original work!] Why did the letter sell for more than 6 million? 】

【You don’t understand this! Celebrity handwriting is valuable, and although Lu Xun is not a calligrapher, his position in literary history is unshakable. , it is not an exaggeration to say that this letter was sold for over 6 million. 】

【I feel like the boss who sells cardboard boxes wants to die! 】

【I knew that Su Ge was the ancient Greek god in charge of picking up bargains! 】

【Look at the boss's expression, I think he's about to break! 】

The netizens in the live broadcast room all looked at the boss on the stool. At this time.

He also heard the estimate given by Shi Jun and Gu Bin.

After hearing the astronomical figures, he immediately suspected that he had heard it wrong, and hurried forward to ask: "Two experts, what did you just say? How much is that piece of letter paper? "

Gu Bin glanced at him, his eyes full of sympathy: "Six million four hundred thousand, upwards."

"Ah? Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly?"

The boss's brain crashed seconds, stupidly said.

"Minimum six

1.4 million!" Seeing him like this, Gu Bin was not angry, and raised his hand to gesture the number. "Oh, it's really 6.4 million, haha, it's really 6.4 million, I thought there was something wrong with my ears, it's really 6.4 million..." The boss's voice became smaller and smaller, but a smile appeared on his face. However, that smile looked like a cry of extreme grief. 6.4 million! That's 6.4 million! This is fucking 6.4 million!!! He sold these cartons, even with coaxing and cheating, and only made 20,000 or 30,000 at most! But this broken letter, he Damn, it's only worth more than 6 million!

He can't make more than 6 million in his life!

Thinking of this.

The boss completely collapsed!

He stared blankly at the letter paper in Su An's hand, and a strong unwillingness surged in his heart. If he had been more careful, the more than 6 million would have been his. No, the six million should have been his. As if possessed, he rushed forward a few steps and said excitedly: "Little brother, how about I return the one thousand to you, and you return this letter paper to me. This letter paper originally belongs to me. I can also compensate you and give you all the money I earned today, as long as you return the letter paper..."

"What? Boss, do you want to default on your debt?"

Su An smiled on his face, and his hands moved very quickly. He inserted the letter paper into the book and held the book tightly in his arms.

"There are so many people here. I have paid for it. The whole carton is my stuff, including the letter paper in this book. The transaction is completed, and the money and goods are cleared! ”

The people watching the excitement around them nodded and interrupted.

“You can’t do this, boss. People have paid for it. You want it back?”

“That’s right. The money has been paid. This thing belongs to the young man. How can I take it back?”

“Brother, keep calm and don’t cheat!”

“Once you buy it, you can’t sell it. How much it is worth has nothing to do with you. Don’t you think so?”

“Alas, I understand you, brother. To be honest, if I encountered this, I would also collapse. This is more than 6 million yuan. I can buy two houses in the first ring of the main urban area!”

“You can only blame yourself for not having good eyesight. You don’t know the treasure in front of you. You don’t have this kind of eyesight. This money can only be earned by people with good eyesight! "

He glanced at the crowd of onlookers who were talking about it.

The boss also knew that he was in the wrong. The moment he took the money, the book and everything inside belonged to Su An. Even if he tried to snatch it or make a scene, it would be useless. The police would not stand on his side. The six million yuan had nothing to do with him and could only belong to Su An.

Thinking of this.

The boss wanted to slap himself twice. If he had been more careful before, the six million yuan would be his!

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