The price of the calligraphy is too high.

Twenty-six million!

The onlookers gasped.

This young man is so lucky!

If the old man knew, he would probably go to heaven!

Su An looked calm and was not surprised.

Deng Fei and Jiang Cai could not sit still and asked anxiously: "Teacher Shi, are you serious? Is this calligraphy really worth twenty-six million?"

"If it is confirmed to be Mi Fu's authentic work, it is worth this price."

Shi Jun said.

Deng Fei said anxiously: "Then Teacher Shi, do you know any experts who can identify calligraphy? Please come and have a look!"

Shi Jun ignored him and looked at Su An.

Su An nodded: "Please ask a few experts to identify the authenticity of this post."

"Okay, I'll call now."

Shi Jun heard this, took out his mobile phone, and made three calls in a row.

Hang up the phone.

He said to Su An: "I have invited three relevant experts. They are nearby and will be here in about half an hour."

After that, he glanced at the crowd of onlookers and whispered: "There are so many people and eyes. Let's find another quiet place to wait."

"Teacher Shi, go to my store and wait. My store is just a dozen meters in front. The place is large and it is guaranteed to be absolutely quiet and no one will disturb you!"

Deng Fei said hurriedly, his tone was very excited.

I didn't know, I thought the post was his!

"Okay, one of the three experts happens to be your master, Liu Jingcheng, so it's appropriate to go to your house."

Shi Jun didn't think much and said directly.

After he finished speaking, he felt that he was too arbitrary and a little inappropriate, and looked at Su An: "What do you think, Su Xiaoyou?"

"Okay, I also called Boss Zhao, he should be here soon, just wait here."

Su An didn't care, the things were his, it didn't matter where they were.


Shi Jun took the running script, and Su An held the box, and came to the store that Deng Fei mentioned.

Looking at the familiar sign in front of him, Su An was stunned for a few seconds.

This place, isn't it the store of the aunt who cheated him before!

What a coincidence!

The three entered the yard and waited for others to arrive.

During this period, the aunt's attitude changed 180 degrees, and she was warm and hospitable, not as harsh as before, especially to Shi Jun, she was extremely flattering.

Su An sneered in his heart and ignored him the whole time.

Not long after, Zhao Jianbo arrived.

After him.

Three experts arrived one after another.

The first to arrive was Deng Fei's master Liu Jingcheng, who was about 60 years old and from the history department. He studied the history of Song and Ming dynasties.

The second person to arrive was Song Zicheng, who was in his 40s and specialized in studying Song Dynasty calligraphers. He especially loved Mi Fu. He studied Mi Fu's life, interpersonal relationships, and calligraphy and painting works. He wanted to use a magnifying glass to magnify Mi Fu's entire life and study it carefully and thoroughly.

This kind of person.

Generally, they love the whole person from his works. They regard Mi Fu as an idol and are very fanatical fans!

The last person was an acquaintance. It was Gu Bin who helped Su An identify Lu Xun's letter paper in the morning.

As a handwriting identification expert, he not only identifies the handwriting of contemporary literati and scholars, but also identifies the handwriting in various calligraphy and painting works. This kind of work is very popular. As long as it involves handwriting comparison and judging whether two or more handwritings are from the same person, professional talents like him are needed.

These three people cover all aspects and can identify running script from three aspects.

None of the three can be missing!

As long as these three people give the appraisal that this calligraphy is Mi Fu's authentic work at the same time, it means that it is absolutely authentic and there is no doubt about it. It is more useful than any authentication certificate!

The first person to arrive was Zhao Jianbo. When he knew it was Mi Fu's calligraphy, he was stunned. After a while, he shook his head and said that he could not identify it.

Liu Jingcheng, who arrived later, looked at it carefully for a long time and quickly came to the conclusion: "This handwriting is most likely from Mi Fu's hand. Mi Fu was born in Xiangyang, Hubei. He is a calligrapher, painter, and calligraphy and painting theorist. He is famous for his calligraphy, and his greatest achievement is in running script. He is also good at seal script, official script, regular script, and cursive script. Because of his long-term imitation of ancient calligraphy, he can achieve a level of authenticity.

He is collectively known as the "Four Masters of Song Dynasty" together with Su Shi, Cai Xiang, and Huang Tingjian. In his early years, he was once appointed as a doctor of calligraphy and painting by Song Huizong. But he is not only a calligrapher and painter, but also an appraiser and collector! But because of his bizarre behavior and his solitude, he is considered too crazy by the world, and he is called "Mi Dian".

For example, the creation background of this Yanshan Inscription is actually that Mi Fu got

Lingbi stone, because this stone is in the shape of a mountain, it can be used as an inkstone pool to grind ink, so he couldn't let it go. For three consecutive nights, he had to hold this Lingbi stone to fall asleep. Even so, he still felt it was not enough, and wrote a running script post "Yanshan Ming" for it, which shows that his behavior is quite bizarre. "

Liu Jingcheng said a series of words in one breath.

Feeling a little dry, he tilted his neck to drink a sip of tea, and then said: "This calligraphy post looks like Mi Fu's authentic work, both in terms of content and style characteristics."

Hearing this.

Deng Fei immediately asked excitedly: "Master, according to your meaning, this running script post is Mi Fu's authentic work?"

Liu Jingcheng nodded: "I see that the handwriting and running script style are the same as Mi Fu, so I think it is very likely to be Mi Fu's authentic work. However, whether it is authentic or a high imitation depends on the analysis of Song Zicheng and Gu Bin. After all, my focus is on history, not calligraphy appraisal. "

Deng Fei immediately looked at Song Zicheng and Gu Bin.

Song Zicheng's face was almost stuck to the running script. He adjusted the heavy glasses on his nose and nodded solemnly: "It is Mi Fu's calligraphy. I won't be wrong. Mi Fu didn't determine his own calligraphy style until he was about fifty years old in his later years. This Yanshan Ming is his late work. The strokes of the characters are like knives and axes, and the momentum is like a rainbow. The thick ones are like rafters. The few sentences are very strong, surging, heavy and majestic. It is a mature work and a masterpiece of Mi Fu's calligraphy!"

"I also think this is Mi Fu's authentic work. "

Gu Bin, a handwriting identification expert, spoke up immediately, and he looked quite excited: "From a professional point of view, Mi Fu's calligraphy often has a sideways posture, and he goes to the right before going to the left, and he suppresses before he exalts. These all increase the ups and downs of the style, and this copybook also has these style characteristics, even the details are exactly the same. In modern society, except for photocopiers, no one can make the handwriting exactly the same as others!"

In order to show that his point of view is correct.

Gu Bin also mentioned some of Mi Fu's writing habits and font characteristics, and compared them with the words on the running script, saying that he was absolutely not wrong.

Three experts.

Unanimously identified the running script as authentic.

This running script was indeed written by Mi Fu himself!

Shi Jun said leisurely: "It seems that my eyesight has not deteriorated. The first time I saw this running script, I felt that it was probably Mi Fu's handwriting, but after all, I am not a professional in calligraphy handwriting identification, so I dare not be arbitrary, so I found you. Facts have proved that my guess is correct! ”

After all, he is a calligraphy collector and highly respects all kinds of calligraphy.

Therefore, he has been paying attention to calligraphy for many years and has seen many excellent calligraphy works, so he felt at first glance that this calligraphy is very likely to be authentic!

Deng Fei was completely dumbfounded.

Even if he wanted to say that several people were faking it, he couldn't, because one of them was his master!

What's more, these four people are famous experts in the circle, and they are very careful about their reputation, so it is impossible for them to fake it!


This line of calligraphy is really Mi Fu's authentic work!

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