The police said that the drug was stolen and the police said that the drug was stolen.

All the drugs in the freezer were collected in a pile, and it was roughly estimated that there were several kilograms!

On weekdays, the drugs seized were at most tens of grams or hundreds of grams. These kilograms of drugs were the largest drug case in Qingjiang City in the past two years!

Officer Tang looked solemn: "Su An, this time, thanks to you, we were able to seize so many drugs, but the amount of drugs is too large and the amount involved is huge, so I would like to trouble you to go to the police station to take a statement. Is it convenient for you?"

The statement must be taken, especially when a large amount of drugs is involved.

But for Su An, who has made two great contributions to the police station, Officer Tang was very polite.

Su An didn't care about taking notes, but pointed at the freezer and said, "It's okay to take notes, but do you want to take away the freezer that once contained drugs?"

Officer Tang shook his head: "No, but these frozen fish can't be kept anymore and need to be destroyed."

Su An breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, I bought this freezer for 700 yuan."

If you don't make money, you can't lose money!

Hearing this, Officer Tang laughed: "Haha, don't worry, I won't let you lose money. This time you have made a great contribution. Not only did you successfully seize the drugs, but you also assisted the police in catching the drug dealers. According to the regulations, the higher-ups will definitely issue bonuses!"

Su An instantly became energetic: "How much is the bonus?"

Officer Tang thought for a few seconds: "This depends on the regulations above. I don't know the specific amount, but anyway, it will not exceed 100,000 yuan at least."

After all, it was several kilograms of drugs, and several drug dealers were caught, which was equivalent to destroying a small criminal gang, so the bonus was naturally not less.

"However, you must be careful when you go out during this period. We are not sure whether the drug dealer has any accomplices, but you don't have to worry too much. We will protect your safety and try our best to force out the accomplices of the drug dealer and catch them all in one fell swoop!"

Officer Tang knew that Su An was live streaming, so he specifically instructed.

"I understand."

Su An nodded seriously, but he was not too worried.

He has a lot of viewers in his live streaming room and is well-known. If the drug dealer really wants to do something to him, he will definitely be discovered, which is tantamount to walking into a trap. Most drug dealers are not willing to take this risk.

[Awesome! ]

[The minimum bonus is 100,000, and I am happy again! ]

[The police uncle is right, Brother Su must pay attention to safety and don't be targeted by the drug dealer gang! ]

[He is really the strongest picker. He can get drugs even if he collects a second-hand freezer. I surrender! ]

Police station.

Before entering, Su An turned off the live broadcast, cooperated with Officer Tang to take notes, and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he saw the man in shorts and his younger brother. They had just finished taking notes and smiled and greeted him.

"Brother, thanks to you, we can now have a job!"

The man in shorts kept holding Su An's hand, his face almost broken with laughter.

"You...didn't you get hurt in the head?"

Su An looked at him suspiciously, suspecting that he had been beaten silly by drug dealers.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I heard from my seniors that everyone in prison is talented, speaks well, and is provided with food and accommodation. It's much more comfortable than being a thief!"

After being kidnapped by drug dealers and rescued by the police, the man in shorts completely figured it out. Being a thief is too dangerous. He often fails to steal. It's better to go to prison. At least he is provided with food and accommodation!

Before he could be happy for two seconds, the policewoman who had finished taking notes came out and explained after hearing this:

"You don't have to go to jail. The amount involved is not high, and you stole the things from drug dealers. You are helping the police solve the case in disguise, so you can leave now."


The man in shorts was shocked.

He wanted to ask something else, but the policewoman had already left quickly.

But he quickly came to his senses and sighed: "It seems that I can't count on the food and accommodation. I have to find a new job..."

As he said, he looked at Su An: "Brother, do you make money by collecting waste?"

"Not bad. If you want to collect, how about a freezer?"

Su An asked.

The man in shorts said excitedly: "Will you sell it for 500?"


A good seedling for collecting waste.

He cut 300 right away!

After saying goodbye to the two, Su An left the police station.

It was already evening.

Su An checked the time and prepared to sell the freezer in the car.

This thing takes up too much space, so he can't collect waste!


Second-hand electrical appliance and furniture market.

Su An found a store that specializes in selling refrigerators and freezers.

The boss is a middle-aged couple.

At this time, the boss was angry at the boss's wife.

"I told

The customer said that the freezer was reserved for the customer. They had already bought frozen goods and were waiting for me to deliver the freezer. But now you tell me that you sold the freezer? How can I explain this to the customer? "

The boss lady was panicked and aggrieved: "You didn't tell me before that the freezer was ordered by the customer. If you had told me before, how could I have sold it? Now you blame me again!"

"I didn't tell you? I told you several times!"

"I really don't remember. Otherwise, you can take another freezer. Aren't there several more in the store?"

The boss held his forehead and pointed at the freezers in the store and said: "He opened a store and needs a commercial freezer. These are all home freezers. How can you let him use them? You are really, ah!"

Seeing that the two people were arguing more and more fiercely.

Su An parked the car and immediately interrupted the two people's spellcasting: "Boss, boss lady, I have a commercial freezer here, do you want it? "

The lady boss, who was about to retort, was interrupted by this and was stunned for a few seconds.

The boss reacted very quickly and rushed to Su An and asked anxiously: "Do you want to sell a freezer?"

Su An nodded and pointed to the freezer in the back of the tricycle and said: "This is the freezer I just received. It is a branded product with a particularly good freezing effect. It is best used to freeze frozen goods and ice cream. You can take a look. If you think it is good, I will sell it to you."

The boss glanced at the freezer in the car and immediately said: "Okay, I'll go get the plug board and see how it works when it is powered on!"

The lady boss stopped arguing and came over to help.

The two carried the freezer from the car to the store. While plugging in the freezer, they carefully shone the flashlight inside and outside the freezer.

The boss' eyes lit up and said excitedly: "Not bad, not bad, the air conditioning is very sufficient, it is indeed a branded product! It just has a fishy smell. Did you freeze fish before? "

Su An nodded without blinking: "Yes, the previous customer was dealing in frozen goods."

The boss nodded: "This big freezer is indeed suitable for frozen goods. Brother, how much are you going to sell this freezer for?"

Su An smiled: "One thousand."

The boss frowned and looked at the boss's wife.

The boss's wife winked at him and gestured a number with her hand.

"One thousand is too expensive. Although this freezer is a branded product, it is old after all, and it has such a strong fishy smell... Eight hundred, will you sell it?"

Su An said straightforwardly: "Sell!"

Seeing that he was so straightforward, the boss's wife regretted asking a high price and felt that she was at a disadvantage.

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