The truth is, it's true! ! ! Qin Long was stunned as if struck by lightning. He kept asking, "Boss Dong, are you sure this incense burner is real? Do you want to find someone to identify it? After all, since the Ming Dynasty, a large number of imitations have appeared because Xuande incense burners were loved by emperors. In the Qing Dynasty, there were even more imitations." Dong Rui's face sank, and he felt a little unhappy: "I have been identifying bronze wares for so many years. How can I not tell whether it is real or fake? This Xuande incense burner is from the Kangxi period!" What are you talking about? Are you questioning my professional ability? Qin Long quickly realized that what he said just now was inappropriate, and apologized: "Boss Dong, I am not questioning your ability, but..."

Speaking of this, he showed a bitter smile on his face: "It's just that this incense burner, I wanted to get it before, but the stall owner insisted on 100,000 and would not reduce the price. I was not sure, but I didn't expect to miss it."

Hearing this.

Dong Rui finally understood.

No wonder Qin Long, who has always been a good person, would be so out of control. It turns out that he was picked up by others!

He comforted: "Don't be excited, this is normal. Who hasn't been picked up by others? You are still too young. You will think it through after being picked up a few more times in the future."

Qin Long: "..."

Not comforted at all!


What do you mean by being picked up by others a few more times?

He had heart pain just this time. If it happens a few more times, he will report directly to the King of Hell!

Dong Rui turned his head and looked at Su An and said, "Xuande furnace is an incense burner created during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty. Because it is deeply loved by the emperor, Xuande furnace is needed for ancestor worship, worshiping Buddha, and burning incense, so it has become a sought-after item by powerful officials and wealthy businessmen. However, the construction of Xuande furnace is very troublesome, requiring a large amount of brass, and Xuande furnace needs to be refined twelve times, and some impurities will be extracted each time. In the end, only four taels of brass are left in a pound, and it is still a small tael. In ancient times, it was twelve taels, which is equivalent to only one-fourth, which is equivalent to 125 grams now!

And gold and silver have to be added to it, the cost is extremely high, so since the Ming Dynasty, there have been many inferior imitations, and by the Qing Dynasty, imitations have been rampant, but imitations cannot be compared with the real thing. Brother, you are really lucky. Most people spend 100,000 to buy Xuande furnaces, and 99% of them are imitations!"

This luck, Dong Rui is jealous.

Then, he stroked the outer shell of the incense burner and said: "Look at the shape of this incense burner, it should be used by the ancients to worship Buddha!"

Su An shook his head: "Boss Dong, take a closer look."

Dong Rui looked at him: "No need to look, this is the bowl commonly used in Buddhist temples, it must be used for worshiping Buddha."

Zhao Jianbo held a different opinion: "Take a closer look, Su An will not say anything nonsense, this is definitely not used for worshiping Buddha!"

Dong Rui looked at Zhao Jianbo with a confused face, pointed at himself and said: "You mean, I am talking nonsense? Old Zhao, don't you know my professional ability? Do you think this little brother is more professional than me?"

What made him dumbfounded was that Zhao Jianbo really nodded seriously: "I believe in Su An's ability, but I don't disbelieve you, but everyone has times when they make mistakes!"

If you say this, Su An will not make mistakes?

As if knowing what he was thinking, Zhao Jianbo said seriously: "Of course, Su An is different. He has a very sharp eye and will definitely not make a mistake!"

Dong Rui was completely speechless, but he found something wrong.

He looked at the two and asked in surprise: "Do you know each other?"

Zhao Jianbo smiled and said: "Old acquaintance, Su An is the one I told you about before, a friend who often picks up bargains and sells them to me. He has never been blinded by bargains! The Yanshan Ming scroll of Mi Fu in the wooden box sold to you was picked up by him!"

Hearing this.

Dong Rui and Qin Long were both shocked.

Qin Long's expression was extremely complicated, but he was relieved in his heart.

It turned out that he was a bargain-hunting boss. He could pick up a bargain of Yanshan Ming worth nearly 30 million. It was not surprising that the Xuande furnace was picked up by the other party.

This made him more convinced than an outsider who picked up a bargain relying on luck!

Dong Rui was surprised and said, "I didn't expect that Mr. Su is so young."

Golden seals, celebrity handwriting, wood, calligraphy and painting... including this Xuande furnace, these antique knowledge, Su An in front of him actually mastered them all!

And he mastered more than just the basics. At his age, he actually has such profound knowledge of antiques. This is a bit scary!

Dong Rui humbly asked, "Su An, what do you think this incense burner is used for?"

Su An replied, "For burning incense in the study."

"Study room incense?"

Dong Rui looked thoughtful and asked: "On what basis do you judge?"

Su An picked up the bowl and turned it over to reveal the signature on the bottom: "The incense burner is based on the Xuande period of the early Ming Dynasty, so nine out of the ten incense burners in the back have the signature "Made in the Xuande Period of the Ming Dynasty", but this one is signed "Meizhu Shanfang"! This is because in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, incense burners walked out of the temple and entered the study room, and the Xuande burner became a good product for the study room. Literati and scholars all loved to have Xuande burners in their study rooms, and the beautiful saying "Red sleeves add fragrance" was also circulated at that time."

"So this incense burner imitating the Xuande burner is a privately cast incense burner by a literati."

After listening, Dong Rui believed that Su An said that this incense burner was a study item.

Before, he only cared about checking whether the incense burner was genuine, and only observed the shell, color and material. He naturally thought it was a Buddhist item, but he ignored the history of the early Qing Dynasty. At that time, the Xuande furnace walked from the temple into the study, which attracted the praise of literati. Moreover, this Meizhushan style was carved by literati at a glance. Only they like to do this!

Careful, extremely knowledgeable about antiques, and even very clear about the direction of historical development, no wonder he can find bargains every time!

This is the real bargain-hunting boss!

Dong Rui sighed: "Su An, your eyes are really sharp. No wonder Lao Zhao said you won't make a mistake."

Qin An is now completely relieved. It's not shameful to say that he lost to such a big boss!

Su An said modestly: "I know a little bit."

Seeing him so humble, Dong Rui liked him even more.

Although Qin Long was relieved, he was still very curious about the price of this incense burner, so he asked: "Boss Dong, how much is this incense burner worth in the market?"

This is the time that every bargain hunter is most looking forward to!

Dong Rui shook his head and said: "I can't estimate the price. There are very few records of Xuande furnace auctions. As far as I know, there are no more than one or two, so I must check the information and see the previous auction prices. As for the specific price, I have to ask my friends in this field."

After speaking, he picked up his mobile phone to look for information and called several of his friends in the industry.

Seeing that he couldn't count on him, Zhao Jianbo asked Su An directly: "Su An, what do you think the market price of this incense burner is?"

Su An hesitated for a moment: "About four million!"

"Four million? Su An, are you sure?"

Qin Long looked doubtful.

He believed that Su An was a big shot in bargain hunting, but the valuation still needed professionals.

This incense burner has no decorations and is not complicated. It is not worth four million no matter how you look at it!

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