It was eight o'clock in the morning.

Su An, who had a lot of hangover experience, got up from the hotel bed, took a simple shower, washed up, and had a hotel breakfast, and then started the live broadcast.

As soon as the broadcast started, the number of people in the live broadcast room rose. In just a few minutes, it reached about 50,000 people, and it was still climbing.


The message prompt sounded.

Su An's heart moved, and the action of starting the car stopped, and opened the mobile phone message.

"... Your bank account has received a transfer of 200,000 yuan..."

Along with this message, there was a message from Officer Tan.

"Xiao Jiang, the bonus has been sent to your bank account. Remember to check it. Thanks to your help in seizing the drugs this time. If you encounter any trouble in the future, just look for me."

Su An replied with a thank you and then quit WeChat.

"Good morning, brothers. The 200,000 yuan bonus from the police has arrived, faster than I thought."

Saying hello to the fans in the live broadcast room, Su An turned the electric car key.

[It's a critical hit when the broadcast starts! ]

[Fuck, Brother Su woke up and there were 200,000 yuan in the account. I woke up and there were a series of debts! ]

[The workers' defense was broken from the morning. ]

Su An saw the barrage and was about to say something when his mobile phone rang.

It was the staff who had been squatting behind the platform.

"Hello, Mr. Su. We are the staff of the platform. We are sorry to bother you by calling you last night. We called you this time because we hope you can endorse the products provided by the advertiser and promote the products in the next live broadcast. We have already drafted the specific contract. Where is your current address? We can send staff to your door and hand over the contract and the goods to you."

Endorsing products?

That should be a lot of commission!

Su An thought for two seconds and said, "It's okay to endorse products, but the premise is that you don't delay me from collecting waste, and I don't accept products that require a long explanation."

"No problem, we will select the right products for you according to your requirements, and we will arrange staff to deliver the contracts and goods to you according to your time."

After hanging up the phone, Su An sent the name of the hotel where he usually lives to the program team.

When sending the address, he suddenly felt that it was not a good thing to live in a hotel all the time, and he didn't want to go back to the school dormitory. Maybe it's time to buy a house.

As for the endorsed products, Su An didn't care. His live broadcast didn't make money from viewers watching and giving tips. He relied on picking up leaks. He didn't care whether the audience would dislike the advertisement and quit the live broadcast room. Anyway, he didn't make money from the audience. In comparison, the endorsement fee was still visible and tangible.

Putting away his mobile phone, Su An pressed the horn in the car.

"Collect waste! Recycle all kinds of waste, collect paper, copper, and scrap iron, collect everything!"

Driving an electric tricycle, Su An went south this time, which was completely different from the previous route.

Unknowingly, he drove to the side of the largest hospital in Qingjiang.

There was a surge of people here.

There were small restaurants and fruit vendors everywhere, as well as some medical equipment and daily necessities.

The narrow streets were crowded with people.

Patients in hospital gowns were seen everywhere, eating breakfast accompanied by their families, sitting in wheelchairs to breathe fresh air.

Su An rode an electric tricycle, and it was very difficult to drive along the way. From time to time, he had to stop and give way to pedestrians.

Until the proprietress of a small supermarket called him.

"Young man, are you a waste collector? I have some waste here, come and collect it."

"I'm coming!"

Su An responded, turned the car head and parked it next to the small supermarket.

He followed the proprietress into the supermarket: "I have a lot of incoming boxes here, and they can't be put in the store, and they don't look good. You're here at the right time, help me deal with these boxes."

Su An looked around.

This is a small supermarket, which not only has various foods, but also many daily necessities, which really fulfills the saying.

Although the sparrow is small, it has everything.

He followed the proprietress to the innermost corner of the supermarket.

The proprietress said: "These cardboards are all for sale, you can take them all away."


Su An responded, and his eyes fell on the cardboard on the ground.

They are basically some cardboards. Although there are many, it is not troublesome to sort them out, and it doesn't take long.

"Sister Zhang, are you busy?"

A flattering male voice sounded behind him.

A trace of disdain flashed across the lady boss's face, and she turned around and said, "Xiao Fu, you

What's the matter?"

The words sounded like he was concerned, but his tone was very impatient.

Xiao Fu was a man of about 34 or 35 years old, with a thin body.

There were bloodshot eyes.

He looked sick, as if he would fall down at any time.

Xiao Fu smiled flatteringly, rubbed his palms vigorously and said: "Sister Zhang, the bookstore business has not been good recently, and I have not made any money. My father's pension has been spent by me, and now I can't even afford to eat. Can you lend me some first? I will pay you back as soon as my father's pension arrives next month!"

The boss's wife looked even more disgusted, and said with a pout: "Pay it back to me immediately? You still owe me 3,000 yuan, and you haven't paid it back yet!"

The man promised: "Next time, pay it back together next time!"

The boss's wife didn't believe it at all. She rolled her eyes and said: "Xiao Fu, I have heard you say this no less than five times, and my ears are calloused! ”

She sighed and said, "I don't expect you to pay me back, but for the sake of your father's long-term neighbors, I still have to remind you that you are already thirty-something, and you are still obsessed with online gambling. You don't run the bookstore well, and you wait for your father's pension to arrive every month, and you use it to gamble. Your wife and children are separated from you, and you have sold the house to pay off the debts, but you still gamble! Your father is already in his seventies or eighties. Because he has to pay off your gambling debts, he is now forced to live in a shabby little house. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Xiao Fu heard this, and his expression was not very good: "Sister Zhang, why are you talking about my family affairs! If you want to borrow, lend it, if not, forget it, I will go to borrow from others."

The proprietress said angrily: "What do you think I want to say? It's all for your father's sake, and you have borrowed from everyone you know on this street. Do you think anyone will lend you money? You have gambled so much money, why don't you understand that online gambling is a bottomless pit! "

"Who said that? I just had bad luck. I can definitely turn the tables this time! If you don't want to lend me the money, forget it. When I win big, don't expect me to pay you back."

Xiao Fu was furious and turned around to leave.

Suddenly, he noticed Su An sorting out waste paper boxes in the corner.

After looking at Su An, Xiao Fu rolled his eyes and said to Su An: "A waste collector? It just so happens that I still have a lot of cardboard boxes in my bookstore, which is next to it. Come over and collect them together later!"

After saying that, he left without saying hello.

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