The old man was so drunk that he couldn't bear it.


That's exactly what Su An wanted.

Su An pretended to be impatient and said, "Okay, okay, I'll buy it. How much is it?"


Xiao Fu's eyes lit up and he answered very quickly.

Then he rolled his eyes and took out several comic books from the neatly stacked books, and found fault with them: "These covers are also damaged, and the edges of the pages are dirty. You must buy them all. The total is 400 yuan!"

Su An frowned and said unhappily: "Boss, you are a bit too much. These five books are fine. The covers of the comic books are not removed. They are clean. Why should I pay for them?"

"You knocked them down, so you have to pay for them!"

Probably because Su An agreed too readily before, Xiao Fu thought he was easy to bully, so he put his hands on his hips and said imposingly.

"Whoever wants to compensate can compensate, anyway, I won't compensate!"

Su An threw the comic books aside, stood up and was about to leave.

"I won't accept these paper shells. Find someone else to collect them! But in your bookstore, if you slightly knock over a book, you must compensate. I guess no one is willing to collect it!"

As soon as these words came out.

Xiao Fu's face was not very good.

Because Su An was right, the nearby waste collectors were not willing to take his store's books.

He was lazy and unwilling to take his things to the waste recycling station, so that the bookstore had not received new books for so long, and there were still so many paper shells piled up in his store, all of which were left over from before!

Seeing that Su An was about to leave, Xiao Fu wanted to stop him by force, but when he saw that his thin arms and legs were like matchsticks, he was no match for Su An, who was well-proportioned and a head taller than him.

He had no choice but to give in: "Wait, you can't leave! You must buy the previous books, those books were knocked to the ground and rubbed dirty by you! If you don't buy them, I, I will call the police!"

Hearing this.

Su An paused and glanced at Xiao Fu.

Xiao Fu shivered when he was looked at by him, fearing that Su An would punch him.

"How much are those five comic books?" Su An asked.

"115 yuan." Xiao Fu chose the fearful answer between fear and answer.

Su An sighed, took out his phone and scanned the QR code on the wall, paid, and checked out.

"Turn it over, and the books are mine!"

Su An took two steps back and held the slightly stained books in his arms, including the Shanshui Changyuan.

In fact, the value of four hundred is not worth mentioning compared to Shanshui Changyuan.

But if he took out four hundred so easily, it would only cause the boss's suspicion and make it worse.

After all.

A good man is bullied, and a good horse is ridden!

And the five books he took were indeed stained on the ground.

If he bought these books, it would only make the boss feel that he was indeed paying for his mistakes, which not only showed his position, but also would not cause greater suspicion because of buying only one book.

With these five books, Su An walked out of the store.

Boss Xiao Fu looked up from his prestige balance and asked anxiously, "Where are you going? The store doesn't accept paper shells anymore?"


Su An said coldly, returned to the car, and drove away.

As soon as he drove out of the alley, he saw several children with shaved heads and hospital gowns standing in front of the restaurant and playing.

The children were pale and weak, kneeling on the ground playing with plastic toys.

Seeing them like this, Su An felt a little distressed, so he parked the car at the door and waved to the children: "These four comic books are for you, take them and read them."

Looking at the bald little heads, Su An sighed helplessly.

The children took the comic books, their big eyes were full of light, and they thanked: "Thank you, big brother!"

After that, several little heads gathered together and couldn't wait to open the comic books they got.

There was a little fat guy who seemed to be their leader. He ordered: "Each person has one book. After reading, you can switch with each other. Xiaoqiang, I have finished reading this book of Pea. I want to switch with you to read Old Master Q."

"Ah, but I don't like reading Pea. I want to switch with Tiantian..."

Tiantian said obediently: "It doesn't matter. You can just switch Pea with me."

Seeing that they have assigned how to read the books, Su An smiled and got on the electric tricycle again.

The water friends in the live broadcast room quickly discovered the blind spot.

[Aren't there five books? Why only four were given? ]

[What are you talking about? Can't Brother Su keep the other one for himself? ]

[My intuition tells me that it is definitely not that simple! Brother Su, you

Frankly speaking, is that comic book leaked? 】

Su An glanced at the comments and happened to see this one, laughing in his heart.

These fans really know him!

He glanced at the time.

It was past twelve o'clock.

There was nothing good to eat near the hospital, so Su An drove for more than ten minutes and walked into a hometown restaurant.

He ordered a few stir-fried dishes, and while waiting for the dishes, he took out the shrimp balls and passed them.

A comic book worth more than 30 million yuan, before he made a move, he had to take a good look at where the value of 30 million yuan was.

The yellowed pages were turned over, the paper was intact, the painting was clean, and the character painting was simple but vivid.

[…Is Su Ge reading a comic book? ]

[Fuck, I didn't expect Su Ge to like this kind of comic book. I can't read black and white comics except for color comics, let alone this kind of comic book! ]

[It's not that simple. Brother Su is a person who won't do anything until he sees the rabbit. How could he suddenly fall in love with reading comic books? Moreover, this comic book looks a bit like a manuscript, not a published book. Could it be the manuscript of a great artist? ]

He flipped through dozens of pages in a row.

The content of the book is similar to the system introduction. The previous part describes the story of the lower-class person Xiaqiu.

He doesn't appreciate paintings very much, but the lower-class life in this comic strip is described very cruelly, as if the author has experienced these lives.

However, is it worth more than 30 million?

Sure enough.

The value of art is immeasurable.

Su An shook his head, not understanding but respecting.

He was just about to close the comic strip.

In the live broadcast room, someone suddenly gave a reward.

[Tomorrow] He gave a reward of 1 rocket and left a message: Boss Su, I like this comic strip very much. How much can you give?

[Fuck, rocket! I have been watching Brother Su for so long, but this is the first time I see someone giving rockets! ]

[Strange, I just checked this comic book, and I can buy one for just over ten yuan online. Is it necessary to buy the one Su Ge has? ]

[I guess he thinks the ones Su Ge has are all cheap. Didn’t someone snatch the cans Su Ge picked up at school before! ]

[Rich people really think differently. One rocket costs one thousand yuan, so how many dozens of this book can be bought! ]

Su An saw it and raised his eyebrows.

Did he meet an expert?

It seems that being famous has not only disadvantages, but also advantages.

If this person really wants to buy it, it will save trouble.

Boss Zhao will definitely not be able to chew this hard bone of more than 30 million comic books. As for Shi Jun and others, they are only interested in calligraphy and definitely not interested in this.

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