The old lady was interrupted halfway through her words and was stunned: "You got married at such a young age?" "Yes, you already have a child." Su An added another heavy hammer. This time. The old lady stopped talking. She looked at Su An with pity and her attitude became cold. "Young people get married so early now?" Muttering a few times, she staggered out of her pocket and handed a bunch of keys to Su An: "Here, here are the keys." After that, she ignored Su An and went for a leisurely walk. Su An breathed a sigh of relief. For these old people, going crazy really works. After putting away the keys, Su An started playing with his phone.

He was free, so he thought of Liu Wanting and found her live broadcast room to see what she was doing.

In the live broadcast room.

Liu Wanting returned to the store.

As soon as she entered the store, all her colleagues surrounded her.

These colleagues looked familiar to Su An, after all, he had seen them in the store before.

"Wanting, you are amazing! You sold the village in the city in Yuxin Street! I remember that house has been on the market for half a year and has never been sold. I didn't expect that you can sell it in the current low housing market!"

"Look, this is what it means to be capable. I usually ask you to learn more from Wanting and stop playing with your phone all day. Look, Wanting sold such a difficult village in the city. This is called professionalism! And this house can be increased by two points. The company commission alone is 40,000."

"You are only talking about the company's commission. I just calculated that Wanting set the price of this house at 2 million, and gave the owner 1.9 million, and made a profit of 100,000. Even if you give The company gets half, and still gets 50,000, plus commission, a total of 90,000, this is a huge profit!"

"Wanting, you made so much today, you have to treat us!"

Liu Wanting made a lot today, and was in a very good mood. She said cheerfully: "Okay, I'll treat you all after get off work. I'll take you out for a meal. You can eat whatever you want, but I have to follow a client first. This client has several properties. I've been following him for a few days. He may sell one today. His house is in a good location. I have to follow him closely. You guys play first. I'll send a message in the group when I'm done."

"No problem, Wanting is capable!"

The colleagues laughed and stopped pestering Liu Wanting.

In their business, customers always come first.

Liu Wanting took out her mobile phone and prepared to discuss with the client to see if she could get the house sold before get off work.

As soon as she picked up her phone, she saw that the client had sent her a message.

"I'm going to Yuxin Street to do something. It just so happens that the house is nearby. You come over and we'll discuss the price after you're done. I'll sell one if the price is right."

"Yuxin Street again?"

Liu Wanting muttered, and quickly replied that it was no problem. She rode her electric bike and prepared to go to Yuxin Street.

"You are worthy of being the sales champion. You are still doing business even when you are about to get off work."

Su An couldn't help but sigh when he saw Liu Wanting doing business non-stop.

After watching for a few minutes, seeing that the other party was riding a bike and there was nothing to see, Su An switched back to his live broadcast room.

About ten minutes.

Zhao Jianbo was the first to rush over.

He was the first to answer Su An's call. After receiving the call, he drove over as soon as possible. In addition, the location was not far away, so he rushed over quickly.

"It's really too congested here. There are people and cars everywhere. Parking spaces are hard to find. The nearest underground parking lot is far away from here."

Zhao Jianbo couldn't help complaining when he saw Su An.

He seldom comes here, mainly because of the traffic jam and difficulty in parking.

Yuxin Street is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the city center, with tall buildings and large shopping malls. There are also several subway stations nearby, which are destined to have the largest flow of people in this place.

As for this old and dilapidated house, there is no parking space at all, and small cars can't drive in. Only electric tricycles and small electric vehicles can drive in.

After complaining, Zhao Jianbo walked into the house and asked as he walked: "Where is the carved wooden bed?"

Su An smiled and said: "Don't worry about that, do me a favor first."

"What favor?"

"Pour the pickles for me."


Zhao Jianbo looked at Su An with a confused face, and tilted his ears. He suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

"Pour salty... pickles?"

Su An nodded to him affirmatively: "

That's right, pouring pickles."

"Is it pouring pickles as I imagined?" Zhao Jianbo was even more confused.

Su An touched his chin: "It should be, right? Maybe it should be called pickles? You'll know if you follow me to the kitchen."

Zhao Jianbo was confused and followed Su An. He was dumbfounded as he watched Su An open the wooden lid and reveal the pickles inside.


Is it really pouring pickles?

"Help me, this jar is too heavy, I can't move it by myself."

Su An saw Zhao Jianbo standing there in a daze, looked up and greeted him.

"Oh? Okay, here I come! "

Zhao Jianbo responded blankly. He had poured antiques and wine, but this was the first time he poured pickles!

Smelling the salty and sour smell that went straight to his head, Zhao Jianbo doubted his life.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing??

His thoughts flew far away, but his hands still cooperated with Su An. The two of them worked together to carry the jar to the back door.

"Be careful, porcelain is very fragile, don't knock it."

Su An carefully tilted the porcelain jar and poured out all the pickles inside.

Zhao Jianbo came back to his senses and didn't care: "Isn't it just a pickle jar? If it's broken, it's broken. There are jars like this everywhere. If you like it, I'll give you two someday. They are bigger than this one and can pickle more pickles. But Su An, can you pickle pickles?"

Su An smiled and said without saying a word: "Then I'd like to thank Boss Zhao first. When the time comes, you must give me two porcelain jars like this one, which are bigger than this one. Don't forget it. "

Zhao Jianbo waved his hand: "It's a small matter, no need to thank me, this kind of porcelain jar is everywhere, it's not worth much."

He felt dizzy when he smelled the pickled vegetables, and didn't look at the porcelain jar carefully at all.

He just took a quick glance, and the kitchen was not bright, so he only knew it was a blue and white porcelain jar.

This thing is sold everywhere, and there are many as tall as a person. Most people use it as a vases, but this family is not ordinary and uses it to pickle pickles.

Thinking in his heart, he heard Su An say: "Okay, you can let go."

Zhao Jianbo immediately let go of his hand, and immediately went to find the faucet and washed his hands desperately.

The smell was too strong!

Seeing him like this, Su An smiled and shook his head, found a section of water pipe for watering vegetables next to him, pointed the water pipe at the jar, and rinsed it hard.

Just a few minutes after rinsing, he heard a series of footsteps.

Shi Jun and others came.

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