The bed is on the bed.

"Bed, bed?"


This is a bit ambiguous!

Everyone's eyes suddenly became a little erratic.

Zhao Jianbo said with a stiff face: "Su, Su An, are you serious?"

Su An nodded seriously: "Yes, the things are on the bed."

He looked at the few people who were reluctant to move, and was a little confused.

Wasn't he quite active just now?

Shi Jun coughed lightly: "Didn't you just look at this wooden bed? What else can be inside it?"

"Yes, didn't you look at it?"

Xie Fugui also responded beside him.

The rest of the people didn't say anything, but it was probably the same meaning.

Su An looked at the people who were hesitating and felt puzzled. He even thought about asking them to find the wooden box by themselves to see how good their eyesight was.

As a result, things went a little wrong?

"This box, take a look."

Seeing that everyone did not move, Su An had to take the box on the bed out and put it in front of everyone.

"There really is something!"

Zhao Jianbo came over and said in surprise.

"Of course there is something, otherwise why would I ask you to look on the bed?"

Su An was getting more and more confused.

"Haha, I didn't see anything at a glance just now, and I didn't notice this box. Alas, my eyesight is not very good when I get old."

Zhao Jianbo scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

The others looked up at the sky, with a flash of embarrassment on their faces.

Wei Shan suddenly came over and looked at it carefully: "I wonder what kind of wood this box is made of... Hey, it's really good wood! It's actually Huanghuali. As expected, his ancestors had high-ranking officials. The folding dressing tables used by women for dressing are all made of Huanghuali!"

He stroked the wooden box, his expression excited.

Hearing this.

The other people all looked over.

[Fuck, I saw Brother Su holding that wooden box, but I didn't expect that this small wooden box was made of Huanghuali! ]

[Huanghuali is good, but it also depends on where the Huanghuali comes from. Hainan Huanghuali is particularly valuable. Huanghuali with good quality is sold by kilogram, 10,000 to 20,000 per kilogram! But the price of Vietnamese Huanghuali is very low, about the same as ordinary wood, just a little higher. ]

[One kilogram is 10,000 or 20,000, this price is not low! But after seeing the carved wooden bed, this one is boring. Besides, this box is so small, it is estimated to be at most ten pounds, and worth about one hundred thousand yuan, which is not very valuable. 】

【Brother, this is not valuable? This is just an ordinary box, which costs only a few dozen yuan outside. It is not expensive to sell it for a hundred thousand yuan? A hundred thousand yuan can buy a BYD! 】

Liu Wanting has never heard of Huanghuali and does not know its value, but she has a hunch that this thing is not cheap, and her eyes immediately look at Wei Shan.

As expected.

Wei Shan began to show off his knowledge: "Huanghuali has a longer history than Phoebe nanmu, and its value is higher than Phoebe nanmu, but Huanghuali also has to be divided by region. Hainan Province's Huanghuali is the most precious. In the Ming Dynasty, it was also called Hainan sandalwood. Its preciousness is only slightly lower than that of red sandalwood. Moreover, Huanghuali wood is extremely stable, will not deform or crack, and will not bend, so it is suitable for making all kinds of furniture.

Huanghuali wood is hard, and the color ranges from light to dark. The edge is light yellow and the center is reddish brown. Not only is the color bright, but its texture is also very beautiful. There are seven common textures, namely ghost face pattern, ghost eye pattern, landscape pattern, , tiger skin pattern...etc., among which the ghost face pattern is the most popular. The ghost face is actually the unique knot scar phenomenon formed by Huanghuali wood after encountering a bad growth environment. It looks like a human face or a fox head, or the texture of an old man's head, so it is called the ghost face pattern. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hainan Huanghuali was synonymous with high-end furniture. The furniture used by high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen was Hainan Huanghuali. This also led to Hainan Huanghuali being over-cut and even endangered. Now, Hainan Huanghuali has been listed as a national first-class protected plant because of its rarity! "

Golden Silk Phoebe is a national second-class protected plant, while Huanghuali is a first-class protected plant, which shows how precious it is.

At this time.

Zhao Jianbo, who was standing by, looked at the folding mirror table and asked curiously, "Is the wood of this folding mirror table Hainan Huanghuali or Vietnamese Huanghuali? I've heard of both, but I never knew the difference between them."

"Of course it's Hainan Huanghuali! As for the difference, look here."

Wei Shan pointed to the texture of the folding mirror table and said, "These black spots are only found in Hainan Huanghuali, not Vietnamese Huanghuali. Moreover, they feel different. Hainan Huanghuali is very slippery and has a warm touch.

The Vietnamese ones feel very smooth, while the Vietnamese ones feel very rough. "

Hearing this.

Zhao Jianbo reached out and touched the folding mirror.

"It is indeed very smooth, like touching a young lady's hand, especially a young lady in her twenties, whose skin feels like this, smooth, hehehe..."

Zhao Jianbo didn't know what he was thinking about, and the smile on his face became more and more obscene.

"Cough cough cough cough cough! "

Su An coughed several times.

He was still live streaming. If Zhao Jianbo continued to talk, his live streaming would be blocked.

Zhao Jianbo was awakened by the rapid cough. After coming to his senses, he scratched his head, winked, and showed a smile that everyone understood.

Wei Shan rolled his eyes at Zhao Jianbo and snorted: "Touch is only one aspect. The most important aspect is the fragrance. The main reason why Hainan Huanghuali is called Hainan Sandalwood is because it emits a strong sandalwood fragrance, which is strong but not pungent. It is good for the body to smell it often. The fragrance of Vietnamese Huanghuali is very light. If you smell it carefully, it has a spicy and stimulating smell, similar to the smell of pepper!"

Zhao Jianbo smelled the wood carefully and exclaimed: "It does have a sandalwood smell, which is quite nice. According to what you said, this wood is Hainan Huanghuali, which is more rare than golden nanmu. What is the market price of this mirror table? "

Wei Shan looked at the Hainan Huanghuali folding mirror table, touched his chin and muttered: "The current market price of Hainan Huanghuali is 10,000 to 20,000 per catty. This wooden box Huanghuali is top-grade and worth 20,000 per catty..."

In order to restore the image he had just lost, Zhao Jianbo hurriedly said: "20,000 per catty, then this box is estimated to be about 10 catties, isn't it worth about 200,000?"

"More than that."

Ji Xian on the side suddenly spoke up.

Zhao Jianbo was stunned: "Why?"

Ji Xian raised his hand and touched the folding mirror table, and smiled: "When the wood has no historical value and craftsmanship value, it will be priced according to the value of the wood itself. This folding mirror table is obviously made for women to put on their makeup and jewelry. It can be opened to dress up, and it is an ordinary wooden box when closed, which is convenient to carry. It can be seen that the craftsmanship is not ordinary and quite ingenious. Moreover, according to the shape of this folding mirror table, it is very likely to be made in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, with a long history!"

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