A little bit of warmth and coolness passed across his cheeks in an instant.

Shen Yian touched his face in a daze, feeling the slight wetness.

Did she just sneak attack him?

Looking again, Ye Liyan had put on her hat without knowing when, and her little hands deliberately lowered the brim of her hat, like a child who had made a mistake, trying hard to cover up something, and her silly look poked someone's girlish heart.

Shen Yian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and skillfully grabbed Ye Liyan's little hand with a smile in his eyes: "Let's go."


The only response he got was the girl's shy voice as thin as a mosquito.

A handful of golden light was sprinkled in the sky, reflecting the river surface and dyeing the passing ships with a layer of broken gold.

Cheng Hai carried a long sword, looking far away, and wearing this layer of golden light, he looked like a golden armored general who was about to go on an expedition.

Even Hua Niang, who knew countless people, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It's a pity that it's a zombie face, alas~


The door opened, and Shen Yian walked out holding Ye Liyan's hand.

"Young Master."

"Young Master."

Cheng Hai and Hua Niang, who had been waiting for a long time, saluted at the same time.

"Go back."

"Yes, Young Master."

The two small boats slowly approached the shore against the rippling river. Hua Niang stood at the bow, waving the silk gauze in her hand and called delicately: "Young Master~ Walk slowly~"

She was accompanied by a female companion, and she would not say such tactless words as "Master, come and play next time~".

In my heart, I still hope that these well-educated noble children will come often, spend a lot, give a lot of tips, and don't harm the girls on my boat, why not.


The holy land of sword cultivation in the world-Southeast Sword Lake.

Legend has it that this place is a corner of the ancient battlefield. A peerless sword fairy once came here and built it into his cave.

As time went by, the sword immortal rode his sword eastward and never returned. A sword-making family moved here and found that this place was rich in gold and iron deposits that the family had dreamed of. They stayed here and cast swords that filled the plains for miles.

Later, a huge flood came from the east, destroying everything and drowning everything. The sword-making family disappeared, and their swords remained here forever.

As history changed, a scholar who was rushing to take an exam passed by and fell into the lake. After being rescued by the villagers, everyone found that the scholar had an old iron sword in his hand.

Many brave villagers jumped into the lake to find out.

A young man who was very good at swimming dived deep and was shocked to find that the bottom of this huge lake was densely packed with swords.

The young man went into the water three times and tried his best, but he couldn't pull out a sword, and finally returned in disappointment.

The story of Jianhu Lake spread by word of mouth, attracting countless people from far and wide, just to see if the bottom of the lake is the same as the rumor.

Because Jianhu Lake is close to Dongnan Mountain, there are many people and it is called Dongnan Jianhu. From then on, it was named Dongnan Jianhu.

And the scholar who fell into the lake, after waking up, seemed to have lost his soul. He did not go to take the exam, but sat cross-legged by the lake all day holding the shabby iron sword.

After countless days and nights, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the scholar suddenly stood up and laughed at the sky.

"A blue lotus emanates primordial chaos,"

"Three thousand worlds in one sword!"

"I understand! I finally understand! Hahahaha!"

According to the recollection of a sword cultivator present.

That day, he seemed to be surrounded by countless sword sounds, and beautiful blue lotuses bloomed on the entire Jianhu Lake. Accompanied by the hearty laughter, a blue-clothed sword fairy stepped on the sword and went east, and never returned like the peerless sword fairy.

That scholar later had a title that everyone knew - Chu Fengge, the Poet Sword Immortal!

The Poet Sword Immortal suddenly realized and went into a trance, and he rode his sword eastward and never returned.

Word spread from one to ten, from ten to a hundred, and from a hundred to a thousand. More and more sword cultivators came here to admire his reputation, and Southeast Sword Lake truly became a holy place in the hearts of sword cultivators.

At dusk, the setting sun left only a line of blood red in the sky, and a faint mist lingered on the lake from all directions, adding a bit of mystery to Sword Lake.

A trestle bridge that was neither wide nor long extended into the lake, with four or five small boats moored around it.

At the end of the trestle bridge, an old man in a straw raincoat sat cross-legged, his body slightly bent, holding a bamboo pole in his hand.


The old man's drooping eyes slightly raised, his skinny old hand tightly grasped the bamboo pole and suddenly lifted it up, and a fat carp jumped out of the water.

"You don't seem to be a sword cultivator, why are you here?" The old man took off the hook and put the carp back into the lake.

"Get the sword."

Fu Sheng bowed and saluted with the scabbard in his hand.

"Get the sword? Just jump into the lake and get it yourself. Why are you here, old man?"

"No, you smell like that brat."

The old man suddenly frowned and his voice became three points colder.

"You came here to get his sword?!"

"Yes." Fu Sheng replied.

"Damn it, that brat used the entire sword lake to feed his broken sword. Do you know hisWhat bad things have you done with your broken sword? ! "The old man could no longer maintain his otherworldly appearance, and he jumped up and pointed at Fu Sheng and started to curse.

Fu Sheng silently took a half step back, avoiding the attack range of the old man's saliva.

While cursing, the old man's face was stern, and a warm look appeared in his turbid eyes. He clenched the bamboo pole with his big hands, and his arms were throbbing with veins. He gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, it's been so long, and you finally took the bait!"

The huge Sword Lake suddenly gave rise to a huge vortex and waves, and even the mist dissipated a little. The pier also trembled under the impact of the waves. It seemed that something terrible was about to come out of the lake.

"Come out for me!"

The old man was surrounded by terrifying true energy, and his whole body swelled up unconsciously. The bamboo pole had been bent into a C shape, but it was still tough and had no tendency to break.

"Roar!!! "

A hundred-meter-high water curtain suddenly rose from the center of the vortex, and an unknown roar resounded through the world. All the beasts in the forest were silent, and a large number of birds flew up in fright.


As the water curtain fell, Fu Sheng instinctively took a half step back, his eyes widened, and in his ink-black eyes, he reflected a five-clawed black dragon circling in the air with its fangs bared and claws bared!


A creature that only exists in legends!

There is actually a black dragon in this sword lake!


Fu Sheng suddenly came to his senses, and when he looked closely, he found that the black dragon was not a physical entity!

The scabbard in his hand trembled and echoed with the black dragon from a distance.

Is this your highness's sword?!


The black dragon roared angrily at the old man, and the huge dragon body turned into a three-foot-long sword hanging in the air.

"Hmph, beast! I will destroy you today! "

The old man pulled the bamboo pole, and the fishing line wrapped around the hilt of the long sword suddenly exerted force to pull it down.


Hearing the sound, he glanced behind him, and the old man glared and shouted: "You want to take it? !"

"Ka! "

The big hand turned the bottom of the bamboo pole, and a thin sword as thick as two fingers was drawn out and slashed down. The green and majestic sword energy instantly tore the pier.


The yin and yang fish appeared between Fu Sheng's eyebrows, and the pale aura in his right hand condensed to collide with the majestic sword energy. The domineering aura tore through the sword energy and surged towards the old man.

The old man was surprised, and the thin sword in his hand stabbed into the air. The aura was divided into two streams with the tip of the sword as the point and slammed into the lake.

Dozens of meters of water curtains were stirred up, and two streams of light, one blue and one white, stepped on the floating wood on the lake and collided quickly. The sharp sword energy and domineering aura continued to surge around as if to break the sky.

The world suddenly became quiet.

A long sword flew over, and Fu Sheng raised the scabbard, and the long sword automatically returned to the scabbard.

The old man standing in the distance said in a condensed voice: "Take it and get out!"

Fu Sheng glanced at his right hand full of sword marks and bowed, saying: "The junior has something to say. "

"That brat? He must have nothing good to say!" The old man frowned and snorted, his tone was a little softer than before.

"May I ask if you are empty-handed again today?"

After saying that, Fu Sheng flew away quickly, leaving the old man standing there for two seconds before he started to curse.

"Cough cough..."

The old man coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and looked at his arm that was almost twisted into a knot by the terrifying force, and sighed: "Where did this little monster come from again? It's so unlucky."

"Forget it, it's time for the old man to rest for a while..."

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