You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 17 Come on, I'll teach you how to get people! [Ask for monthly votes and recommendation

Before Fang Lei made any move, several other beings quietly followed the scattered flesh and blood clones.

Fang Lei narrowed his eyes. Just now, he was attracted by the tripod and did not carefully check the surroundings. He did not expect that in addition to the person who possessed this treasure, there seemed to be another group of cultivators with unknown purposes here?

Moreover, the most important thing is——

"Interesting! It seems that I have met a "normal person" again? And they are in groups, and they seem to be carrying out some tasks?" Fang Lei touched his chin and looked at a certain figure.

Although this person looks like a twisted mass of flesh and blood, it is just an appearance. It should be a treasure used for disguise. Under the treasure is a young man with a firm face.

This person is wearing a set of Taoist robes engraved with Qingyun, but the style of this dress made Fang Lei narrow his eyes.

Because this is very similar to the Taoist robes of a certain force when Qin Xuejian was crossing the tribulation that day. Even if the two are not from the same clan, they must be of the same origin. At the very least, they can't escape from mutual reference!

Yunzhou, one of the three thousand continents of the human race, is now a large continent with nearly 95% of its land occupied. There are only two sects and one pavilion left in the human race. They have jointly established an alliance, called Yunmeng.

This alliance has three leaders, namely the three heads of Qingyun Sect, Fuhai Sect, and Guanxing Pavilion.

The first two sects are responsible for lurking and reconnaissance information, secretly destroying plans and attacking Kexiu, and even constantly training human cultivators to resist Kexiu.

As for Guanxing Pavilion, it is mainly to deduce the secrets of heaven and detect Kexiu's secret plans.

Lu Jiangtao is the captain of the Qingyun Sect's leading demon hunting team. This time, their team received information from Guanxing Pavilion that a magic weapon held by Zhang Mang, a cultivator of the Ke family in Yunzhou, may have to pass the divine weapon tribulation.

Once this magic weapon successfully passes the tribulation, they in Yunzhou may no longer be able to resist.

So the goal of this mission is to attack and kill Zhang Mang, stop Kexiu's plan, and at the very least, destroy this divine weapon that is about to pass the tribulation.

The three leaders will be responsible for containing most of the main forces of Ke Xiu, so this operation will not have any guarantee and must go deep into the enemy's hinterland to carry out the mission.

As one of the best demon hunting teams in Yunzhou, Lu Jiangtao and his team took on this task without hesitation, and there were two other teams with them.

According to the original plan, they planned that as long as two of the three teams joined together, they would try to kill the Ke cultivator holding the treasure.

If the treasure can be brought back, it may have a favorable impact on the Yunzhou war situation of the entire human race!

But the problem facing Lu Jiangtao now is that the other two teams have not come-that is to say, they may have to prepare for the worst!

What is the worst plan?

Each of their captains carries a treasure-breaking hammer, which can be exchanged for death!

This is the worst plan!

"Everyone, I'm afraid we have to prepare for the worst!" Lu Jiangtao's tone was heavy!

"I'm going to arrange some tasks now, listen carefully--"

"Five-two-zero, five-two-one, five-five-five, each of you three will take two team members, follow those bloody men, secretly cooperate with the monsters to kill them, remember, don't get close to the hundred-foot range! Don't show your head! Harassment is the main thing, we can't lose any more soldiers!"

"If the bloody men have hunted and obtained the flesh and blood of the monsters, then give up killing them, it's too easy to be exposed!"

"Kill as many as you can, and try to delay the time for this treasure to start the tribulation, after all, we haven't gathered yet..." Lu Jiangtao paused when he said this, obviously still hoping to delay until there are enough people, so that the probability of completing the task will be greater.

"If any of you are exposed, don't hesitate, just use the Thunder Talisman. I felt the fluctuation of the Thunder Talisman, and immediately used the Treasure Breaking Hammer on the tripod, and triggered the Heavenly Tribulation at the same time, forcing Zhang Mang to return for help..."

"When the Heavenly Tribulation begins, everyone will disperse immediately and try to help me snipe other possible enemies. As for me... I will go deep into the Heavenly Tribulation. When the magic weapon is broken, you will all run for your lives!" At this point, Lu Jiangtao's tone did not change at all, as if the person who was replaced by one was not him.

"Is there anything you don't understand about what I said?" Seeing that no one responded, Lu Jiangtao asked back.

"..." No one answered.

"Okay, I hope that all three of you can lead your team members back alive. Do you understand?" Lu Jiangtao said the last words, and then he planned to cut off the contact.

"Captain!" Wuwuwu suddenly spoke.

"What's the matter?" Lu Jiangtao picked up the communicator again.

"You can trigger the Heavenly Tribulation at any time, right?" Wuwuwu said.

"Yes!" Lu Jiangtao answered very straightforwardly.

This is not a secret. The captains of their three teams can trigger the heavenly tribulation at any time, and it is the Lindao tribulation when the Dharma Realm enters the Lindao realm.

But being able to trigger it is one thing, and being able to survive it is another!

But what if... they don't need to survive it at all?

What if the divine weapon tribulation brings another Lindao tribulation? The two tribulations are superimposed, and at the very least, the magic weapon can be destroyed!

This is the plan made by the human cultivators!

If the three teams gather together, they will kill Ke Xiu by force, and then everyone will return, and everyone will be happy!

But if the worst happens-only one team is left.

Then it is necessary to trigger the Lindao tribulation, and the two tribulations are superimposed, and this treasure is most likely to shatter!

As for the death of all three teams... hehe, Yunzhou is doomed by heaven, and there is no way to save the situation!

"Captain, I mean if, if you want to survive the tribulation, remember to burn incense first and inform the heavens!"

"Then when you are overcoming the tribulation, no matter what you praise, you must not curse!"

555 talked a lot of nonsense, and both 520 and 521 couldn't help talking.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Even if the captain is going to die, you can't go crazy!" 520 said.

"It was quite sad at first. Why, are you trying to liven up the atmosphere?" Wueryi also joked.

"No, I'm serious! I just remembered that I read in an ancient book at my house that this method can increase the chance of successfully overcoming the tribulation!" Wu Wu Wu said still stubbornly.

"Where do you have a family? You are returning ancient books..." Wuer0 curled his lips, and then said, "Moreover, we monks are cultivating against nature. If we tell God, wouldn't we be cultivating in accordance with nature? That's it. Is he still a monk?"

"Okay, 520, please stop talking! 555, I know you were rescued by the captain, and the rest of the time will be left to you two..." 521 didn't say anything, just But he stopped drinking, and then left in a sensible manner.

"Okay, Xiaowu, stop talking..." Lu Jiangtao stopped Wuwuwu from talking.

"Captain, what I said is true, I'm not kidding! That's a book I read when I was very young. I remember the name of the book, it's called "Records of the Heavenly Tribulation"!" Wu Wu Wu did not give up, but became angry. Said something serious.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" Lu Jiangtao replied with a smile, and then started talking, "Do you have a girl you like?"

"No, the country is about to perish, there is no time for children to love each other! If Yunzhou is not peaceful, where can we call home? If there is no home and no peace in the state, how can we marry a wife?" Wuwuwu replied without hesitation.

"Oh, I originally wanted to remember to toast the wedding wine to my tomb~" Lu Jiangtao laughed twice, which looked a little sad.

The laughter faded away with the wind, and under the same sky, the two began their final chat...


"Brother, why do you want to replace this monk's memory with something that is not important? ?”

"It's very simple. Replace his important memories and he will notice!"

"Replacing this memory that he will never be able to verify will be perfect!"

[This refers to replacing Lu Chengjiang’s memory of reading an “insignificant book”! Yu Lei’s handwriting!]

The secret of shaking people has been taught, I hope you can carry it forward vigorously!

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