The data of this book is too bad, I can't write it anymore, and I can't change it.

I'll just post the outline of the sequel directly, which can be regarded as an explanation to the readers-

The sequel is-

The Chaos Bell suppressed the Lord of All Beasts,

Fang Lei and Haoran fell into a stalemate, and Fang Lei fell into a disadvantage.

But the movement attracted one of the twelve masters, and the Blood God of the Blood God Cult (also a Saint Venerable Realm, but a Ke Xiu, and had long been out of the control of the twelve masters.)

Things became more complicated, because the calculations of Fang Lei and Haoran did not include the existence of the Blood God.


The turning point happened to Cheng Moxiao.

His strength is related to the number of "dead people" and his cultivation.

This battle of Yinxu killed many cultivators. Let his strength climb like a rocket.


After writing Yinxu, the volume of Descending to Heaven is finished.

The sequel is to place a chess piece in the heavens, hide a thief in the heart, and my heart is the heart of heaven.

1. The Book of the Worlds is divided into four parts:

1. Money opens the way (burning money, composing the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", which later became the Book of Earth!);

2. The Eight Wastelands are full of military power (the turning point of everyone being like a dragon);

3. The Hundred Schools of Thought (the Hundred Schools of Thought, Fang Lei's path to replace the heart of heaven slowly takes shape, and his Dharma image is also a book - the Book of Heaven!);

4. The Book of the Worlds, the Rise of Tuxue (using Tuxue to directly crush all schools of thought, and then Tuxue flourished, and the human race began to recover lost territory. The more lost territory is recovered, the more it flourishes...) (This may eventually become the Book of Humans, but not necessarily, there are other records);

2. Hiding a thief in my heart, my heart replaces the heart of heaven.

The three books gather together, Fang Lei is ready to replace the way of heaven...

(Here, Xiao Kongle (fire), Nianyun (thunder) and others will be involved.)

Master a world, and then you can start the world chapter.


By the way, let me explain why Xiao Kongle is treated preferentially. Some readers may think it is not very reasonable.

Because Huodou is the mount of the God of Fire!

You can understand that seeing Xiaotian Dog often means that Erlang Shen is nearby!

The same reason, seeing Huodou means that the God of Fire is nearby!

This is a mark similar to "identity binding".

In other words, Xiao Kongle is the "Orthodox God of Fire" conferred by Fang Lei.

This "Orthodox God of Fire" identity recognized by heaven and earth is the fundamental reason why Emperor Yan and Holy Fire give preferential treatment.


Nianyun went to the Tianjie Sect, and will continue to grow in the future!

And Nianyun also became the orthodox God of Thunder with this achievement.


For the same reason, there is a high probability that there will be five more existences, Xunfeng, Kanshui, Dikun, Shangen, and Duize, and the last Qiantian position is Fang Lei himself.


Heavenly Court, Hell, and Human Emperor will be established in the future.

You should have seen that the Hell has a direct connection with Cheng Moxiao, and the three families of Xing, Hu, and Mang are also involved.

The part of the Human Emperor is actually the newly emerged Chu Tianjiao, and their true identity has a certain connection with "Witch".


The dragon clan and the demons are related, but that is the plot of "My Heart Replaces Tianxin" after "The Son of Heaven".

Qin Xuejian is related to the Demon Abyss, but that is also the plot of "My Heart Replaces Tianxin" after "The Son of Heaven".

In the "My Heart Replaces Tianxin" part, all major forces will appear, and the background of each major force will be continuously improved during this period.

Bu Tian Palace (Nuwa inheritance) (Fang Lei can find some information about himself from here)

Xuan Nu Palace (the spouse of the Human Emperor Chu Hongyi will come out from here)

Wan Mo Si, Demon Abyss (Qin Xuejian and her mother's forces), Qin Xuejian was abducted by her mother and became a witch.

He Huan Lou (Ai Rumeng and her sister's forces), and their details - forces outside the root land.

Guantiansi (the Tianji lineage, the Guanxing Tower in Yunzhou belongs to this lineage),

Fenxin Valley (Cheng Moxiao's spouse will come out here, that silly girl Luo Tianwei)

The Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan and the like will all appear in the Demon Realm chapter...


In addition, the Buddhist sect has made some efforts to prepare to "destroy Buddhism".

However, Fang Lei secretly let his clone use the immortal golden light that killed the Bodhisattva to sneak in.

Then he became the Tathagata Buddha.

Of course, Buddhism knows Fang Lei's background, but Buddhism chose to compromise.

Because at that time, Cheng Moxiao and Chu Hongyi joined forces to destroy Buddhism because of some early experiences.

If Fang Lei hadn't intervened, Buddhism would have been killed cleanly.

Because of this, they hit it off!

Fang Lei also led a group of Buddhists to start the path of Mahayana Buddhism! This is the true path of merit and practice!

The remaining Buddhists will be wiped out because of their own conduct, cause and effect, and other reasons, and undergo a similar process of good and evil judgment (the heavenly tribulation takes action).


Hehuan Tower also spent a lot of time and effort, because Hehuan Tower (Yin Yang Xianzong) is considered "half villain", they are from outside the world.

So their strategy to deal with this world is also a simple conspiracy - sincerity for sincerity.

You can understand that the Valley of Love is a detector, if the sincerity is not enough, you can't pass!

But these low-level cultivators, including Ai Rumeng, don't know their own life experience. (Only Ai Rumeng's sister knows about the entire Hehuan Tower, this is the memory inheritance after becoming the owner of the building)

Why is this an open conspiracy?

Because after an unknown period of planning, a terrifying situation appeared at this time.

The women of Hehuan Tower are all over the states. They know nothing, but simply and exclusively love their husbands.

Their husbands may be in high positions, or they may be local bosses, or they may be secluded and cultivating immortals...

Even if you know their details at this time, can you kill them all?

Even if you can find them, can you do it?

If you dare to kill them, how will the world look at you?

So this is an open conspiracy!

An open conspiracy to seek a way out for their clan.

The reason why Ai Rumeng didn't want Fang Lei to go now was that she vaguely sensed something...

The final result is naturally that Fang Lei becomes a protective umbrella, Hehuan Tower is whitewashed, his wife +2, his maid +2, and Hehuan Tower becomes Fang Lei's power, which can understand the world's affairs and help him understand the world outside the world.


Supplementary information on world settings:

The reason why this world is full of evil gods is because it is the "root land"!

I said this word through Dayi's mouth.

"Root land", "root of the world"

Maybe it's hard to understand, so let's change the analogy.

Suppose the world is a "lotus" in the sea of ​​the world.

Then the "root" of the lotus must be infinitely far underwater.

There must be a large number of organisms, microorganisms, and even strange deep-sea organisms under the water. These organisms are the gods.

The invasion of the gods means that the "root" is rotten and the way of heaven is polluted.

This is the "internal worry"!

In order to solve the internal worry, Fang Lei will start to investigate the cause.

This leads to the world view that there is a war on the flowers.

The battle on the flowers is similar to fighting for sunlight, which is to occupy the area that can be directly illuminated by the sun.

And Fang Lei and his world are at a disadvantage.

It is for this reason that the high-level combat forces of all races have been withdrawn, which is the "external disaster".

Fang Lei is naturally the one who solves the internal and external disasters.


The final result is that Fang Lei leaves this lotus and enters the world realm.

Then there is the world chapter outside the outline. Of course, judging from the current situation, there is nothing to write~

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