Xizhou, a place in the wilderness——

A figure walked out of the calamity cloud in the sky. He staggered at first, like a baby learning to speak.

But then he seemed to have mastered the trick and was able to walk normally.

He first waved to the calamity cloud behind him, and the calamity cloud behind him also made bursts of roars, and then dispersed out of thin air, and the sun also poured down.

This person was Fang Lei, and his body was transformed by the Xuanhuang bronze tripod!

Fang Lei was exposed to the scorching sun, and in an instant he felt that the air was extremely hot. Seeing the river in the distance, he simply walked to the shore.

His reflection appeared in the river, just like himself in his memory, ordinary, but he stared at himself in the water.

Suddenly, a fish jumped out of the water, and the chaotic ripples disrupted Fang Lei's "self-admiration".

As if he had seen enough, Fang Lei also smiled cheerfully, straightened up, turned around and walked towards the dense forest behind him.

His mind told him that there was a village over there.

But as soon as he entered the dense forest, Fang Lei looked back at the river in confusion, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

Just then, Fang Lei suddenly heard a human voice, and immediately began to sense it with his divine mind.

"Brother, is there really immortal meat nearby?" The speaker was a farmer with a strong physique, wearing a straw hat and holding a spear.

"The immortal master said there is, then there is. Everyone follow!" A man with a scar on his face answered first, then looked at the people behind him and shouted loudly.

This person's dress is different from others. He doesn't look like a farmer, but like a hunter.

Behind the two of them, there was a large group of people following.

The moment Fang Lei heard the word "immortal meat", his pupils shrank instantly!

The Red Dust Umbrella appeared, hiding him, and began to eavesdrop on their conversation openly.

"As long as we find a piece of immortal meat, our village can survive this year!" said a farmer with a slightly vicissitudes of life.

"Yes, I heard that eating immortal meat tastes good... and the most important thing is that immortal meat represents immortal fate!" The speaker was a man with a sharp mouth and a thin figure.

"Because of that piece of immortal meat, the Lijia Village next door was selected as one of the Hundred Immortals List of Jinyuan Kingdom this year!"

"Don't say so much, as long as we find it, we can become the second Lijia Village!"

"Quiet! I have said so many times, don't say these things that shouldn't be said! Lest someone eavesdrop and leak the news!"

The scarred hunter who led the group suddenly scolded. Although everyone was dissatisfied, they all knew that the matter was serious, so no one chose to talk back.

The scarred hunter then led everyone to wade through the water and went deep into the dense forest.

"These people should have come from the village over there!"

Fang Lei looked at the direction where everyone came from, and then looked at the direction where everyone was going.

"Immortal meat, and mortals who pursue immortal meat?" Fang Lei looked at the backs of everyone, his face a little gloomy.

"Immortal meat..." Fang Lei muttered.

He immediately gave up the plan to go to the village, and chose to hang behind everyone and walk into the depths of the dense forest.


But not long after, Fang Lei was left far behind, and could only use his mind to sense their position.

"Isn't this body too weak?" Fang Lei's mouth began to twitch.

It's helpless to say that Fang Lei's body can be described as weak!


Because the initial strength of the body of the incarnation produced by the Xuanhuang Bronze Cauldron is linked to the flesh and blood invested!

But whether it is a cultivator or a monster that Fang Lei encounters!

It's not powder, it's powder, or powder, and the rest is not far from powder, and there is no flesh and blood essence in it.

So this situation is caused, the body is extremely weak.


Just when Fang Lei finished speaking, Fang Lei's shoes began to flow out a little spiritual energy, and then Fang Lei became lighter.

"It's outrageous that I have to use my magic weapon to chase a mortal. Mom, open the door to outrageous!" Fang Lei couldn't hold it back.


In a valley, a woman in a palace dress slowly walked out. The woman's face was covered with gauze, leaving only a pair of eyes full of autumn water.

"Well? Where is this?" The voice was extremely pleasant and gentle.

"I failed to break into the Love Valley?"

"I heard that the Love Valley will throw those who failed to break into the valley alone to the vicinity of the edge." As if she remembered something, the woman said slowly.

"So, where is this?" She looked around.

"Well? Is this, the bird?" The woman tilted her head and looked at the strange bird with a human head and a bird god on the side.

Outrageous mom, open the door to outrageous - outrageous to the extreme!

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