You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 46: Really dishonest! Flesh and blood monster! Lotus abnormality? (Please vote)

"Brother, you said that the immortal meat will return to the world after it matures, so why did you take us to find this place that has not yet matured?"

Zhang Lei's question was very important to some extent, but Zhang Zhen seemed to have heard nothing and stared at the bottom.

Because he didn't hear any reply, Zhang Lei, who was originally looking at the spiritual spring below, turned his head and looked at his elder brother in confusion.

But he just happened to see Zhang Zhen at this time, with his eyes bulging and a faint red light flashing in his eyes.

The expression was also extremely crazy, and at the same time he kept muttering in his mouth-

"It's almost mature! It's almost mature~ah-ah~, it's almost mature~, ahhahahaha, it's almost mature, hehehehe, it's almost's almost mature, wow hahahaha."

Zhang Lei was frightened by the scene in front of him. He was about to call Zhang Zhen, but suddenly thought of something and his face became extremely pale.

Then Zhang Lei grabbed the spear in his hand, stared at Zhang Zhen tightly, and slowly retreated.

Zhang Lei's retreat was very smooth at first. If he could continue like this, Zhang Lei might even be able to escape safely.


As if he stepped on something, Zhang Lei's feet made a strange sound.

At the same time, Zhang Lei's body suddenly froze, and his pupils even began to shrink due to excessive tension.


Zhang Lei swallowed nervously. He didn't even have time to look at the ground. Instead, he looked at Zhang Zhen with an extremely nervous expression.

He tightened the spear in his hand again, as if this would give him some sense of security.

Zhang Zhen's body shook very strangely, and then his face began to wriggle strangely, as if something was swimming inside.

Suddenly, the scar on Zhang Zhen's face caused by the knife in the early years was like a flower blooming at this time.

The bloody tissue inside was exposed, and the fascia was connected with blood and flesh, which was extremely terrifying.

Then, from this forced opening, a spherical tumor drilled out, and the tumor wriggled as soon as it drilled out.

At this moment, Zhang Lei was so frightened that he could hardly hold the spear in his hand.

Because it turned out to be an extremely strange and blinking eyeball.

The eyeball looked around, and then, without any surprise, found Zhang Lei covering his mouth.

"Ah, Xiaolei, you are still here?"

There were repeated voices from Zhang Zhen's side, and this voice sounded exactly the same as Zhang Zhen's voice at first glance.

However, Zhang Zhen's mouth did not close at all, so where did this voice come from?

"You are so dishonest, why didn't you go down with the others?"

Because when he looked into the eyeball, Zhang Lei let out a mournful cry, and his legs became weak.

The other party was imitating his elder brother's words!

He threw the spear in his hand at Zhang Zhen, and turned his head without looking back and started running wildly.

Sensing Zhang Lei's escape, Zhang Zhen suddenly let out a shrill scream.

He turned around and turned into a ferocious beast, running towards Zhang Lei.




Every time Zhang Lei took a step, he would make a strange crunching sound.

While running, Zhang Lei looked down nervously.

He found that the sound was caused by him crushing a large number of shed shells of unknown insects.

Following his sight, Zhang Lei found that the ground in front of him was covered with these shells.

"Ah~Ah~Ah~" Zhang Lei let out an unknown scream. He didn't know when these insect shells were covered.

But he could only run outside in panic, and he couldn't stop for a moment, even if his feet were scraped bloody by some of the crushed insect shells.




The footsteps behind him sounded like some giant beast running.

But Zhang Lei didn't dare to look back, because——the sound was getting louder and louder, and he also felt a cold feeling on his head that made his hair stand on end.


On the other side, the people who climbed down the hillside gathered at the edge of the spiritual spring. They all looked at the lotus in the spiritual spring with joy.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, no, there are no lotus flowers on two of them. There are seven lotus leaves and five lotus flowers!"

Although everyone was slightly puzzled as to why there were no lotus flowers on two lotus leaves, they were soon distracted by the words of others.

"I saw it, I saw it, right in the middle of the lotus, there is fairy meat!" A dark and rough man shouted excitedly.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Zhang Zishu turned his head immediately after hearing this and asked hurriedly.

"It's that one, the slightly opened lotus flower." The rough man pointed directly with his finger.

Zhang Zishu looked in the direction of his finger and saw a slightly different lotus flower.

This lotus flower opened slightly, and a milky white mist of lotus leaves rose from the lotus flower and continued to merge into the mist above his head.

"I know~ I know! The white smoke must be the yin energy that makes this place yin!" A very smart person began to imagine.

Not to mention, everyone nodded after hearing this, obviously agreeing with this guy's statement.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that it was you with your old head who reacted first, right, Zhenwa?" The old farmer laughed and scolded.

Seeing no one responded, the smile on his face froze, and then he turned back to look for him in confusion, while continuing to shout.

"Zhen kid?"

Still no one answered, everyone began to panic and began to look around.

"Brother Zhen?" Someone was a little confused.

"Zhang Zhen!" Someone shouted loudly.

Perhaps the shouts of the crowd attracted the attention of the lotus, and the slightly opened lotus trembled slightly.

Then a red mist visible to the naked eye was revealed.

As if it had consciousness, this mist actually floated directly along the river surface towards the people in Zhangjia Village.

At this time, everyone was still looking for Zhang Zhen, but during the search, they found that it was not only Zhang Zhen who disappeared, but also Zhang Lei.

"Why did the two brothers Zhang Zhen and Zhang Lei disappear?" Someone began to wonder.

"I don't know! Don't let anything happen." Someone began to worry.

"Well, Xiaoshuzi, what's wrong with you?" Suddenly, someone noticed that Zhang Zishu was abnormal.

Zhang Zishu ignored the question. He stood at the edge of the spiritual spring in a daze, looking at his palm with an obsessed look.

When everyone approached, they found that there was a red mist in Zhang Zishu's hand, like silk, flying from time to time.

And every time he inhaled these silks, Zhang Zishu would be obsessed.

"What is it?" Someone came forward, found something unusual, and stretched out a hand towards the silk in Zhang Zishu's hand.

Just when he saw this arm stretched out, a trace of bloodthirsty fierceness flashed in Zhang Zishu's eyes, and the red mist in his hand also exploded!

A red dust concubine smiled, the author knew it was the votes!

Please vote, please collect, please comment~~

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