You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 51 And you, Fang Lei, you are the real living devil!

Fang Lei didn't ignore the blind girl at this time, but because he had closed his own vision at this time, he had no time to care about other things.

Because after closing his vision, Fang Lei found a very strange thing, that is, everything he experienced with his eyes closed and everything he saw with his eyes had a strange sense of incoordination.

So even though he had heard the blind girl's call, he did not choose to start a conversation with her immediately, but began to experience this strange incoordination carefully.

When he opened his eyes, there was light and dark, black and white, size, distance, how many, up and down, left and right...

But what if he closed his eyes? What's there?

Nothing! But it seems that everything is there? Very strange!

A void, weird? Distorted?

In the void, there is nothing! Or, in the void, nothing can exist!

The scenery changed? The scenery did not change!

The size changed? The size did not change!

The distance changed? The distance did not change!


So what exactly changed?

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop! Fang Lei suddenly remembered this sentence.

What changed was Fang Lei's senses, and what changed was Fang Lei's heart!

When he could not see anything, Fang Lei began to gradually understand what the so-called abnormality, distortion, and restraint were!

His heart began to slowly sink again, as if he was going back to that strange space.

He also gradually realized that one of the sights that was always staring at him was the terrifying existence he had encountered before.

But soon, Fang Lei was awakened by fear again!

"That existence, we have to find a way to solve it!" Fang Lei said in a cold tone.

Then he opened his eyes, looked around the world again, and carefully experienced the difference between the two.

"Sure enough!" Fang Lei narrowed his eyes slightly, and he seemed to have a preliminary understanding of what was going on.

But suddenly he froze again, because if everything was really as he thought, then the things in this cultivation world would probably be even more difficult to solve.

He looked at this world in silence, and all the pride just now disappeared, leaving only deep frustration.

Thousands of words are summed up in one sentence - "Everyone is drunk and I am the only one awake? I am so stupid!"

"If it doesn't go on like this, it will be a fight to the death, I won't care..." Fang Lei complained.

"Hmm?" Fang Lei was suddenly stunned, and suddenly his eyes began to think again.

But just as Fang Lei was thinking, he heard the call of the blind girl again.

"Sir? Sir..."

"Senior? Senior? Senior..."

"Help me!"

"Senior, senior! Please save my companions and poor mortals! Blind girl will repay you with my ox and horse!"

"Sir? Senior? Help me! Blind girl understands! I know who the traitor is!"

"The traitor is Brother Hong, Blind girl really knows!"

The anxious, messy, and nonsense shouts of the blind girl once again reached Fang Lei's ears.

Fang Lei's thoughts paused, and then he turned his head to look at the blind girl. It was no wonder that the blind lady was so anxious when they found that the two teams were about to start fighting.

Fang Lei was a little embarrassed, but suddenly remembered that he did need the blind lady's help, so he continued to talk to ease the embarrassment.

"That's what you said, to be a cow and a horse!"

"Blind lady is willing, blind lady is willing!" Blind lady did not hesitate. They were all passionate, so how could they care about themselves.

But after hearing the blind lady's words without thinking, Fang Lei was silent for a moment.

It seemed that because Fang Lei did not respond for a short time, the blind lady became anxious again.

She was really afraid that their trip would be fruitless, that her colleagues would die in vain, and that mortals would lose their youth.

"Senior? Senior? Blind lady is really willing to be a cow and a horse! Please help me, please... Blind lady is really willing to be a cow and a horse... Really willing..." At the end, the blind lady even began to cry.

Fang Lei immediately came back to his senses. He dared not delay any longer.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you the password, the password is... 'Fair and just judgment, I represent Tianlei to destroy you!'"

After the words were spoken, the blind girl was just confused, but Fang Lei himself froze!

"Sir? Will it really work?" The blind girl's tone was very firm, as if as long as Fang Lei agreed, she would immediately become the incarnation of Tianlei.

"It's over, I'm used to talking nonsense!" Fang Lei looked up at the sky, wanting to cry but without tears. This slogan was originally the words he usually used to tease Yu Lei, Gen Lei and other older children.

There are also such words as "Fiery and unrestrained, Huo Lei is it!", "Humble and taciturn, Gen Lei is here!", "Carrying and tolerant, Kun Lei is kind!", "Sharp and charging, Jin Lei is here!", "Soft and slow, it's Yu Lei!"...

Because these words are said in a childish tone, it is really a kind of enjoyment, and it is also one of the few life adjustments when Fang Lei is in heaven.

But what if it is not a child? Fang Lei felt that his rationality was beginning to fail.

Hearing the words of the blind lady, Fang Lei could not deny the preface, and was silent for a moment, but he did not dare to remain silent for too long.

He could only bite the bullet and say: "It's useful! It's useful! Tian Lei loves to hear this the most!"

This sentence is not to lie to the blind lady, the group of big kids in the sky really love to hear this!

"Thank you for saving my life, if the blind lady survives this battle, I will definitely work like a cow and a horse!" The blind lady's tone was full of heaviness.

"You want to die? You don't want to work like a cow and a horse in your next life, do you?" Fang Lei heard something else from it and asked immediately.

The blind girl was stunned again, but she reacted in an instant and said hurriedly.

"Don't blame me, senior. I don't want to die! Or I want to live! But this battle is dangerous, and I may not survive."

Hearing the words of the blind girl, Fang Lei decided to give her a shot of confidence.

"I see! But have you underestimated this 'Thunder Order'?"

The blind girl was surprised and was about to explain.

But Fang Lei did not stop, but continued to speak in a calm tone.

"If you are practicing the fourth realm today - the God Hidden Realm! Then you can directly call a thunder to make the 'Sky Shadow Place' in front of you completely disappear!"

"Senior?" The blind girl's voice began to tremble, and she subconsciously began to rub the "Thunder Order" in her hand.

"So if you want to save more people, you'd better survive! Become extremely powerful!"

Fang Lei's tone was still as calm as water, but it was like a fire that directly made the blind girl "burn".

Die? Who wants to die?

Especially the blind girl now, she wants to live so much that she tightly grasps the Thunder Order in her hand.

Fang Lei looked at the blind girl's little action and smiled secretly.

For such a passionate person, if you ask her to survive, she will try her best.

But if you tell her to survive, she can save more people.

In that case, let alone the ghost messenger coming to claim her life today, even if the King of Hell comes, she will have to fight before leaving! And under the premise that she has the "Thunder Order" in her hand, it is not certain who the King of Hell is.

Fang Lei looked at the passionate blind girl and laughed happily, because he felt that such a passionate person must live!

But he was laughing and suddenly froze, his eyes slowly widened, and he suddenly remembered a terrifying thing.

"I gave the Thunder Order to a blind person? Hiss——" Fang Lei said in a puzzled tone and took a breath.

Blind girl——Valkyrie on the battlefield! The living King of Hell of Thunder! Come on!

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