You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 56 Blind Girl, you are so good! Have you considered being a bad woman? [Please recommend and

On the other side of the battlefield——

Although the blind girl is under the protection of three other colleagues.

But Kuang Duan, who was at the fifth level of Kaimai, had been seriously injured by Song Zhen before, and the remaining Hao Hui and Guan Rui were also seriously injured because of their previous rescue of Gu Liang.

What they need to face are the four fifth-level meridians led by Xu Liang. Although in a short period of time, they may be afraid of the thunder around the blind girl and dare not step forward.

But both Blind Girl and Kuang Duan and others know that it is not completely safe now.

So at the blind aunt's signal, Kuang Duan started a plan to attack his heart.

"How about you retreat? I guess you don't want to taste the thunder, right?" Kuang Duan began to use force to persuade him to surrender.

When Xu Liang and others heard this, their breathing became rapid.

"Come on! Whoever kills the blind girl will be promoted to a noble rank!" But at this moment, Kuang Ping's desperate words of urging rang in their ears.

Apparently even though he was busy chasing Gu Liang, he still took the time to take a look at his four subordinates to see if they were lazy.

The temptation of promotion still made Xu Liang's eyes light up. They took a deep look at the blind girl, and their breathing suddenly became rapid.

But at this moment, the blind aunt spoke very slowly, as if she deliberately wanted Xu Liang and others to hear clearly.

"I don't know what Kuang Ping or your vice-captain promised you, but I can tell you clearly that if you dare to charge forward, you will definitely be dead!"

"Because I will take both of them to death."

The other three people ignored it and continued to slowly press forward.

Only Xu Liang thought for a moment when he cooperated with his teammates to encircle them.

Kuang Duan received the signal and immediately took over the blind girl's words and said!

"Kuang Ping will die, and your vice-captain Song Zhen will die too! After letting so many people go, do you think the remaining four of you will have a chance of survival if they go back to life?"

Kuang Duan began to frantically persuade him to surrender, but little did he know that he had committed a taboo in persuading him to surrender - that is, no matter what his opponent chose, there would be no way to survive.

Xu Liang and the other four people paused in their steps. They were frightened at first, but then they all looked at Blind Girl and the others with menacing expressions.

They gritted their teeth, because after Kuang Duan reminded them, they also discovered that they had no way to survive!

Only Guan Rui knew he was going to be bad after hearing Kuang Duan's persuasion to surrender.

Because you act too hastily and force the other party to have no way out with just one word, then the other party will definitely choose to fight hard.

So he looked at the four people who became more ferocious and approached further. Guan Rui blurted out in desperation——

"You actually still have a way to survive!"

After the words fell, the four of them looked at Guan Rui with fierce and surprised eyes, as if waiting for Guan Rui to explain himself.

"You want us to surrender to you, right? But then we have no way to survive!" Xu Liang interrupted Guan Rui's words with a sneer.

"As you said, we have no chance of survival!" Xu Liang continued.

"To fight with you is to die! To go back and recover is to die! To stay here is to wait for death! To be indifferent is to die! Let us ask you, where is our way to survive?"

At the end, he even started yelling.

His eyes were bloodshot. Because of his anger, Kuang Duan even vaguely saw two heads appearing in Xu Liang. The other head was glaring angrily, as if it wanted to choose someone to devour.

"Brother Xu, calm down! Calm down! You can't be angry or break the rules!" Xu Liang's three teammates hurriedly advised.

I don’t know when it started, but all the exercises started to have inexplicable rules.

For example, Changchun Gong cannot eat meat, otherwise a certain part of the body will start to change. In other words, every time you break the precepts, you will probably be one step closer to overcoming the cultivation.

Therefore, "breaking the precepts" is also called "degradation"!

Obviously, this Xu Liang must have violated his own rules, so the ghost of his head began to appear.

Xu Liang's angry words directly blocked Guan Rui, Kuang Duan and others from persuading them to surrender, but at this moment, the blind girl spoke——

"Yes!" The words were concise and to the point.

After hearing the blind aunt's words, Xu Liang calmed down subconsciously.

There is no way, I must listen to this person's words, or I must die now.

"I would like to hear the details!" Xu Liang said on behalf of the other three people.

"Your mission is to bring back fairy meat, so bring back fairy meat!" Blind Girl's words were still very slow, not exciting, not inducing, not threatening, just plain and calm.

Most of the people who served as blood sacrifices had already fled, and Xu Liang almost laughed angrily when he heard this.

"How to bring it back?" Xu Liang began to question in his words.

"I have immortal meat for you to bring back! But I won't exchange it with the lives of ordinary people!" The blind girl's tone was still very slow.

"Hahaha, you're just talking nonsense! You're such a confident woman, why should we believe you!" Xu Liang was so angry that he laughed.

"I swear to the thunder of heaven!" The blind girl raised her slender right hand and pointed at the sky.

"That's enough..." Xu Liang shouted unbearably. He felt that the blind girl in front of him was just a fool with no power.

"I say that this sinful land in front of me will definitely dissipate today. If what I say is true, there will be three thunders!"




As soon as he finished speaking, the sky suddenly began to rumble, no more, no less, exactly three times.

"You can control thunder, how can we believe it?" Xu Liang still asked despite his words.

But his tone was still much softer subconsciously, not because he believed the blind girl's words, but because he found that the girl in front of him seemed to really be able to control thunder.

"So you want to die now?" Blind Aunt tilted her head, her tone a little doubtful.

"Uh~" Xu Liang suddenly became speechless. How can you chat like this?

"Brother Xu, Brother Xu!"

"Brother Liang? We won't be wronged by this!"

"Let's fight, Brother Xu!"

"You are so noisy, don't disturb me to kill that traitor Kuang Ping!" The originally calm Blind Aunt suddenly roared, her tone full of anger.

This roar directly frightened the remaining four idiots.

Xu Liang and the other three took a step back and lowered their heads, looking like honest children.

"Stand over there! I talk to you in a nice way, but you don't listen. I have to whip you, right?" Blind Aunt pointed with her right hand and pointed in a direction.

Xu Liang and others wanted to resist when they heard this, but they still walked over honestly according to the direction of Blind Aunt.

Only Hao Hui, who had been acting as a transparent person, looked at Blind Aunt with surprise, because Blind Aunt's move was exquisite.

I'm afraid even Xu Liang and the other three didn't realize that they were actually being led by the blind lady.

Whether it was the calmness at the beginning, then the stupidity, then the oath to the sky, and the final final decision, they were all linked together.

The core of Xu Liang and others' thinking quietly changed from "determined to live" to "obeying to live".

This is also the reason why Xu Liang and others obeyed subconsciously.

The moment they were willing to listen to the blind lady's words, the so-called "determined to die" no longer existed!

Me, me, I want to be a bad man, all I need is 49,999 monthly tickets!

Please help me, book friends!

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