You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 60 Fang Lei: Blind girl, listen to me, it’s not what you think! (Please read on!)

Chapter 60 Fang Lei: Blind girl, listen to me, it’s not what you think!

Before the sky thunder started bombarding Tianyin.

The blind girl no longer looked at the being occupying Gu Liang's body. Instead, she turned around and clasped her hands in the direction of Fang Lei.

As if she heard something, she repeated doubtfully——

"To punish evil and ward off changes, thunder is summoned?"

And when she was reciting this mantra, she could clearly feel an extremely strange idea through the thundering order in her hand, which made people subconsciously lack energy.

Because the difference between this idea and the ideas caused by the previous two passwords was so big that the blind girl felt the difference very clearly.

So the blind girl couldn't help but look strange. She pondered for a long time, then changed her sentence and said -

"I am Tian Lei, and I will destroy you on behalf of Tian Lei!"

The token conveyed another idea that was completely different from the one just now, but this idea was more familiar to her because she had experienced it twice.

The blind girl seemed to have discovered a new world, so she curiously repeated again: "To punish evil and ward off changes, summon thunder?"

As expected, the same depressing thoughts came out of the token.

The blind girl fell into deep thought, and she began to think carefully about the difference between the two ideas in the thunder order, because she felt that there might be Tianlei's will hidden in it!

If you have to distinguish -

When he chanted "Kill the evil and ward off the changes, the thunder will come!", it seemed that a deep feeling of frustration came out through the token.

It was as if she didn't like it but had to do it, and at the same time, the sense of communication between her and Thunder was more than a little weaker.

But if you say "I am the thunder, and I will destroy you on behalf of the thunder!", then the connection with the thunder in the sky seems to be clearer.

The relationship has become even closer, and there is even a bit of excitement.

The blind girl's face became even more strange when she noticed this. She suddenly recalled the thunder caused by the two previous passwords. It seemed that the power of the second time was slightly greater?

So in order to confirm the authenticity of this discovery, the blind aunt repeated the three sentences coherently.

"Kill the evil and ward off the changes, summon the thunder!"

"I am Tianlei, and I will destroy you on behalf of Tianlei!"

"You are evil, you are ominous! The judgment of fairness and justice is coming today. I will destroy you on behalf of the thunder! Thunder is coming from the sky!"

The three sentences were read out one after another, and then she noticed three successive feedbacks from the thundering order in her hand.

The blind aunt was silent, but suddenly her breathing became rapid, and then she said in a clear tone -

"With different passwords, Tianlei will give different responses!"

"So that's the case. It should be because the integrity of the formula is different."

"We must find the most complete formula!"

The tone was full of firmness and unwavering will.


Let's call the guy who occupies Gu Liang's body a "stitch monster".

It wasn't that it didn't think of a sneak attack when Blind Gu turned her back, but just when he was about to take action, he seemed to hear Blind Gu say something in confusion, and then his body was filled with protective thunder.

This thunder made him take a step back subconsciously.

But he suddenly thought that he was occupying Gu Liang's body, what was he afraid of!

Then he stood back carelessly, and even looked at the blind girl with disdain.

Suddenly, the blind aunt began to whisper softly again, and this time she began to listen carefully, as if it was some kind of "... thunder...".

Then it saw that the thunder around Blind Girl became more violent in an instant, and it even saw the thunder clouds above the sky and clouds begin to roll violently at the same time.

A feeling of panic and absurdity emerged in its mind. Are these tiger girls going to blow up Tianyin?

"!" The suture monster that occupied Gu Liang's body took a few steps forward and yelled angrily at Blind Gu.

But the blind girl seemed not to hear her and continued to mutter more lengthy words.

Perhaps because it took a few steps forward, it heard more clearly this time. It clearly heard the words "Thunder is coming from the sky!"

More complex and active thunder appeared around the blind girl. At the same time, the thunder clouds above the sky also began to rumble, and boundless pressure began to pour down.

Except for the blind girl, all the cultivators present were firmly bound in place by this coercion.

The Stitch Monster seemed to feel the threat of death, and he began to yell crazily: "Blind Girl, do you want Gu Liang to die? Shut up!!!"

It seemed that its control over Gu Liang had weakened. Gu Liang first wailed miserably, but then began to laugh, his words full of hysteria——

"Uh ah ah ah ah, ah ha ha ha ha ha, let's die together, let's die together!"

"Shut up!" The Stitch Monster roared pretending to be angry, and then looked at Blind Girl with great pride, but its face froze because Blind Girl ignored his one-man show.

The blind girl seemed to be completely immersed in her own world——

She began to read a series of words coherently, and then the Stitch Monster saw that the thunder beside the blind girl suddenly began to change unpredictably, looking extremely dangerous.

It swallowed its saliva and manipulated Gu Liang again, trying to play the family card.

But it's over, because after the blind girl finished reading these words, she looked towards the distant sky with a firm face!

It was at this moment that the thunderclouds above the Tianyin Place suddenly became as bright as day.

There was no sound, as if everything was in silence.

Then an extremely terrifying thunder poured down! Like the water of the Milky Way pouring down, it directly washed the Tianyin Place.

The stitched monster that tried to play the family card suddenly fell into extreme fear, as if it would perish in the next moment.

It tried to make its own voice, but under the boundless pressure, it could only make a "ho ho" sound.

Similarly, the huge worm monster hiding in the Tianyin Place seemed to have sensed the danger.

He broke through the ground very quickly and began to flee underground.

His body was extremely swift, but at the moment when it broke through the ground, a very strong suction force came from the ground strangely.

Then the worm began to climb up frantically, even with the thunder above his head, he was not afraid.

But all this was in vain, because under the infinite suction, the worm's body kept sliding down and down.

In the end, it could only make endless wails and was slowly sucked into an open bottle.

At the moment when the worm was sucked in, the bottle shook immediately, and then flew towards Fang Lei in a swagger.


At the moment when the worm died, the stitched monster that controlled Gu Liang's body suddenly collapsed to the ground.

On the contrary, Gu Liang was hanging on for a breath, but the spirit in his eyes became more and more turbid, and he began to mutter to himself——

"Dead? Haha, dead——"

The breath became weaker and weaker, and finally dissipated.

Gu Liang, was originally hanging on to a life by the monster. The monster, in turn, was controlled by the worm.

So when the worm died, the stitched monster died first. And when the stitched monster died, it also meant that Gu Liang's life had come to an end.

Until this moment, the blind girl turned back, faced Gu Liang again, bowed her head slightly, and said slowly--

"Brother Gu, have a safe journey!"

"Senior Gu/Gu Liang, have a safe journey!"

Indistinctly, they seemed to see Gu Liang slowly close his eyes.

Although we don't have the wings of a phoenix, we are connected in spirit.

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