You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 88 (Please read on) Blind Girl: I want to get (ten) pieces of plaster!

A bolt of lightning shot out from the blind girl's eyes, as if searching for an enemy. The lightning shot towards Fei Lifu along the blind girl's line of sight, but was easily blocked by Fei Lifu.

He turned his right hand over and looked at the burnt palm. He didn't care at all, and even laughed: "Little girl, I am not afraid of this heavenly tribulation, so how can I be afraid of your thunder?"

At the end, he began to show his fierceness and speak rudely, as if he was roaring in anger. Obviously, what the blind girl did made him a little angry!

The blind girl ignored the other party's ridicule, tapped her jade feet lightly, and the ground immediately shattered. The blind girl used the reaction force to retreat instantly.

It was at this time that the ground suddenly exploded again, and countless ghost claws began to come out.

Then he swung his head slightly, and then turned around very gracefully, brushing past a fast-moving tail shadow.

"She's not right!" Wei Qingbai's pupils completely turned vertical, and his eyeballs began to turn yellow.

"Nonsense, there's something wrong with this blind girl's eyes!" Wang Hanyun's face also became much more ferocious. (Readers with sharp eyes will definitely complain about this sentence)

With just one tentative fight, they realized how terrifying the blind girl was.

If it was just that the attack they just made was dodged by the other party, they would at most be a little serious, because there are always people with extremely sharp combat intuition.

But from the way they looked like they were facing a great enemy, it was clear that this was not the case.

"The moment I attacked, she had already started to dodge!" Wang Hanyun's face was ferocious, and the epidermis of both hands began to fall off, revealing both hands lingering with black air.

"No, to be more precise, she had already noticed the moment we used our luck in our bodies." Wei Qingbai directly denied Wang Hanyun's words and made a more accurate guess.

"A sneak attack is useless, we have to attack head-on!" They reached a consensus in an instant.

"Come and help me!" Suddenly, Fei Lifu on the side made an urgent cry for help.

Wang Hanyun and Wei Qingbai were shocked. They had to pay attention to Fei Lifu, but they found that Fei Lifu, who was able to resist the heavenly tribulation calmly, had difficulty in moving.

Looking closely, they found that there was a strange lightning pattern flashing on the palm of Fei Lifu's hand that had just resisted the heavenly tribulation.

"What did you do?" Wei Qingbai's face became extremely terrifying, and his voice became extremely cold.

"No matter what she did, just kill her!" Wang Hanyun squeezed hard with both hands.

Then they didn't care about Fei Lifu, and used their spiritual power to attack Blind Girl.

Blind Girl seemed to have noticed something and was about to move.

But countless ghost claws began to appear under Blind Girl's feet, like the dead souls crawling up from hell, tightly holding Blind Girl's figure.

"Thunder as a shield!" Blind Girl did not move, and several thunders in the sky struck down, instantly turning into a thunder cage, protecting Blind Girl from all directions.

The ghost claws and the four-sided prison transformed by thunder started a fierce confrontation. Although Wang Hanyun's move did not hit Blind Girl, it still kept her in place!

Good opportunity! Wei Qingbai's eyes suddenly opened wide, and he did not miss the opportunity created by Wang Hanyun. He directly whipped out a powerful snake tail.

But Blind Girl stayed where she was, without dodging or avoiding. She slowly raised her jade hand until the snake tail approached, and a "sizzling" sound came from her palm.

"Palm Thunder!" she said with a slightly open mouth.

Then in an instant, the "sizzling" sound became extremely violent, and countless thunders gathered in Blind Girl's palm, and a destructive aura began to emerge from Blind Girl's hand.

Wei Qingbai's face changed when he saw this, but he could no longer withdraw his attack at this time, and he was in a situation where he could not retreat, so he could only roar, and the sound changed from the initial human voice to hoarse, like some kind of beast roar.

The shadow of the tail also became more solid, faster, and more powerful.


The tail attack collided with Blind Girl's palm thunder.

The ground was also shattered by the impact of the two attacks, stirring up countless dust.

Then a figure shot out from the dust, with blood slightly flowing from the corner of the mouth, but a shadow of a tail was still following closely behind.

Obviously, the blind girl suffered a loss in the previous fight, but Wei Qingbai was not so good either. There was also a very obvious burn mark on his tail, and even a faint smell of meat.

During the backward flight, the blind girl looked up at Jieyun, put her hands on her chest, and prayed.

Then she opened her eyes again, and her expression became firm.

The lightning on the soles of her feet began to surge, and the speed increased explosively. The delicate body began to surge with endless lightning, turning into a human-shaped lightning and rushing towards Wang Hanyun.

Wang Hanyun was so angry that he laughed, and immediately prepared to charge forward to stop the blind girl.

But at this time, he suddenly heard Wei Qingbai's roar--

"Don't let her hit!"

Wang Hanyun's face changed and his body stopped.

Although he didn't know the reason, Wang Hanyun chose to change his tactics midway, considering the sudden increase in the heavenly tribulation of Feilifu.

A green flame flashed across Wang Hanyun's eyes, and then countless black air began to gather in front of Wang Hanyun, gradually forming an extremely huge ghost claw, with countless wronged souls wailing on it. Obviously, many people died under this move!

The wronged souls wailed in unison at the blind girl, and turned into a sound wave of the flesh eye and shot towards the blind girl.

The power was so great that it turned into a hurricane, rolling up endless sand and dirt on the ground, like a sandstorm that was overwhelming the city, full of a destructive sense of oppression that destroyed everything.

But the blind girl did not dodge, but chose to rush over!

The lightning and the dust began to intersect, but in a flash, the blind girl rushed directly into the dust, as if there was no obstruction.

Just when the blind girl frowned and thought, she seemed to hear countless wronged souls wailing in her ears, and her body fell to the side as if she had lost control.


But in just a moment, the blind girl's ears seemed to be thundering, and the loud noise made her wake up instantly. She looked forward and saw an extremely huge ghost claw grabbing her directly.

At this time, she also understood that the dust and wailing were just a cover.

The real attack was still the ghost claw attacking her!

Just when she was about to take it...


A completely different sound came into the blind girl's ears, as if something huge was breaking through everything around it and attacking her.

It was the giant tail that followed closely behind!

The blind girl made a quick judgment!

At this moment, the blind girl was caught in the front and back attack of the ghost claw and the giant tail.

But the blind girl opened her mouth slightly and chanted again--

"Thunder scatters when it meets the ground, so thunder enters the ground and--escapes!"

After the last word "escape" was uttered, the blind girl made a sharp turn and rushed directly underground.

The moment she entered the ground, she disappeared like a drop of water falling into a lake!

But the two attacks did not notice the disappearance of the blind girl, and they collided violently.

The blind girl's current name is blind girl, you can understand that a cheap name is easy to support.

The protagonist will give the blind girl a name later!

If you have any good names, you can also leave a message...

That's it~

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The child is really starving to death!

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