The bald man in a white robe in front of him realized that he had come at the wrong time.

The people from the Church of Light outside were just ordinary NPCs, not the ones he was looking for.

And he couldn't go deep into the church to find the other party now, so he could only wait for him to come out.

But it didn't matter. Lin Hao knew a place he would go to every day. He estimated the time and only needed to wait for another half an hour.

Opening the forum, Lin Hao began to kill time.

For a game as popular as Tianyu, there must be some black markets and intelligence dealers.

Black markets are hard to find, at least not on the forum, but intelligence dealers are everywhere.

The most famous and well-reputed of these intelligence merchants is a guy called "The Strongest Analyst", who is well-known both inside and outside the circle.

Lin Hao jumped into a website he built.

The website page is very exquisite, without messy advertisements, and the color tone and background can be selected by yourself, which is obviously attentive.

As for the products on the page, they are all some strategies and gossip.

He set the search range of the products to Wangyue City.

The next second, dozens of titles popped up on the page.

[The method of rapid upgrade, the hidden place with the most monsters and the richest experience value in Wangyue City! ]

[A special hidden task may help you win at the starting line! ]

[The Church of Light in Wangyue City, their leader, I think there is something strange! ]


The time of these messages is the most recent, and some distorted or expired messages are marked.

And this is just one section of the Wangyue City. Such a huge workload can be run. Behind this "strongest analyst", there must be a team of no less than a thousand people.

The above information is sold at a high price. No information is less than 10,000 credit points. Obviously, the service group is a small number of elites.

Lin Hao didn't care about the money at this time. He bought a few information that he was interested in and found that they were similar to what he knew.

Although he wasted some money, Lin Hao also confirmed the information on this website, which was very accurate!

He tried to search for information about the Dharma God's Treasure House, but there was no harvest.

There are many people who also posted here, also offering rewards for information about the major treasure houses.

Then, Lin Hao searched for his own name here.

As soon as the word "Tianshi" was typed in, dozens of titles popped up immediately.

[The strongest new player in history, what kind of secret does he have? ]

[Why did Tianshi choose the blessing related to attack power when fighting the world boss? His damage was so explosive. Is it related to attack power? 】

【Speculations about the special skill ‘Death Coming’. 】


These personal information have been viewed quite a lot, with the most sold for 1,000 copies, and the least sold for hundreds.

This fully shows that he has become famous in the entire Tianyu since the battle with the World BOSS.

Lin Hao was a little jealous, because in such a short period of time, these people made nearly 50 million just by selling his personal information!

“You guys are going too far. Selling my information is fine, but you don’t even give me a dime. It’s outrageous!”

“I’ve worked so hard so far, and I’ve only made a few small goals.”

While complaining, Lin Hao clicked on the information with the highest purchase volume.

He wanted to see what kind of information this guy, who was known as the strongest analyst, was selling.

However, after clicking in, he was dumbfounded. "Are you kidding me? You sell a piece of information for 100,000? Why don't you go and grab it? There are still 1,000 suckers who buy it?"

"It's simply unjust. I clicked in to see my own information, but I have to pay 100,000 yuan."

"Is there any law?"

Lin Hao felt that his resentment was about to reach the limit. He was inexplicably taken advantage of by others, and now he has to pay. It's simply outrageous.

Exiting the payment interface, Lin Hao searched for Xia Rufan's information.

Soon, he was relieved.

Because there are tens of thousands of pieces of information about Xia Rufan, ranging from what he had for breakfast today to what his skills are.

None of them are less than 100,000 yuan, and the one with the highest purchase volume is priced at 10 million yuan, and 168 copies have been sold so far.

Now look back at your own

, the highest price is only 100,000, who are you looking down on?

Lin Hao's mentality has changed dramatically. This time he did not hesitate. After paying for the purchase, he clicked in.

[So far, the general information of the strongest new player Tianshi, the following content is all speculation based on my past experience, with an accuracy rate of 80%, so the price is 100,000, the following is the main topic:

1. It is currently known that although Tianshi is a mage, his damage is only related to physical attacks.

2. Able to instantly cast super-large spells including "Death Coming".

3. Masters a super rare legendary amplification skill that can increase the damage by 5 times, and is initially judged to be the advent of Thor.

4. Tianshi's attack can ignore the enemy's dual resistance, which is initially judged to be the effect of the talent. The specific amount of ignoring is unknown, but at least 6,000 points can be ignored.

5. It is very likely to be a hidden profession that masters three elements. The specific level is unknown, but the level will not be lower than SS level. I guess that Tianshi's profession is very likely to be a hidden profession of SSS level.

Possessing skills: Mana Barrier, Explosive Flame, Flame Blast, Intermediate Barrier, Fast Steps, Starlight Flash, Red Lotus Shockwave...

Possessing special items: Mysterious scroll. Preliminary judgment is that the scroll can evolve skills, tentatively designated as the Evolution Scroll.

Evaluation: Well-deserved title of the strongest newcomer!

Pull-over level: SSS level. 】

【Special skill: Death is coming. Speculated effect: The damage range is between 100 meters and 200 meters, the damage ratio is unknown, but extremely terrifying.

Can be released twice in a short period of time, and the damage ignores the shield. This is only the currently speculated effect, the real power will only be stronger.

Evaluation: Well-deserved strongest range attack skill! 】


The comments below are also a cry of surprise.

"SSS-level profession, are you kidding me?"

"It's too outrageous. Since the opening of Tianyu, there has been no SSS-level profession until now, but I think Tianshi is so strong, it is indeed possible."

"No matter what the price, I must win over Tianshi!"

"Don't fight with me, he is mine!"


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