The players who left the battle ran and cursed: "Crazy War Guild! You are not human!"

"Oh my god, it's disgusting!"

"It's outrageous! You are playing backstab again!"

"I curse you to be killed by the boss and all your equipment will be destroyed!"


Faced with the curses of the players, Crazy War World didn't care. Anyway, their reputation had been stinking for a long time, so it didn't matter at all.

He just sneered: "The howling of a stray dog, life is a game, and the game is the law of the jungle!"

"You are a waste, don't blame the world for being unpeaceful."

As soon as these words came out, they caused a lot of curses.

"When it comes to trash, who can compare to you, Kuangzhan Tianxia? A whole group of people were wiped out by Tianshi alone!"

"That's right. I heard that they were wiped out several times."

"As for this bunch of trash, they are lucky to be reborn. If their family background is the same, no one would want them even if they make money!"


Kuangzhan Tianxia didn't care about being scolded, but when he heard the word "Tianshi", he immediately got angry.

"Tianshi is nothing. He was just in the Novice Village. I don't know what kind of shit luck he had, but he got a set of powerful equipment. Who is he after leaving the Novice Village?"

Kuangzhan Tianxia said while patting his armor. This was a treasure given to him by Kuangzhan Bafang, a level 15 legendary equipment!

Including his own Xuanwu shield, he had already obtained two legendary equipment when he was at level 15.

None of the suit parts on his body were red equipment below level 15.

It's not that there are no higher-level ones, but his level is not high enough to meet the wearing conditions.

This is the foundation of the guild. What can a small casual player compare with?

That Tianshi is probably still wearing the novice outfit of level 10!

His team members also echoed at this time: "Yes, that Tianshi only got some opportunities in the novice village. If he meets us now, I can't beat him with one hand!"

It must be said that powerful equipment can really give people confidence.

Following behind the crazy world, their equipment is provided by the guild. Every level up can be replaced with a set, not to mention how cool it is.

The casual players can't refute it at all. Many players who like to browse the forum know that Tianshi is already level 19, but he was still wearing level 10 equipment at that time.

In terms of foundation, an ordinary casual player is naturally incomparable with the guild. All equipment needs to be obtained by themselves.

Anything with better attributes will not be thrown into the auction house, but can only be exchanged or traded privately.

But even so, they don't think these people can compete with Tianshi.

Didn't you see that the level 40 players were beaten by the Heavenly Master?

Although Kuang Zhan Tianxia was arrogant, he was not so stupid. He really thought that they could beat the Heavenly Master, right?

And Kuang Zhan Tianxia seemed to have really deceived himself. He said confidently: "If you don't believe me, just watch. As long as he dares to show up, I will make him never come back!"

"Really?" A slightly teasing voice came from behind everyone.

Lin Hao walked down the hill slowly, "I think you are a group of clowns."

"Okay, those people in the bushes, don't hide."

"Are you embarrassed to attack me, a player who just left the Novice Village, with a level of 30?"

Kuang Zhan Tianxia was stunned when he heard this.

It was within his expectation that the Heavenly Master would go down the mountain from here.

Because if he didn't go down the mountain from this side, he could only take another road to the next city.

But the monsters over there were all level 31~50.

Although the level is not much higher than here, but if it exceeds level 30, the attributes of the monsters will double!

Tianshi may be able to deal with monsters, but can he deal with players?

He said it himself, as long as the player's level does not exceed the map level.

But if you run to a level 50 map yourself, don't blame the level 50 player for taking action.

So Tianshi can only go down the mountain from this side. He even pulled a BOSS over for this, attracted a group of players, and blocked the road.

Although the plain is very large, there is only one way down the mountain. Even if you go in another direction, you will definitely appear in the field of vision.

What surprised him was that Tianshi actually knew that there was someone hiding in the bushes behind him!

But the problem is that even the individual players who fought the BOSS here at the beginning didn't know.

, how did the Heavenly Master know this?

Crazy Battle World guessed immediately that the Heavenly Master must be deceiving him!

The players in the bushes obviously thought so too and did not show up.

Seeing this, Lin Hao turned around and planned to leave, "If you don't come out, then continue to hide."

Crazy Battle World saw that Lin Hao really had no intention of coming to grab the BOSS, and instantly became anxious, "Haha! I'm right, right!"

"The Heavenly Master only got some opportunities when he was in the Novice Village. When he saw me after leaving the Novice Village, he could only run away in shame!"

After this was said, the casual players couldn't help but roll their eyes.

"Are you taking us for fools?"

"Ah~ It's okay to fool others, but don't fool yourself."

"That's outrageous. If there's no one behind your bush, I'll eat this BOSS!"

"You're laughing. I was wondering why Kuang Zhan Tian Xia suddenly became so brave. It turns out that there's someone hiding behind him."


Kuang Zhan Tian Xia ignored their ridicule, but seeing Lin Hao walk so decisively, he instantly realized that they were really exposed.

The players in the bush couldn't sit still anymore and jumped out directly, but they were careful and only two came out, and the rest were still hiding.

One of the warrior players asked with a puzzled look on his face: "How did you find us?"

Lin Hao was too lazy to answer and said casually: "Do you want to fight or not? If not, I'll leave."

"Young people nowadays don't know any manners." The swordsman player who had been silent on the side started to accuse them as soon as he spoke.

However, they still had no intention of moving forward.

Because if they go a little further, they will enter the attack range of the mage.

Lin Hao also laughed when he saw their cowardly look, "So these are the level 30 players of the guild, it really opened my eyes."

The individual players also mocked.

"Just now you said you were not afraid of the Heavenly Master, but now you are slapped in the face in an instant."

"I am dying of laughter, two level 30 players were shocked by the Heavenly Master alone, what good will it do for you to die of laughter?"


The series of backstab operations of the Mad War Guild can be regarded as completely destroying the popularity of passers-by.

Now as long as there is a chance, the individual players will output like crazy.

Therefore, Lin Hao found that he seemed to have never played a disadvantageous game in the war of public opinion.

And those two level 30 players, although they were thick-skinned, were still no match for the Mad War World.

After being scolded, they suddenly felt that they had lost face, and were actually shocked by a mage whose level was lower than theirs.

The two looked at each other and suddenly launched an attack.

They were extremely fast, and they closed most of the distance with one sprint.

And Lin Hao was not soft-hearted. Relying on the advantage of the mage's long arms, he immediately threw a blast of fire.

At such a close distance, the man had no place to hide.


Such terrible damage instantly killed the swordsman player on the spot!

The other person was in a state of confusion.

Before the battle, someone told him that the damage of the Heavenly Master was very high, but he didn't say that he could kill them instantly!

Is this really a player who just came out of the Novice Village?

Just as he was stunned, another blast of fire came over again.


The two who just appeared were now wiped out.

But when Crazy War World saw such terrible damage, he was not surprised but happy.

"Tianshi has changed his staff! He no longer has the effect of restoring mana!"

The original staff was red, but now it has turned black. Anyone with eyes can see it.

Before, when he dealt damage, he would restore mana, but now it doesn't, so it's easy to guess.

"Although the damage has increased a lot, he has lost his survivability. This wave is completely reverse optimization!"

"Brothers, charge in a scattered manner and wear him down!"

Kuangzhan Tianxia couldn't help but yell.

He has lost his endurance, so he is not afraid even if the damage is high!

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