On the stage.

Ling Yu's aura was fully open, and every street dance move was full of power, and every line of lyrics was also sung with great dominance.

"It's this light, it's this light, sing together."

"(It's this light, it's this light, Hey~)."

"Let me make a folk remedy to cure your internal injuries of fawning on foreigners."

"The Chinese medicine that has been rooted for thousands of years has power that others don't know."


This melody, this singing style, these lyrics!

It's simply a headache!

The audience was instantly excited!

And the lyrics [Let me make a folk remedy to cure your internal injuries of fawning on foreigners] made the audience look at Hua Chengyu in unison!

Good guy!

This lyric was just short of scolding Hua Chengyu by name!

At this time.

Hua Chengyu's face was getting more and more gloomy.

For other lyrics, he could still pretend to be indifferent!

But he couldn't hide from this one lyric at all!

And the lyrics [Chinese medicine, which has been rooted for thousands of years, has power that others don't know. ] made the audience feel a strong sense of national pride!

This lyric even ignited a power in everyone's heart!

It also made everyone realize.

The Chinese medicine that has been passed down for thousands of years in Daxia is definitely not comparable to Western medicine, which has only developed for a short one or two hundred years!

The two are not even in the same dimension!

The power of Western medicine is visible to the naked eye, while the power of Chinese medicine is beyond the visible range of the naked eye, and there is a more magical and mysterious power!

If Chinese medicine and Western medicine are put together for a dialogue.

Anyone who studies Chinese medicine, or even those who have never studied medicine, can understand a little bit of what Western medicine says.

But those things that Chinese medicine talks about, even if they are just some superficial pharmacology and medicinal properties, it is no wonder that those doctors who study Western medicine, even professor-level doctors, are confused and difficult to understand!

So the difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine is really like a world of difference!

There is no comparison at all, let alone no comparison!

At this time.

Ling Yu on the stage also glanced at Hua Chengyu's frustrated look with the corner of his eyes.

The more uncomfortable Hua Chengyu's expression was, the more pleasure Ling Yu felt in his heart!


The next second.

Ling Yu took off the baseball cap on his head and threw it on the ground.


His street dance moves on the stage became more arrogant, and his singing style became more provocative.

"I'm relaxed, I'm dancing."

"The movements are relaxed, you can't learn them."

"Neon signs, adjust your state."

"In the gorgeous city, waiting to wake up."

"I'm relaxed, I'm dancing."

"Use calligraphy to write dynasties, and spread the inner strength."

"Write in regular script with heroic spirit, and give a punch to the dialogue."

"Lie down at the end, let's see who is better."

It's still a provocative lyric.

Ling Yu's expression and eyes at this time are also full of provocation.

"Fuck, this Ling Yu is really going to be amazing!"

In the label loft on the stage, a contestant sat on the sofa in the label room, looking at Ling Yu's cool and domineering appearance, and couldn't help but smacked his tongue!

He and Ling Yu are both contestants!

But if he was asked to sing such a rap song on the stage in front of Hua Chengyu!

He would never dare!

Although there is no swear word in the lyrics of this Chinese rap song.

But it is more aggressive than those English rap songs with swear words!

Every word is heart-piercing, every word is pearl-like, and it is powerful!

Such a Chinese rap song was written by a contestant to scold the mentor?

Can you imagine this?

Anyway, before Ling Yu started singing, the four contestants sitting in their respective label rooms could not imagine it!

What made them even more unimaginable was.

Hua Chengyu, a star singer who is usually so arrogant, was scolded by a contestant with a Chinese rap.

But he didn't even dare to fart!

He could only listen to it with a gloomy face and hard scalp in the audience!

Can you believe this?

Anyway, the four contestants couldn't believe it!

At the same time.

In an underground bar in Kyoto.

Seven or eight rappers were sitting on the sofa in the lounge, watching Ling Yu's live recording on the computer.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that Ling Yu could actually create such an amazing rap song in Chinese!"

"Fuck! This Ling Yu is really amazing. Chinese rap can be so smooth!"

"Not only smooth! HeThe lyrics are a textbook-level slap in the face!"

"Indeed! His Chinese rap is a slap in Hua Chengyu's face!"

"Don't just focus on the emotional catharsis brought to you by this Chinese rap. Analyze carefully why Ling Yu's "Compendium of Materia Medica" is able to make the lyrics smooth and the singing flexible even though the lyrics are also written in Chinese?"

"Huh? Thinking about it, Ling Yu's Chinese rap song is indeed different from the Chinese rap songs we created before!"

"But where is the difference? We really can't think of it for a while!"

"But one thing is certain, Ling Yu's "Compendium of Materia Medica" will become the most valuable song in the Chinese rap circle!"


On the stage.

Ling Yu's street dance moves began to become softer, and the rhythm gradually slowed down.

But his singing style has become more naughty and playful!

"Squat, little zombie squat, little zombie squat. ”

“Squat, little zombie squat, light up the dark alley.”

“La la la la la…”

“Squat again, little zombie squat, dig into the carrot pit.”

“Squat again, little zombie squat, chant a spell.”

“La la la la la…”

“La la la la la…”

When the lyrics of “La la la la la” gradually faded away in the melody of the ending, accompanied by the naughty flute sound.

The audience at the scene was already stunned, and they were stunned in place!

And the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but put their hands on the keyboard…

“Fuck, this this this this this…this lyrics are too magical!”

“More than magical! It can be called a brainwashing divine song. My mind is full of [La la la la la] now!”

“I don’t know why, it feels like Brother Yu seems to have become a little bit bad!”

“This is more than just bad? I'm really going crazy, Brother Yu, you're so crazy - but I like it!"

"Hahaha, I can't stop laughing, you're all geniuses!"

"I don't care about the lyrics of [La La La La], I just want to ask, what does [Squat, little zombie squat, little zombie squat] mean?"

"Hey! This is easy!

Zombies are also a unique culture of our Great Xia.

As we all know, zombies have hard bones and stiff bodies, so they can't squat and won't squat!

But some foreign-worshipping dogs are worse than zombies. When they worship foreigners, they not only squat, but even kneel, lying like a dog!

Brother Yu's lyrics are a satire on those foreign-worshipping dogs, scolding them for being worse than little zombies, all of them are soft bones!"

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