Whether it was Zhou Maomao or Xu Liting.

At this time, their admiration for Ling Yu was like the water of the Yellow River, flowing endlessly!

There was no way.

The shock Ling Yu brought to them was greater each time.

"By the way, Maomao, let's vote for Ling Yu too! Then send the link of this voting activity to the class group and Moments, and canvass for him again!"

Xu Liting suddenly said.

"Okay! We must canvass for Ling Yu, he is my idol now!"

Zhou Maomao nodded immediately.


At the same time.

Many of Ling Yu's fans also spontaneously forwarded the voting activity on Weibo to their own Moments and WeChat groups to canvass for Ling Yu.


Ling Yu's voting link appeared in many people's Moments, as well as various WeChat groups.

And his vote count also rose rapidly.

Under such circumstances.

Ling Yu's topic popularity finally rushed to the top of Weibo's hot search list again.

His identity as a medical student and his performance on the show formed a strong contrast.

This made countless netizens like him to the point of obsession.


Several topics related to Ling Yu quickly appeared on Weibo's hot search list.

#How talented can a medical student be? #

#Luzhou in "Luzhou Moon" is actually Luyang? #

#Luyang City is Ling Yu's hometown? #

These hot search topics rushed to the top ten of Weibo's hot search list almost at lightning speed.

And the comment area was even more heated.

"Fuck, this Ling Yu is so talented, this song "Luzhou Moon" is absolutely amazing!"

"I've decided to go to Luyang City for a few days to see if it's really as beautiful as described in this song."

"Yes, yes, yes, I want to go to Luyang City too, this is Ling Yu's hometown!"

"This Ling Yu is really awesome, I feel that his song "Luzhou Moon" may make Luyang City a tourist city."

"Brother, be more confident, remove the word "feeling", I am from Luyang City, I have found many outsiders coming to Luyang City in the past two days, they don't sleep at night, walking on the street, while playing Ling Yu's "Luzhou Moon" on their mobile phones."

"This is outrageous, a song has made a city popular!"


Just when there were more and more hot searches related to Ling Yu on Weibo.

The song "Luzhou Moon" also made it to the hot search list of major music platforms.

And it directly rushed to the top of the list.

But this is not an exaggeration.

Because what is even more exaggerated is that Ling Yu's other two songs, "Why Not" and "Su Yan", also made it to the top ten of major music charts. Under normal circumstances, when people search for music on music platforms, they usually look at the top ten songs first. Because the songs that can enter the top ten of the list are all verified by the market. They are songs recognized by many netizens. When netizens found that there were three of Ling Yu's songs in the top ten of the list on major music platforms, they were shocked! Because this situation is really rare. Even if it is an idol singer or a first-line singer who is very famous in the Chinese music scene, there are few opportunities for their songs to enter the top ten of the hot search list of major music platforms. And even if their songs enter the top ten of the hot search list, it is only one song. Like Ling Yu, three songs directly entered the top ten of the hot search list of major music platforms at one time. This is also extremely rare in the entire Chinese music scene.

This has greatly increased Ling Yu's popularity on the Internet.

Even some professional music bloggers have begun to analyze Ling Yu's songs on Weibo.

A music blogger with more than one million fans on Weibo specially released a video, which analyzed the three original songs released by Ling Yu in great detail.

The music blogger in the video is a middle-aged man with long hair.

He faced the camera and said with a smile.

"Recently, there is a very popular variety show called "Tomorrow's Singer", which is a music talent show. I believe everyone should have seen it recently."

"And the reason why this music show is so popular is because of a contestant named Ling Yu."

"Since Ling Yu participated in the audition of this show, various hot topics have continued to appear on him, bringing huge traffic to this show."

"And every time Ling Yu triggers a topic, it depends on the songs he sings on stage."

"Since he participated in the audition of this show,By now, the first episode has been recorded, and he has brought a total of three original songs, namely "Why Not", "Luzhou Moon" and "Su Yan". "

"Today, I will analyze why these three original songs of his have become popular online and have also entered the hot search list of major music platforms!"

"First, let's analyze Ling Yu's recent "Luzhou Moon". This song is very different from the previous popular songs in the Chinese music scene, both in terms of melody and lyrics. "

"The melody of this song uses several classical instruments. The lyrics even incorporate the rhythm of ancient poetry..."


This music blogger made a detailed analysis of Ling Yu's three original songs, from the music to the lyrics.

After seeing the analysis of this music blogger, the netizens exclaimed that it was wonderful!

When netizens first heard Ling Yu's song, they only thought it was very nice and could easily arouse deep emotions.

But netizens don't know what is so good about Ling Yu's three original songs from a professional music perspective?

But after watching the analysis of this music blogger in the video.

Netizens finally had a clearer understanding.


More and more netizens began to like and comment on the video posted by this music blogger, and also actively forwarded it to their own circle of friends and other social platforms.


The number of likes for this video posted by this music blogger quickly broke through the million mark!

And the popularity of this video also quickly broke through 10 million!

It even took only half a day to rush into the top ten of the Weibo hot search list.

Such terrifying popularity.

This music blogger can be said to have benefited a lot!

The number of fans alone has increased It has doubled.

This exaggerated growth rate of fans is incredible to the music blogger himself.

He has been using Weibo for such a long time.

He is naturally very clear about how difficult it is to attract fans on Weibo!

If you don’t spend money to buy zombie fans or spend money to buy traffic for promotion.

Most people who do self-media bloggers can attract 200,000 fans in a year.

It is already pretty good!

There are many bloggers who do self-media on Weibo, who can’t even attract 100,000 fans in a year!

Let’s not talk about others.

Take his own Weibo account as an example.

The previous more than 500,000 It took him two and a half years to gain followers.

When he first started this account in the first year, he had no experience.

It took him a year to gain more than 60,000 followers.

It was not until the second year that he learned to find traffic outlets and follow hot events.

Only then did he gain more than 200,000 followers in a year.

But now.

It only took him half a day to gain nearly 500,000 followers.

And this result.

It was just because he took advantage of Ling Yu's popularity!

This also made him realize how huge the traffic of Ling Yu was!

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