Time passed slowly.

Ling Yu sat in the lounge for nearly half an hour.

During this period.

He and Liu Yuan chatted and joked, and watched the PK of other contestants on the big screen on the wall of the lounge.

This kind of elimination match is naturally a mixed bag.

Every group of contestants on the stage means that one contestant will definitely be eliminated!

The three groups of PK contestants who just came on stage.

Ling Yu took a look and felt that their strength was actually good.

But compared with those really awesome singers in his previous life, it was nothing.

So after watching for a while, Ling Yu had no interest, so he simply leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

And just then.

The chief director brought the operations manager Chen Liang to the lounge.

As soon as the other contestants saw the director, they immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile:

"Hello, director!"

"Hello, director!"


At this time, Ling Yu heard the voices of the crowd and opened his eyes.

Liu Yuan, who was sitting next to him, quickly pushed him, "The director is here, I guess he's looking for you again!"

Sure enough.

Ling Yu didn't have time to get up from the sofa.

The director ignored the gazes of the other contestants and walked towards Ling Yu with a smile.

"Ling Yu, Cidu City and Lin'an City have already replied, let's go out and talk alone!"

"Oh, okay!"

Ling Yu nodded a little silly, then got up from the sofa, followed the director and the operations manager Chen Liang, and the three of them left the lounge together.

The other contestants looked at Ling Yu's back and fell into deep thought.

What does it mean?

Cidu City and Lin'an City?

What did these two cities reply to, and what does it have to do with Ling Yu?

Why would the director need to come to Ling Yu in person to talk?

Everyone was puzzled.

At this time.

Liu Yuan pretended to be thinking and muttered to himself:

"Is it the business cooperation that Brother Yu mentioned before?"

Liu Yuan's words startled everyone, and suddenly they remembered that Ling Yu had gone out to talk alone with the director and the producer before.

When he came back.

Ling Yu told Liu Yuan that he had discussed some business cooperation.

So from the director's words just now, it can be inferred.

Ling Yu's business cooperation partners are Cidu City and Lin'an City?

Thinking of this.

Everyone was shocked!

What kind of business cooperation did Ling Yu accept?

The cooperation partners are actually two cities!

This is outrageous!

Even if the commercial cooperation accepted by first-line singers is nothing more than some big brand companies, or writing some episodes, opening songs and ending songs for some TV series, movies, animations, etc.

But Ling Yu's partner is a city!

A whole city!

This kind of business partner is not comparable to a big brand company, or a film, television, or animation company.

It is precisely because everyone knows this that they are more curious about what kind of business cooperation the two cities of Cidu City and Lin'an City want to discuss with Ling Yu?

City image spokesperson is definitely impossible!

Ling Yu is now the city image spokesperson of Luyang City, and there is no way he can be the image spokesperson for other cities.

Then what kind of cooperation can make both cities find Ling Yu?

Everyone was puzzled.

At this time.

Ling Yu and the chief director have come to the platform garden outside the corridor.

It is very quiet here, and there are not many people.

After the chief director stopped, he went straight to the point and said:

"Ling Yu, the heads of Ci City and Lin'an City just talked to me on the phone."

"They are very happy to hear that you are willing to accept this cooperation."

"So they all decided to meet with you immediately to discuss the details of the cooperation."

"The head of Ci City is now on the plane and will arrive in Kyoto at 3 pm. Manager Chen will accompany you to talk to him in detail."

"And the head of Lin'an City will also come to Kyoto around 7 o'clock tonight. Manager Chen will also accompany you to talk to him!"

"Well, okay!" Hearing the chief director say this. Ling Yu also nodded and smiled softly:

"Thank you, Director General, for taking care of my affairs!"

"Hey, we are all family, why thank you!" The Director General waved his hand and said with a smile:

"As long as you accept the cooperation between Cidu City and Lin'an City, your fame on the Internet will definitely be more popular."

"If you become popular, the ratings of my show will also increase. I have to thank you!" The Director General was honest,He didn't say any superficial words.

This made Ling Yu like him even more.

Chen Liang, the operations manager standing by, was shocked at this moment.

From the attitude of the chief director towards Ling Yu, how could he tell that he was talking to a contestant?

He simply treated Ling Yu as a VIP!

Even for those first-line artists who were paid to be mentors, the chief director had never had such a flattering attitude.

Of course.

For this point.

Chen Liang could actually understand it.

After all, Ling Yu is now the top star of the program "Tomorrow's Singer"!

It's no exaggeration to say that he is the cash cow of the program.

And the chief director really told the truth.

If Ling Yu can successfully take over the cooperation between Cidu City and Lin'an City, the ratings of the entire program will indeed be greatly improved.

Once the ratings increase, the program's ability to attract money will naturally increase.

This point is undoubtedly the most important for a variety show.

After all, who does variety shows for money?



It was 3:30 in the afternoon.

At this time, the recording of the show had ended.

Chen Liang had already booked a restaurant box and was waiting in the box with Ling Yu in advance.

The person in charge of Ci City, after getting off the plane at 3 o'clock, also rushed to the restaurant immediately.

About ten minutes later.

The person in charge of Ci City came to the restaurant and, led by the waiter, soon came to the box where Ling Yu was.

There were two persons in charge.

One was a middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, and looked like an old cadre.

The other was a young man in a suit and holding a briefcase, who looked about 30 years old.

Seeing the two persons in charge come into the box.

Chen Liang and Ling Yu also stood up and greeted them immediately.

"Hello, I'm the operations manager of the program "Tomorrow's Singer", my name is Chen Liang."

"The person next to me is Ling Yu!"

Chen Liang raised his right hand and placed it in front of Ling Yu to introduce him.

Ling Yu also nodded and smiled at the two persons in charge.

"Hello, Manager Chen, my name is Zhang Quan, and I'm the director of the Cidu City Operation Department!"

The middle-aged man immediately laughed, shook hands with Manager Chen, and then extended his hand to Ling Yu:

"Finally, I met Mr. Ling Yu in person. He is really young and talented!"

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