Luyang City.

Greenland Nathan Manor.

In a riverside villa with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters.

A man with his eyes narrowed into slits is also watching the second episode of "Tomorrow's Singer".

His name is Li Ronghao, a famous singer and music producer.

He is also quite famous in the Chinese music scene.

He once won the Best Newcomer Award at the 25th Golden Melody Awards and the Best Mandarin Male Singer at the 30th Golden Melody Awards.

He even made a movie and won the Asian Newcomer Award and the Best Actor Award at the 20th Magic City International Film Festival!

However, because his eyes are too small, the audience always says that he can win awards even if he closes his eyes when making movies.

This makes him very depressed!

Because he has actually opened his eyes as wide as possible...

Hearing the audience say this about him, he is a little speechless.

So he rarely makes movies later, but sings peacefully!

After all, it looks much more normal to close your eyes when singing.

As a singer, he has a very good relationship with Xue Zhiqian.

So he naturally knew.

Xue Zhiqian recently served as a mentor in the variety show "Tomorrow's Singer".

Although he didn't have time to watch the live broadcast yesterday, he saw the videos that were uploaded online in the evening.

When he saw Xue Zhiqian's evaluation of Ling Yu.

He was even more shocked!

Li Ronghao knew Xue Zhiqian's personality quite well. He knew that although he was usually not serious, once he returned to music, he would be like a different person!

He became extremely serious!

And he actually said publicly on the show that the lyrics written by Ling Yu made him want to kneel!

This high evaluation instantly aroused Li Ronghao's great interest in this contestant named Ling Yu.

He really wanted to know what kind of lyrics this contestant named Ling Yu wrote to make Xue Zhiqian give such an evaluation!

So he came to watch the main film of this episode tonight.

Like most netizens, he skipped the performances of the previous contestants and fast-forwarded to the time when Ling Yu appeared.

"When you walk into this happy place."

"Carry all your dreams and thoughts."

"Different faces with different makeup."

"No one remembers what you look like."

When Li Ronghao heard the first few lyrics, he instantly felt an inexplicable heartache.

The memories in his mind came like a tide.

He was once alone, carrying his dreams and blood, and came to this entertainment circle full of sensuality.

This strange but infinitely longing place has all kinds of people, wearing all kinds of makeup.

The distorted face is covered by a hypocritical mask!

But he sat alone in the corner, no one cared...

This empathy made Li Ronghao slap his thigh violently.

"This lyrics is so heartbreaking. How can he feel this way about life at such a young age?"

At this time, Li Ronghao's eyes were red.

He suppressed his emotions and continued to listen.

"One cup to freedom, one cup to death."

"Forgive my mediocrity and dispel confusion."

"Okay, I always leave in a hurry after dawn."

"The sober people are the most absurd."

After listening to the whole song, Li Ronghao's emotions could no longer be suppressed, and tears burst out.

He was a man in his thirties, curled up on the sofa alone, crying so hard that his eyes could no longer see...

Ling Yu used the eight cups of wine in the lyrics to toast the warmth and coldness of human feelings and sing about the world!

As if telling the world.

In this world.

No one knows their own absurdity, because only when they are sober can they know the absurdity of life and feel the pain of life!

But even so.

When you wake up from your absurd life, you can only leave alone after dawn, and then continue this confused life...

Do you choose to be drunk while everyone else is awake, or choose to be sober while everyone else is drunk?

This song raises this question, but does not give an answer to it.

Perhaps everyone can only find the answer slowly in this absurd life...

Li Ronghao has passed the age of thirty, and is even about to reach the age of forty.

But he still hasn't found his own answer to this question.

When he first entered the entertainment industry, he suffered a lot and was looked down upon.

Now he has already achieved success, but he still feels endless loneliness and loneliness in the middle of the night.

And Ling Yu's song "Xiaochou" made him feel empathy and a sense of belonging.

"If I have a chance, I must meet this Ling Yu!"

"He is so special!" Li Ronghao thought to himself. Then, he took out his mobile phone, captured the clip of Ling Yu singing this song, and posted it on his Weibo. He also wrote: "You wrote the song "Xiaochou" into a poem." "Ling Yu, thank you for singing the absurdity and pain of a sober person!" Li Ronghao has many Weibo fans, 23.52 million. Moreover, among his fans, there are many first-line singers in the Chinese music scene, several kings and queens, and even several seniors in the music industry. After Li Ronghao posted this Weibo, many of his fans left messages and liked and forwarded it. "Wow, it turns out that my idol is also listening to this song "Xiaochou". This song is really heartbreaking. I have cried twice. " "Who isn't? I cried when I watched the live broadcast, and now I watched the full movie twice, and cried again! "

"Don't even mention watching it twice, I can watch this song "Xiaochou" three or four times, and I never get tired of it."

"This song gives different feelings to people of different ages. ”


At the same time.

Several first-line singers in the singer circle also saw Li Ronghao’s Weibo.

When they clicked in, opened the video, and listened to Ling Yu’s song "Xiaochou".

Immediately, they felt their hearts tremble, as if they were hit by a heavy hammer on their chests.


Like Li Ronghao, they could not control the emotions aroused by the lyrics, and tears flowed down instantly.

And when their emotions gradually calmed down.

Like Li Ronghao, they also posted the video of Ling Yu singing "Xiaochou" on their Weibo, and even in their private circle of friends.

And they all added a few words of copywriting.

The content was praise for the lyrics and their own feelings about the song!

These first-line singers have thousands of Weibo fans Starting from 10,000, the traffic is not small.

And in their circle of friends, there are many big names in the entertainment industry.

When those big names heard this song, they were also deeply moved and couldn't help crying.

Then they also forwarded this song to their Weibo and circle of friends.

That's it.

Ling Yu's song "Xiaochou" spread rapidly throughout the entertainment industry at an almost geometric growth rate.

This night.

The whole entertainment industry is circulating a song.

This song is called "Xiaochou"!

This night.

The whole entertainment industry is circulating a name.

This name is Ling Yu!

PS: Today my idol Federer retired, my youth is over, and I feel very complicated!

I just want to say one thing.

If Federer hadn't been born, the tennis world would have been like a long night!

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