Under the impact of traffic from multiple online platforms.

The second episode of "Tomorrow's Singer" had already exceeded 50 million views at 11 o'clock in the evening.

On the Penguin Music platform.

The number of views of the song "Xiaochou" has even exceeded 100 million!

At this time.

Whether it is the director and producer of the program group or other staff members.

They were all shocked!

They knew that Ling Yu's song "Xiaochou" could bring a lot of traffic to this episode of the program.

But they never expected that the traffic would reach such a terrifying data.

This feeling.

It's like a person originally wanted to buy an apple with one dollar.

When he took out the dollar, he found that the dollar could buy a basket of apples!

It's outrageous!

At the same time.

Ling Yu was lying on the bed, and he also saw the lyrics analysis written by the gold medal lyricist on Weibo.

He also saw the terrifying popularity brought by the song "Xiaochou"!

So he clicked on his Weibo account and took a look.

At this time.

His eyes lit up, and he was also shocked!

Because he saw.

His Weibo followers had exceeded 67.81 million.

This afternoon, his followers were only 21.89 million.

And the second episode of "Tomorrow's Singer" was not online until 8 o'clock tonight.

And it's only 11 o'clock in the evening!

In other words.

In the three hours after the second episode was online, his Weibo followers increased by more than 10 million every hour!


This growth rate is so terrifying!

And the comments under the only Weibo post in Ling Yu's Weibo have directly exceeded the value of one million.

"One cup to the morning sun, one cup to the moonlight. Ling Yu, from today on, you are my idol!"

"The wine glass is too shallow, I can't toast to the long future, but with your songs accompanying me, I will definitely go far."

"You don't know the taste of sorrow when you are young, you will know the silent sorrow when you grow up."

"I have been repeating this song for an hour, it's really nice."

"Ling Yu, thank you for writing the song "Xiaochou", which allows me to see you and myself in the song!"


Looking at the comments of these netizens.

Ling Yu was also deeply moved, and couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

So he wrote a paragraph on Weibo to those netizens who resonated with him.

"I wrote a song called "Xiaochou". Tonight, many netizens got to know me because of this song.

You said in the comments that this song is heartbreaking and warm. Does this song describe the story of my life?

I want to tell you.

When you hear this song, it has nothing to do with me.

The overflowing emotions in your heart and the tears in your eyes are all because of the stories you have hidden in your heart."

When Ling Yu posted this on Weibo.

In less than ten minutes.

The number of comments under this Weibo directly exceeded 10,000.

"Ahhh, Brother Ling Yu's words are like a bullet that shot directly into my heart!"

"Fuck, I'm a grown man, but I cried four times today! I cried once when I watched the live broadcast, cried again when I watched the feature film, and cried once when I read the lyrics analysis. Now I can't help crying again when I see this paragraph!"

"Oh my God! Ling Yu, what kind of talent do you have in your heart to write such heartbreaking and gentle words!"

"I'm numb from crying tonight! I just want to say one thing, Ling Yu, you understand me!"


More and more netizens are writing their inner thoughts under Ling Yu's Weibo.

And after Ling Yu read a circle of comments.

His heart was even more emotional.

He got up from the bed and stood in front of the French window.

From the height of the hotel, looking at the crowd.

At this moment.

He had only one thought in his mind.

"Medical skills can cure physical diseases, and songs can cure the wounds in the heart."

The road ahead.

Ling Yu has decided to completely give up medicine and pursue music.

He came to this world with the songs of his previous life, so he should give full play to his greatest value!

The world does not lack a doctor like him, but it lacks a singer like him.

However, he will still complete the studies that should be completed normally.


The next day.

At eight o'clock in the morning.

Ling Yu got up and washed up.

Then he went to the restaurant on the third floor of the hotel to have breakfast.

Because at nine o'clock, Liu Quan would send a special car to pick him up.

This was agreed upon by him and Liu Quan yesterday afternoon.

The breakfast of this hotel is arranged in the buffet restaurant.

Guests can come in to eat with their room cards.

Ling Yu walked into the restaurant andAfter that, he found that there were many kinds of meals, and their luxury was not inferior to the breakfast of five-star hotels in first-tier cities.

Ling Yu took the plate, picked a few cakes that he liked to eat, and a cup of hot milk, and sat alone at a table by the window.

The reason why he only picked a few cakes was because he liked to eat sweet.

This was a habit he developed in the world before he crossed over.

Maybe it was because his previous life was too bitter, so he liked to eat sweet.

Just as Ling Yu was eating breakfast quietly.

At a table not far to his upper right.

Two girls were blinking their eyes, looking at him curiously.

"Chen Li, look at that boy, he seems to look like Ling Yu in "Tomorrow's Singer"?"

The long-haired girl in a black dress looked at Ling Yu who was eating sweet cakes with a silly face.

"Zhao Linger, do you think there is a possibility? That boy is Ling Yu, who became popular on the Internet last night because of the song "Xiaochou"?"

Chen Li, who had short hair and wore a white T-shirt, looked at Zhao Linger with a wise look and said.

"Ah... Then, shouldn't he be recording the show in Kyoto? Why is he in Cidu City now!" Zhao Linger's expression was full of doubts.

"The second episode of "Tomorrow's Singer" was recorded the day before yesterday, and the next episode will be recorded a week later. It is reasonable for him to appear anywhere now. What's strange about appearing in Cidu City!" Chen Li said very confidently.


She took out her mobile phone again and searched for many videos of Ling Yu at the competition site on the Internet.

"Look, is he exactly the same as Ling Yu in the video?"

"And even the clothes he is wearing are exactly the same as the clothes he wore in the previous competition!"

At this time.

Zhao Linger nodded blankly, finally confirming that the boy sitting there eating breakfast was Ling Yu, who was very popular on the Internet!

It was Ling Yu who wrote the song "Xiaochou".

"Zhao Linger, let's go take a photo with him and ask for his autograph, okay?"

Chen Li looked expectant, her tone full of excitement.

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