On Weibo.

When many netizens saw the Weibo post by Chen Li, they were immediately excited.

"No way! Brother Ling Yu is actually in Cidu City now? Shouldn't he be recording the program "Tomorrow's Singer" in Kyoto?"

"The program doesn't need to be recorded every day. He finished recording the second episode the day before yesterday. Now there are still five or six days before the recording of the third episode. It's normal to go out for a trip!"

"Ah, Brother Ling Yu actually took a photo with other girls. I'm so angry! I also want to take a photo with Brother Ling Yu!"

"What's the use of thinking? I have bought the plane ticket. I will fly to Cidu City and have a sweet encounter with Brother Ling Yu!"

"Yes! If you fly to Cidu now, it is entirely possible to encounter Brother Ling Yu. Hurry up and buy a ticket first!"

"Fuck, you don't have martial ethics! Can this be called an encounter? You are simply chasing!"

"Hahaha, God is chasing!"


At this time.

In the hotel suite.

Chen Li was leaning on the sofa, looking at the comments under her Weibo.

But as she looked at it.

Her expression changed from being complacent at the beginning to panic in her heart, and she suddenly felt that the direction of the development of things was a little beyond her expectations!

She originally just wanted to post a Weibo to satisfy her own desire to show off and pretend to be a little bit.

But she didn't expect that those fans who like Ling Yu would be so crazy!

They actually planned to fly to Cidu immediately to meet Ling Yu by chance!

But the problem is.

Do you call this a chance encounter?

You are even more excited than hunting down your enemies!

Chen Li really doesn't want Ling Yu to be harassed and troubled in the past two days in Cidu because of her desire to show off!

"Zhao Linger, look at these people's comments. They didn't really come to Cidu to find Ling Yu!"

Chen Li put the phone in front of Zhao Linger, looking a little flustered.

Now her mind was in a mess. Apart from Zhao Linger, her best friend, she couldn't think of anyone who could give her advice.

After Zhao Linger took a closer look at the comments, she said without hesitation:

"Hurry up and delete this Weibo post, and also delete the one you posted on Moments."

"These girls on Weibo are very scary in chasing stars. They are definitely not joking. Besides, it's summer vacation now. They have plenty of time to travel and may have even bought their tickets for today."

"If the popularity of your Weibo post continues to rise, it may cause millions of people to fly to Cidu to find Ling Yu in the next two days. By then, Ling Yu may not even dare to go out!"

Hearing Zhao Linger's analysis, Chen Li was stunned.

"Will...will it be so serious?"

"It could be worse than this!"

"Then...then I'll delete it now!"

Chen Li came to her senses and immediately deleted the Weibo post and Moments she posted.

"Okay, I've deleted them all. Now things shouldn't develop to the point you said!"

"I can't guarantee it, I can only say that this will reduce the probability of that kind of consequence happening!" Zhao Linger looked calm, but she was still thinking about other possibilities in her mind.

The next second.

Zhao Linger's eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had thought of something, and immediately asked:

"By the way, the Weibo and Moments you posted didn't reveal the location of our hotel, right?"

"No, I didn't share the location, nor did I reveal the name of the hotel!" Chen Li shook her head quickly.

"Huh~" Zhao Linger breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression was finally relaxed:

"That's good, in this way, even if those fans come to the Porcelain Capital and want to find Ling Yu, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

"Fortunately, I didn't share the location at that time!" Chen Li also patted her chest, looking like a false alarm.


Let's talk about two things.

Under the leadership of Ling Yu, he has entered the Daxia Porcelain Garden and came to the Centennial Ceramics Boutique.

This place is worthy of being called Daxia Porcelain Garden.

In the entire ceramic boutique hall.

In the transparent glass display cabinet, there are all kinds of exquisite porcelain.

Of course.

The most displayed is naturally the blue and white porcelain, which is known as the "greatest treasure in the world" among porcelains!

"Brother Lingyu, take a look at the porcelain in these four display cabinets."

Zhang Quan patted Lingyu on the shoulder, pointed to the four glass display cabinets lined up in a row, and smiled proudly:

"The porcelain in these four display cabinets are blue and white porcelain, exquisite porcelain, pastel porcelain, and colored glaze porcelain, collectively known as the four traditional famous porcelains of the Porcelain Capital."

"Wow, these four kinds of porcelain are so exquisite, and the shapes are unique and the styles are unique. They are worthy of being the four traditional famous porcelains of the Porcelain Capital!" Lingyu looked at the porcelain in the display cabinets and expressed his sincere admiration..

"Especially this kind of blue porcelain, which is as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, and as thin as paper. It is really a treasure among porcelains!"

Ling Yu exclaimed, pointing to a row of verdant and rich porcelains.

"Hahaha, brother Ling Yu, you have good taste!"

Zhang Quan's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile:

"This is the best of blue and white porcelain, Ming and Qing blue and white."

"It not only represents the highest porcelain making technology in our porcelain city, but also represents the highest technology in the nearly 800-year history of blue and white porcelain!"

Hearing Zhang Quan say this, Ling Yu immediately showed a shocked expression:

"Wow, then this Ming and Qing blue and white can really be regarded as a "treasure in the world"!"

"This is natural!"

Zhang Quan said very confidently.


Zhang Quan took Ling Yu to visit the entire ceramic boutique museum.

Ling Yu looked at more than a thousand porcelains of different shapes.

Among them, there were nearly 800 pieces of blue and white porcelain alone.

Zhang Quan even asked the staff to take out some fine blue and white porcelain, so that Ling Yu could take it in his hands and look at it carefully under protective measures.

When Ling Yu held this porcelain that had been passed down for hundreds of years in his hands, the cool and silky touch made him feel mixed emotions.

Especially when he tapped the blue and white porcelain with his fingers, the sound was like the sound of nature!

This made Ling Yu finally understand why blue and white porcelain can be called "the greatest treasure in the world"!

Because it is completely worthy of such praise!

"Brother Ling Yu, I didn't disappoint you by bringing you to the Dasha Porcelain Garden today!"

Zhang Quan laughed.

"Of course, this morning has really opened my eyes and feasted my eyes!"

Ling Yu directly gave a thumbs up, his tone full of admiration!

When Zhang Quan heard this, he immediately laughed and continued:

"Hahaha, after dinner, I will take you to the Imperial Kiln in the afternoon to show you how those blue and white porcelains are fired!"

"When you understand the firing process of a piece of blue and white porcelain, you will understand more clearly why this blue and white porcelain can become a treasure among porcelains!"

"Yeah." Ling Yu nodded and continued to laugh: "It seems that I can have a more wonderful experience in the afternoon!"


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Quan took Ling Yu to the Imperial Kiln.

The name of the Imperial Kiln sounds very domineering.

It is the Ceramic Art Museum of the Porcelain Capital, but it is not just used to collect and display porcelain.

It has more value.

It is to display the ancient production process of porcelain through the traditional pottery making process that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Almost all the most famous pottery masters in the entire Porcelain City will fire the most perfect porcelain in their hearts here in the Imperial Kiln!

"Brother Ling Yu, what do you think of the scenery of the Imperial Kiln?"

Zhang Quan asked deliberately with a smile on his face.

The Imperial Kiln is a famous scenic spot in the Porcelain City.

Its buildings are all antique pavilions and elegant Chinese gardens.

The classical buildings with flying eaves and corners are tall and magnificent. Just a glance from a distance makes people feel magnificent.

When Ling Yu came in, he was shocked by the architectural scenery of the Imperial Kiln.

The expression on his face had already greatly satisfied Zhang Quan's inner pride.

However, Zhang Quan, an old cadre, wanted to hear Ling Yu praise the scenery of the Imperial Kiln, so he deliberately asked the question.

And Ling Yu was thoughtful, how could he not see what Zhang Quan was thinking!

So he went with the flow and said:

"The scenery of this imperial kiln is so amazing. After I came in from the gate, I felt like I had traveled to an ancient palace!"

"Every building here seems to tell me that the prosperity of the porcelain capital, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has never faded!"

"I am lucky to be able to visit this imperial kiln!"

Hearing Ling Yu's words, Zhang Quan was naturally very happy and laughed:

"Hahaha, brother Ling Yu, thank you for the compliment!"

"Come on, I'll take you to see how the most famous masters in the imperial kiln fired blue and white porcelain step by step!"


Zhang Quan took Ling Yu to a handmade kiln workshop in the imperial kiln.


There are five or six uncles over fifty who are firing ceramics.

At this time, Zhang Quan introduced:

"They are the best pottery masters in Cidu City.

The skills are passed down from generation to generation.

They have been dealing with the clay for most of their lives.

For them, firing perfect blue and white porcelain is the most important thing in their lives!"

"They are all true artists!" Ling Yu feltsighed.

"This master is preparing to fire blue and white porcelain, come and see!"

Zhang Quan pointed to an uncle in a white vest and said.


Ling Yu spent nearly three hours and finally figured out the firing process of a piece of blue and white porcelain, which can be roughly divided into five steps.

The first step is to refine the clay.

The second step is to make the embryo.

The third step is to paint.

The fourth step is to cover the glaze.

The fifth step is to fire.

Each of these five steps is extremely complicated, and some steps even require more than a dozen processes.

And almost all of them are made by hand!

Especially the painting step.

The master needs to draw patterns on the porcelain with blue and white materials!

During this period, the master's pen stroke cannot have the slightest deviation, otherwise this piece of porcelain will be scrapped.

"The firing craftsmanship of this blue and white porcelain is worthy of being an intangible cultural heritage, it is simply ingenious!"

Looking at the master craftsman sketching the pattern on the porcelain stroke by stroke, Ling Yu couldn't help but sigh.

At this time.

Zhang Quan suddenly shook his head, and his expression suddenly dimmed.

This made Ling Yu suddenly full of doubts.

Before, whenever he talked about things related to porcelain, Zhang Quan's face was full of pride, and his mood was immediately high.

But now when talking about the firing craftsmanship of blue and white porcelain, he suddenly looked lonely, as if he was full of worries!

"Brother Zhang Quan, why are you suddenly depressed?"

"Porcelain has this blue and white porcelain firing craftsmanship, shouldn't you feel happy?"

Ling Yu asked in a puzzled tone.

"Alas, it's a pity that the inheritance of the firing craftsmanship of blue and white porcelain is becoming more and more difficult!"

Zhang Quan shook his head, his expression full of sorrow.

"In the past ten years, young people in the Porcelain Capital have all gone to bigger cities. No one wants to stay in the Porcelain Capital to learn the firing process of porcelain!"

"Even the enrollment rate of the Porcelain Capital Porcelain University has been gradually declining in recent years!"

"Even those students who graduated from the Porcelain Capital Porcelain University are unwilling to stay in the Porcelain Capital."

"But it's not the fault of those young people. To learn the craft of porcelain firing, you have to be able to endure loneliness and hardship, and it's really difficult to make money from this porcelain craft these days!"

"Although blue and white porcelain is very famous in China, there are still too few people who are really willing to spend money to buy blue and white porcelain!"

"Now, I am more and more worried that the craft passed down by our ancestors for hundreds of years will be lost in our generations!"

"So that's the case!" Ling Yu nodded thoughtfully.

After hearing Zhang Quan's words, Ling Yu gradually understood his concerns.


Zhang Quan's concerns are not unreasonable.

In this era.

The pace of life of young people is very fast.

In the twenties, people have the strongest desires in their lives.

All young people want to succeed and become the best!

So everyone works hard to make money, even if they have to work 996 every day, as long as they can't die, they will die.

In such an impetuous social environment.

How can young people be willing to learn this extremely complicated porcelain craft?

To learn this craft, you can't see any progress without three to five years of hard work!

Moreover, the process of learning this craft will be extremely boring and even lonely.

Even if you have learned to the point of being a master for ten years, it is even more difficult to make a lot of money with this craft immediately!

For various reasons.

How many young people are willing to waste their youth in vain to learn this unpopular craft of porcelain firing?

At this time.

Zhang Quan continued:

"This time, our Porcelain City came to you for cooperation because we saw that you brought great popularity to Luyang City with a song, so we also hope that you can use a song to bring popularity to our Porcelain City's porcelain craftsmanship and our Porcelain City's blue and white porcelain!"

"If more young people can learn about our Porcelain City's blue and white porcelain and let them be willing to learn about the Porcelain City's porcelain craftsmanship, perhaps some young people will be willing to learn this craft!"

"It can even increase the sales of our Porcelain City's porcelain. As long as there is sales, these craftsmen can make money!"

"I believe that this craft will not be lost easily!"

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang Quan." Ling Yu nodded and said calmly and seriously:

"I will definitely write a song for Porcelain City, so that the blue and white porcelain of Porcelain City will leave an indelible mark in the hearts of all young people!"

"I believe that there will definitely be young people in the future who are willing to pass on this craft!"

"Okay, with what Brother Ling Yu said, I feel relieved!" Zhang Quan nodded and smiled.

However, there was still a hint ofInvisible sadness.

Although he believed in Ling Yu's musical ability and could write a song to let most young people know about the blue and white porcelain of the Porcelain Capital.

After all, Ling Yu's current popularity on the Internet is here!

But he didn't think.

Ling Yu could use a song.

to make the restless young people willing to calm down.

Endure three to five years, or even more than ten years of loneliness and boredom to learn the craft of porcelain firing!

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