You are Fired!

Vol 2 Chapter 9:

It's a pity that Bai Duanduan took Xu Zhixin to the door of the scheduled mediation room at three o'clock in the afternoon, but found that someone in the mediation room was using it.

Ji Lin, who was in a suit, walked upright: "The last mediation is not over yet. I let my client wait for you in the cafe outside." He glanced at his watch. "Maybe there will be a wait Time, I suggest you go to the cafe together, we can go through the settlement plan first."

It's okay, Bai Duanduan thought, if you can talk about the settlement plan in the cafe, and later you will find a judge to go through the process and sign the mediation. This case will be over, simple, efficient and perfect.

Despite hearing the name of Ji Lin for a long time, today is the first time that Bai Duanduan and Ji Lin have formally intersected at work. To her surprise, Ji Lin is not as aggressive as Lin Hui said, I don’t know Is it because today is a talk about reconciliation, he seems quite gentle, not fierce, smiles very friendly to Xu Zhixin, according to Bai Duanduan's few contacts, this behavior, Ji Lin can even be called enthusiastic about Xu Zhixin, he He took the initiative to serve coffee for him, but he probably never did such a thing. The action was awkward. A cup of coffee was not brought to Xu Zhixin's table, but was sprinkled on his coat. Xu Zhixin had to take off his coat, and the air conditioner in the cafe was very cold.

"I'm really sorry."

Although it is an apology, Bai Duanduan feels that Ji Lin's expression is really not sincere, and always feels that he is intentional.

But soon, Bai Duanduan was uncertain, because Ji Lin took off his expensive suit to express his apology and handed it to Xu Zhixin.

"Sorry, you wear mine."

? ? ?

The dog man had asked him to help him reinstall the system and only gave the indifferent word "no". Now he is so gentle and courteous to the other party? ? ? He smiled four times at Xu Zhixin! Not right?

Bai Duanduan looked at Ji Lin and Xu Zhixin again.

Between the electric light and the flint, she suddenly realized.

Although Xu Zhixin does not look handsome, he has a sharp edge and a very tough look. Because he is a technical job in the workshop and has a good figure.

Bai Duanduan looked at Xiang Jilin's face, which was not as flawless as a real person like a pictorial.

Ji Lin! Ji Lin he likes men!

No wonder it's a man who can't chase him! I am different from him, how do I fall in love? !

Bai Duanduan had a thousand times in her heart, but she was still working. She saw that Xu Zhixin was also wearing Ji Lin's coat, and she coughed. She opened the door and said: "Now the evidence shows that we are in favor, go to the court to apply for the revocation of the ruling It’s also a waste of time. The court’s process is long and completely in vain. If it’s changed in peacetime, it’s in our favor and I’ve got an arbitral award that is completely inclined to us. I won’t negotiate with you, but in view of my The party's idea, out of his feelings for the company, he is willing to make concessions. Then it is better to us to step back one by one and reconcile directly, Jinguang Electronics withdraws the application to the court, for the enterprise, saving energy and not wasting, it can be said It is the most economical and sensible solution, and it is a win-win situation for both workers and enterprises."

Although Xu Zhixin made one step less compensation, he could settle quickly, without waiting for the long court process, he would quickly receive money to get through the family difficulties, and he could settle with the enterprise to complete the rework process and find a new job as soon as possible. . And the enterprise does not need to drag on the process for so long, wasting lawyer fees again and again. At the same time, because of Xu Zhixin’s concession, the enterprise does not have to pay the full amount of compensation according to the previous arbitration award, and it can also save the financial budget. Bai Duanduan feels that, indeed It is a win-win situation.

She smiled and looked at Ji Lin: "So, lawyer Ji can propose your settlement."

Ji Lin glanced at Bai Duanduan and kept a cold smile on her face. This was a smile that was more dazzling than Xu Zhixin’s previous smile, taking advantage of Ji Lin’s style. His beautiful eyes were even more eye-catching. When he smiled like that, Bai Duanduan was a little dizzy.

The next second, Ji Lin threw a piece of material towards Xu Zhixin: "Mr. Xu, let's take a look."

Xu Zhixin flipped it away, and his face began to pale.

"Then let's get to the topic." Ji Lin didn't laugh anymore, his expression sank. The gentle and polite just now seemed to be just a hoax. This second, he tore up his disguise and returned to his nature, like wildness Untamed wolves, chasing their prey are always cruelly accurate, and they can bite the throat of others with just one bite.

Ji Lin took one from the copy of the evidence provided by Xu Zhixin: "I studied the X-ray of the tibia fracture provided by Mr. Xu and found a very interesting thing."

It’s just that although he said “interesting”, his face was cold and frost-free: “The average tibia height for Asian men is 25.79%, and the average calf length is 21.85%, although the tibia There are different ways to estimate the height of the mathematical model of length, but the overall data deviation will not be too large. According to this X-ray film, Mr. Xu’s height should be around 170."

Ji Lin looked at Xu Zhixin: "But I got the medical examination of Mr. Xu in Jinguang Electronics. Our Mr. Xu's height was as high as 183. My height is 188, and Mr. Xu doesn't look too big in my suit. , Is it possible to wear out this effect now?"

Bai Duanduan was completely caught off guard by this development. She looked at Xu Zhixin, only to find that his expression was struggling with panic, and it was very ugly.

"Please don’t speculate on my client’s height based on a single X-ray film based on unscientific data. We do not recognize the reasonableness and objectivity of your inference." However, in the face of such changes, Bai Duanduan remained stable. After taking a stand, he looked at Ji Lin without fear and calmly said, "You can submit to the court as a defense, but the court will not accept such unfounded subjective speculation. This is not at all from the authority's judgment. My client It will not respond to such nonsense."

"As for your self-proclaimed 188, lawyer Ji, how do I know you must have 188? Maybe you wear inner heights?" Bai Duanduan said a thousand or two. "In modern society, men are also very bitter. Sometimes we have both vanity and disguise. Understand."

Ji Lin also looked at Bai Duanduan, but he was not irritated at all. His eyes were dark and deep, but at the moment he was a little aggressive and cold, and his tone was so calm that he was not like a stranger: "I don't fight unprepared battles, I He will apply for forensic appraisal of the original X-ray film in court. The forensic appraisal center has complete appraisal services and is also authoritative enough." He glanced lightly at Xu Zhixin. "Let us wait and see how high Mr. Xu should be." "

Xu Zhixin's lips shook and his eyes dodged, and he was completely speechless. Rao Shibaiduan wanted to believe him again, and at this time he knew that something was going wrong.

Xu Zhixin did not tell himself the truth, this X-ray film is fake! It's not Xu Zhixin at all!

Bai Duanduan gave Xu Zhixin a soothing look and calmly looked at Ji Lin: "You should know that even if you make a relevant identification, the identification result is an indirect solitary certificate."

Ji Lin finally smiled again, this smile was still pretty good, just full of cold irony, he looked straight at Bai Duanduan: "Lawyer Bai, how do you know that I have only a solitary certificate? Why not open it to me and give Xu Mr. second page of that material?"

Bai Duanduan didn't care about anything else. She grabbed the material from Xu Zhixin's trembling hands and turned to the second page. That was a screenshot taken from the surveillance video. The video in the video also had the shooting time. It was 9:10 am on May 12th and 11:34 on the same day. Xu Zhixin appeared in a hurry at the door of a family supermarket, but he could not tell where the whole family was.

May 12... Bai Duanduan reacted almost keenly, and that was the date of one of Xu Zhixin's sick leave tickets.

"This is the monitoring I called at the whole family supermarket in front of the Cancer Hospital of City A. The Cancer Hospital and the First Hospital of the city are located in the east of the city and the west of the city. There is no traffic jam at all, and it takes one and a half hours to drive one way." He revealed Sen Senbaiya looked at Baiduanduan with a smile. "Then I don't understand. How did Mr. Xu limped and appeared at the entrance of the cancer hospital, and at the same time issued a sick leave in the first hospital of the city? These two The time between the two, even if you drag racing, you have no time to go back and forth, is it imagined to put wings on him?"

Bai Duanduan responded almost immediately: "This screenshot of the monitoring is only in the morning, and my client's sick leave only wrote May 12, he can go to open the sick leave in the afternoon, this simple 'S video simply doesn't prove anything."

"It's a pity, Mr. Bai, the doctor who issued the sickness slip for May 12 to Mr. Xu is Chen Jianan, but this doctor, Chen, will be closed in the afternoon on May 12."

Xu Zhixin was completely restless and could not hold back, and he explained in a panic: "This sick leave slip was made by me, and I can't prove anything!"

Ji Lin suddenly realized: "Oh, it was originally issued, but Mr. Xu, to fill out the sick leave, this is cheating sick leave." He finished, and smiled softly, "Thank you for cooperating with me to complete the evidence, I have just Recorded."

"I...I..." Xu Zhixin looked helplessly at Bai Duanduan. He didn't understand the law and didn't realize it at all. Even if you were really sick, you didn't go to the hospital and didn't take sick leave. In law, it is also a deceitful sick leave, not to mention that because of the X-ray film, Xu Zhixin may not have broken his leg at all. Then the three consecutive sick leaves have already been faked. This has not been washed at all.

Bai Duanduan was so annoyed by his brain, but she still didn't plan to surrender. She insisted strongly: "My client and I don't recognize the authenticity of this video! For all these evidences, we require an application Identification."

In any case, applying for the authenticity of the evidence is a very detrimental trick. In the litigation strategy, once the application for authentication is applied, it will greatly delay the progress of the case and prolong the process, and it is also very easy to bring down the opponent. Time is an invaluable cost. A case that can be ended in six months can be dragged into a year by such a litigation strategy. It can always add congestion to the other party, and finally it depends on who can't stretch and die first.

Bai Duanduan naturally did not want to lose both sides. Xu Zhixin deceived her. His sick leave is definitely a problem. Even if the application for identification can be delayed for a lifetime, his lies will always be punctured. Bai Duanduan only hopes Relying on this move, Jinguang Electronics can calm down, and instead of losing both sides, it is better to talk about reconciliation. As the wrong side, Xu Zhixin can make greater concessions.

She glanced at Yan Xin and Chen Minghua who were sitting next to Ji Lin and did not speak: "The two, of course, I don’t want to make things so stiff. Mr. Xu has always wanted to reconcile, you see, is it possible, My client made a greater concession, will we reach a settlement as soon as possible?"

Speaking of which, Bai Duanduan glanced at Ji Lin with a pointed meaning: "The longer the time delay, the greater your lawyer's expenses. Even if our labor dispute is lost, we will not support the losing party to bear the other's lawyer's fees. . In the end, even if you save part of the labor compensation in the winning case, there is no expensive lawyer fee, which is not economical."

Yan Xin and Chen Minghua really hesitated. Just when Bai Duanduan felt that things had changed, Ji Lin snorted sarcastically.

He picked up the phone, his voice was cold and calm, and said concisely: "Li Min, bring it in."

Bring in? Who to bring in? Bai Duanduan is quite nervous. Does Ji Lin have any other important witnesses?

As soon as his words fell, bells came from the door of the coffee shop. Bai Duanduan didn't know what medicine was sold in Ji Lin's gourd. He looked subconsciously through the voice and found out that she was a woman, holding a Labrador .

The person brought in is not a person, but a dog? ? ?

Bai Duanduan was still puzzled, but he saw that it was almost instantaneous. As soon as the otherwise docile Labrador entered the door, he suddenly broke free of the dog leash and swooped towards himself.

Although Labrador is a docile dog breed, although this dog is a little emotional at the moment, but his face is not malicious, but such a big dog rushed towards himself, Rao is white-end and not afraid of the dog, but also scared jump.

She subconsciously tried to hide, but she saw that the dog did not pounce on herself. It just threw it towards Xu Zhixin beside her. The dog's paw kept digging the suit on Xu Zhixin's body, and the dog's mouth began to bite the suit's pocket.

Bai Duanduan was relieved, just to help Xu Zhixin, he saw that his face was completely discolored. He looked frightened, as if he had been completely stopped by a nightmare, and he had completely forgotten the surroundings, in front of Yan Xin, Chen Minghua and Ji Lin. Face, push away the dog directly, stand up vigorously.

The dog naturally didn't give up easily, but he swooped to Xu Zhixin, and Xu Zhixin couldn't take care of anything. He turned his face in a white face and rushed towards the cafe door...

Ji Lin winked at the woman who had led the dog. The woman nodded and took out the dog biscuits, and finally succeeded in calling back the Labrador who chased Xu Zhixin.

Xu Zhixin saw that the crisis was lifted, and finally stopped in a gruff manner. He looked helplessly at Bai Duanduan: "Lawyer Bai...Yes, I'm sorry, I'm particularly afraid of the dog. I don't know why the dog followed me..."

Bai Duanduan walked to Xu Zhixin's side with a blank face, and even took off his jacket immediately with some rudeness. In the pocket of this expensive suit jacket provided by Ji Lin "kindly", Bai Duanduan felt a lot of Dog food.

Xu Zhixin hasn't reacted yet, but Bai Duanduan is cold in his heart.

This is a complete hoax.

This lawsuit is over.

All the seasons just now are absolutely recorded.

Now the author is looking at Bai Duanduan with a strong and provocative look: "Is this evidence straightforward enough?" He gave a mocking glance at Xu Zhixin, "The man who had a broken tibia for more than a month and walked on crutches, turned out The ability to run so fast is almost at the track and field level."

He looked at Bai Duanduan: "This kind of person, you tell me his sick leave is true? Are you insulting my IQ?"

"Even if you apply for appraisal of the rest of the evidence, this wonderful scene just now, there are so many witnesses, even if you are in the presence of Lawyer Bai, you don't need to appraise." Ji Lin said in a word, "Lawyer Bai, I am Will not give you the opportunity to use procrastination strategies."

Ji Lin leaned closer to Bai Duanduan, and his voice was very gentle, even worthy of saying: "If you rub it on the ground, you really have to rub it on the ground."

Just contrary to his voice, Ji Lin's expression was cruel and cruel.

He enjoyed it very much and completely defeated his opponent for a moment.

At this moment, Bai Duanduan finally knew what Zhang Junda meant. He is indeed a very ruthless person. He predicts all possible actions of the opponent and prepares for the fight in advance. Once the action is taken, the opponent is laid out by the Tian Luo Di net, and there is no escape.

It was also at this moment that Bai Duanduan knew that he regretted that Lin Hui was right. This man was really dangerous, and he had to be careful. In order to win, he would use all the strategies you can't even think of, but it is now too late.

But even at this moment, Bai Duanduan did not admit defeat: "The human body and life have many natural miracles that cannot be explained by science. When people encounter danger, they can inspire a lot of potentials themselves, for example, some mothers discover that children are After being crushed under the wheel, he lifted a one-ton car directly with his bare hands. My client was very, very afraid of the dog. In extreme fear, he didn’t care about the pain in his leg and fled the road. This simply couldn’t prove him directly. There is no injury. Instead, it is your operation of Lawyer Ji, which has a negative impact on the subsequent recovery and mental health of my client. We reserve the right to pursue the law."

"If you insist on revoking the arbitration award without reconciliation, then I will also insist on applying for identification of all evidence, including the video recorded just now, and I will continue to question the authenticity and relevance and legitimacy in the cross-examination. , I will also mention jurisdictional objections."

After Bai Duanduan finished his eyes, she looked at Chen Minghua and Yan Xin with determination. At this time, she should not panic, but to strongly convey an attitude to the enterprise-as an agent of Xu Zhixin, she would never lie down and admit defeat. Instead, it is necessary to use and exhaust all litigation strategies used for procrastination, to the last minute, until it is unbearable to the enterprise.

Regardless of whether Xu Zhixin deceived herself or whether she was subjectively flawed, but since she is his lawyer, she will fight to the last moment regardless of whether the client is right or wrong.

Whether it can win or not is sometimes irrelevant. Ji Lin is very expensive. This is the disadvantage of the enterprise. Whether the enterprise is worth spending a lot of energy and financial resources for such things as Xu Zhixin is also a factor they have to consider.

Looking at the tangled expressions of Chen Minghua and Yan Xin, Bai Duanduan felt a little sure.

It's a pity that she didn't expect that Xu Zhixin's psychological defense broke down first.

"Sorry, I made it up!"

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