You are Fired!

Vol 2 Chapter 30:

Because Bai Duanduan is a prosperous person who joins as an independent division lawyer, there is no such thing as a partner allocating the source of the case. If you want to have a business, you have to develop yourself. Generally, lawyers specializing in labor disputes, but like Bai Duanduan who has a certain number of years of work experience, in fact, there are some old client resources in hand, but Bai Duanduan's situation is more special. In the past few years, she practiced in City B. Now, not long after I returned to City A, the foundation was not stable, and at the same time, her preference for choosing customers finally showed its drawbacks-she always represented the laborer’s side, and the agent’s side did so again. Well, it is difficult to repeat customers, and individual customers cannot have long-term business continuity.

If Bai Duanduan pays more attention to the adjustment of customer structure and can maintain several corporate customers at the same time as individual customers, then she will not face the current dilemma-as long as corporate customers have recruitment and dismissal, there will always be Labor disputes appear, even if the company is in City B, but the companies will also recommend each other to the labor dispute lawyers. Once the business customers in City B have a cooperative company in City A, Baiduanduan will have the opportunity to be recommended to this cooperation The company, so that Bai Duanduan will not be a bad source of the case, in short, better than nowadays can only sit on the cold bench temporarily.

Bai Duanduan brushed Weibo in a boring way, opened a hot search, and was accidentally attracted to a topic-#女员入职一月过过一个期期期期期期期后告esterilled for pregnancy##

The conflicts between female employees and enterprises in pregnancy and maternity leave can be seen more in labor disputes, but this old topic has so much discussion, which involves a local company in City A, Guifeng Communications, Bai Duan Duan was a little curious and opened the interview video that caused the topic.

In front of the camera is a middle-aged woman, who is a little fat, wears pair of glasses, and has a very public face without any recognition, like every ordinary office worker from nine to five, her tone is also It is quite intimate, and the subtitles show that she is Ms. Li, the general manager of the personnel department of Guifeng Communications.

"Xiaodai was recruited through headhunting because her position is very important. We interviewed a lot of people and spent a lot of energy on screening resumes. I asked headhunters to help me find out, and finally decided to let Xiaodai join the post. Her resume In fact, it is not the best among all candidates, but she is very young and motivated, and she specifically stated that she was unmarried and unborn, no boyfriend, single, and had no plans to fall in love and get married in the past two years. We In the past two years, because the company has developed new business, the job pressure of this position will be relatively large, and it is hoped that the recruited employees will have continuity in their work, so this is her bonus point, and we finally hired her."

The reporter interviewed came out to guide the topic in a timely manner: "As a result, one month after joining the job, this Xiao Dai, who claimed that he did not have a boyfriend in the past two years and would not consider getting married and have a child, suddenly announced that she was pregnant, and then began her vacation?"

Ms. Li nodded her head in the camera, her face was helpless: "This is because we are in a hurry to hire people. Xiaodai provided only a very simple on-board medical examination certificate. There is no X-ray chest film. In addition, she said that the medical examination was just right. Therefore, we did not take care of urine tests during the menstrual period, and we did not care. We have been dragging off several times and said that we have no time to do it, and we did not think about it. After all, her job is really very good Busy, it was normal to say that she was not free. But she didn’t expect that she would wait for the trial period to pass, and suddenly took the hospital checklist, telling us that she was pregnant and needed to take care of the baby.”

"That is, once the probation period has passed, she became pregnant unexpectedly after she was formally changed?"

Ms. Li smiled bitterly: "Why is there an accidental pregnancy? The hospital checklist clearly stated that the pregnancy has been for three months. She should have known that she was pregnant when she first participated in the interview. "Why doesn't she do X-rays? Why doesn't she go to the urine test? She knows the answer." Ms. Li pushed her glasses and explained, "There is an item in our company's urine test that requires checking whether she is pregnant."

The reporter suddenly realized: "So the beginning of this female employee was a scam?"

"It can be said that she knew that she was pregnant from the beginning, but our company is not a nursing home." Ms. Li was distressed. "Our personnel work is very difficult to do because of this. Her salary in this position is not low. We also need to pay wages in accordance with the law during the sick leave. The law stipulates that, no matter what, it cannot be lower than 70% of her salary. In addition to the salary, there is also the cost of the social security provident fund. We must also pay as usual, plus the formal entry before After that, we have just hit the last headhunter..."

Ms. Li, who is the general manager of personnel, sighed and said frankly: "The most difficult thing is that she is now asking for leave, and she is not prepared to come before birth. According to the labor law, we cannot expel female employees during pregnancy. The work on the job is very important, we have to go through the recruitment process and hire another employee to do her job, which is a waste of time and a high cost, and she will have to take a break after her birth. Maternity leave."

She shook her head: "It always feels like our personnel department or company, they all seem to have been deliberately defrauded by her. She knows she is pregnant, but conceals the truth. It seems that she is just picking a place while pregnant and giving birth. During maternity leave, one can still receive money for maternity benefits, and social security does not need to break the file. Our company has to pay a huge cost for her pregnancy. However, she took vacations as soon as she entered the job, and it is almost foreseeable that it will not create any labor value for the company in a year and a half... …"

After Ms. Li’s story was over, the reporter began to summarize her statement in front of the camera: “Now in the labor market, employees suffer from employees and enterprises also have difficulties. In addition to Guifeng Communications, we also interviewed several other companies in City A. Corporate personnel managers, see what they think of this matter?"

After that, the screen in the camera changed, and a mosaic was created for the face of the interviewee. The caption was Mr. Zhang, the personnel manager of a certain enterprise: "We have also encountered the situation encountered by Ms. Li's company before, but now it has been bitten by a snake for ten years. Afraid of Jingsheng, when we recruit now, as long as there are male applicants in this position, we will send the final offer to the male applicants at the same level as the female applicants, or even slightly lower than the female applicants. I'm afraid of female employees like Xiaodai. I heard that there are those who have just returned to work after half a year of birth and have a second child..."

The next speaker was Mr. Chen, general manager of a certain company that had been mosaicked: "Our company has never encountered such a thing because our onboarding process is very rigorous. We must provide a medical report without pregnancy before we can enter the job. To be honest, Guifeng Communications was still too humanistic. I heard that the employee named Xiao Dai visited her after the pregnancy leave, but she didn’t feel grateful at all. wage."


Finally, the reporter took the lead again: "In the workplace, female employees are often referred to as being discriminated and oppressed during pregnancy and maternity leave, but should audience members also think about the discrimination that women are facing in the workplace today, Some companies do not want to hire female employees. Is there a negative impact caused by employees like Xiao Dai at the root? Women want to change their position in the workplace, they also need to make great efforts, and every woman needs to be strict and self-disciplined. Let’s improve the stereotype of women in the workplace after pregnancy!"

This is a job interview program in City A. It was held for a year before, but the ratings were mediocre, and it was spread locally in City A. I just didn’t expect that now with such a topic, I was suddenly attracted. The eyes of the people across the country.

Bai Duanduan turned off the video and opened the related topic, only to find that the discussion was also very intense. This interview video alone has been reposted more than 30,000 times.

The pseudonymous Xiao Dai employee was almost cruelly beaten by netizens. Bai Duanduan casually clicked on the avatars of several reviewers, and found that in addition to male netizens, the most scolded ones were female netizens.

"A rat **** breaks a pot of porridge! It is only because of this shameless woman that it becomes more and more difficult for us women to find work!"

"Some pregnant women open their mouths to protect women’s protection of labor laws, as well as rights, violations of laws, and labor arbitration. But the problem is that companies are not charitable. If they are extreme, 50 people are recruited, and 50 of them are pregnant like this. Just take a vacation, is it better to close the business directly? Are you looking for a business? I think you are looking for a bank! This woman in the video is simply a worm! Vomit!"

"Now that many sisters are being discriminated against in the workplace, isn't it just thanks to these shameless people?"


Naturally, there are also different sounds in this-

"Although Xiao Dai did not do it in the right way, there was concealment, but if she was really pregnant and she did have a need for fetal protection, she could take sick leave. As long as the process is complete and meets the requirements of the medical period, this is what the law requires!"

"It's still too much cost and pressure to bear children, maybe the parties are forced to pass on to the company and find a company to take over. But in fact, the society should pay attention to it, especially now that the fertility rate is so low, is it not for pregnant women? Isn’t the social welfare guarantee good enough?"

It's a pity that such a voice was quickly drowned in abuse and attack—

"You have to have a baby and you have to have a baby, OK, but you don't have to rely on your work, the boss and the rest of your colleagues are not your children's dad? Who should you go to? Who are you looking for? You are blind and have no ability to keep you at home full-time A man who is pregnant with a baby must be held accountable by the company? When I gave birth, I wasn’t working until the day before my birth? Just because you are so sick and princess sick, you have to take a vacation as soon as you get pregnant? There is no princess life, but princess sickness.

"Come on, it seems that it has been a long time to plan. This kind of scammer really has a need to protect the baby? But it is just lazy and wanting to pay for it."

"That's why I was forced to pass it on to the company? Isn't it true that it's a word? Poor! Poor mad! I have to rely on wages to subsidize my family during pregnancy, but I asked Ask, you are so poor, what kind of child do you have? Even the enterprise’s salary during pregnancy is greedy, and even this money is poor, what kind of child do you have, do you know how much money the child is spending now?"


This topic probably touched the pain points of women in the workplace, not only caused widespread concern and discussion of women, but men also did not fall, such social issues, the popularity is unprecedented, and some good people have launched a vote, but in this case, public opinion is almost They are all biased towards the enterprise, and they also condemned the various attacks on the pseudonym Xiao Dai.

Bai Duanduan flipped over again, and found that even according to the details and clues in the interview, human flesh out of this female employee in reality——

"Dai Qin, 25 years old, just joined Guifeng Telecom for a month and a half. Recently, she is on vacation to protect her baby. Here, the photos are here. Everyone comes to taste products."

Afterwards, the trend of public opinion began to deviate more completely. Originally, the issue of labor disputes such as female pregnancy and the workplace was discussed well. As soon as the photo of the flesh came out, it became an attack on Dai Qin.

"Better by heart, more ugliness!"

"Shameless, so ugly, the dinner came out overnight, or self-determination depends on the people!"

"If you know each other, you should voluntarily resign. Don't disgust your company. Let your company make a living."

"This woman's eyes are so small, don't you think it's just a clown with facial features?"


Bai Duanduan pursed his lips and looked at these malicious comments, but he felt helpless for no reason. It is a very strange thing. Once it comes to things like Daiqin, male attacks are second. The most intense verbal abuse is always from women of the same sex.

It's just that Bai Duanduan didn't expect that the phone rang as soon as he put down his phone.

She glanced at the call and it was Xue Wen. Bai Duanduan was somewhat stunned. Two of her friends, Duan Yun, were enthusiastic and lively, and Xue Wen was quiet and restrained. She was a person who could not bother others without worrying about it. If she was not in a hurry, she would never call herself.

"Duan Duan, there is something I want to ask you." Sure enough, Xue Wen's voice was a little quick, "My cousin encountered some labor disputes, and I want to hire a lawyer. Is it convenient for you to take her case? But that is the case. It’s not very beneficial to her, the lawsuit is more difficult to fight, and the amount of the target is not very large, maybe the lawyer’s fee is not much..."

Bai Duanduan was worried that there was no source of the case, and he immediately responded: "Yes, don't I like challenging cases?"

"The other party's law firm is Zhaohui, and the attorneys are Lin Hui and Du Xinyi. Can you... can you?"

Bai Duanduan froze for a while, and then she smiled: "Why can't it be? The narrow road meets the brave, and you are really too timely. How can I miss such a good opportunity to be an enemy?"

That being said, when dealing with a case, you must avoid emotional matters, whether it is anger or sympathy. These feelings are cumbersome in the workplace. Xue Wen understands this reason, and he is afraid that this case will be harmful to Bai Duanduan, not to mention...

"Mr. Lin's help to you, you have been remembering for so long, can you really start to fight against him?"

"You can rest assured that the public and private are clear, and I have reported the grace for a long time, and I don't owe him anything." Bai Duanduan pursed his lips. 1007, Shenglin Law Firm."

Rao is Xue Wen is not keen on gossip, then also stunned: "You went to Sheng Lin? Ji Lin's law firm?"

She and Duan Yun had always known that Bai Duanduan had been blocked in her job search after she came out of Zhaohui. A few days ago, she learned that she had finally found a new home. She was really happy for her and did not ask in detail which law firm she joined. Celebrating together a few days later, did not expect Bai Duanduan to go to Shenglin?

"Well." Bai Duanduan also had a hard time clarifying the whole story at once.


Hanging up the phone, Bai Duanduan sorted out his desk, and began to enter the referee document network to find some latest cases to study and study. However, as soon as he opened the page, he received Ji Lin's internal call.

"come here."

Okay, the money is given by the boss. Baiduan Duan has to obey this concise command.

"Should you report the progress of your work."

"Is it going to report on the first day of work?!"

Ji Lin Leng snorted: "Otherwise, what do you think I used to pay you such a high salary?"

Bai Duanduan was stunned for a while, and his heart was clear. He didn't expect Ji Lin to be a hard worker as a boss, and he was also very concerned about the new hires. This just came, let me report my work and report on the business situation. Dedicated, there is such a boss, but Bai Duanduan is very at ease, most afraid of encountering instead of thinking of progress and not seeking progress, all day long not thinking about business, only thinking about partners in private affairs.

Fortunately, Bai Duanduan felt that Xue Wen had just led a business for himself and cleared his throat: "I just approached a labor dispute recently, because it was introduced by an acquaintance, and I should be able to win the case..."

I could have the case on the first day after I arrived. It should be able to get through. It's a pity Ji Lin still couldn't put his lips together. Bai Duanduan thought about it and decided to say a slogan to the new boss: "I After that, we will continue to work hard to expand other cases and generate income..."

It's a pity that Ji Lin's frown was interrupted before he had finished speaking. The man was wearing a luxurious look, his face was stern, his two thin lips were lightly opened, and he looked cold--

"I asked you to report on your domestic work."


Ji Linyi took it for granted: "Your onboarding procedures have been completed and you are still not alive. Should you show me how to take care of two high-paying jobs? How can you ensure that my mother has a healthy diet and exercise every day? ?"

Bai Duanduan silently took out his mobile phone, clicked on Ji Lin’s mother’s live broadcast room, and handed it to Ji Lin: “Look, this is the live playback of your mom’s lunch just now, and this is a walk after dinner. The replays clearly record the day of your mother's healthy work and rest."

Ji Lin took a look and looked slightly better, but soon, the father of Party A raised a new question: "But besides being able to monitor her three meals a day, it does not guarantee that she will take every meal Don't steal sweets and fruits." Ji Lin pursed her lips and looked at Bai Duanduan. "You are like this, I want to deduct wages."

Nothing can be deducted!

Bai Duanduan smiled confidently, and then clicked on the app of the surveillance camera: "Yes, so I introduced a system of random spot checks. In addition to live playback, you can determine that your mother is healthy for three meals a day. Check your mother's situation regularly, you see..."

Bai Duanduan said that, looking down at the screen, it turned out not to look good. At first glance, Bai Duanduan's expression was not good. Ms. Meng Xin probably still had a fluke mentality, thinking that it was impossible to be spot-checked by chance. It was like a student who could not help cheating even if she knew that the dean was on the tour. She was now sneaking out a snack jar from under the cushion on the sofa, and then took out a piece of chocolate intoxicated. Great, the face was peeled off dreamily, and I was about to happily put it in my mouth...

Bai Duanduan was not wasting for a minute, and immediately pressed the voice button, only listening to her voice, and the monitoring screen also appeared a warning of her loudspeaker amplification: "Aunt Meng, I saw it! You violated us Article 8 of the 58 Principles of Peaceful Coexistence signed signifies the secret hiding of sweets! At the same time, it also violated the 27th of these provisions and attempted to ingest polysaccharides without permission. Now please immediately put down your stolen goods, Then report on the treadmill!"


In the surveillance image, Ms. Meng Xin apparently did not expect that the surveillance could have a warning function when she was preparing to eat snacks. When she heard the sound of the white end of the room, she was so scared that she threw all the chocolate bars. She looked To the probe: "Xiaobai, I... I'm just fascinated for a while, and I didn't really prepare to eat, I just took it out and smelled...Is it not enough?"

"Do you still want to borrow my Kelly? The color you like best?"

Ms. Meng Xin had no resistance to the bag. Upon hearing that Bai Duanduan threatened her with a kelly bag, there was no way. She could only collect her snacks in a frustrated manner and walked towards the treadmill.

Bai Duanduan turned off the monitoring app, and Zhao Jilin smiled: "I also installed a shouting function for this monitoring, and I can also achieve dialogue. You see, so you pay for the price for the price. It's expensive, it's not, people have expensive reason!"

"In addition, for the diehards like your mother, in addition to introducing random punishment measures, in order not to affect her enthusiasm for self-improvement, I also introduced incentives. Once there are no violations for seven consecutive days, then I will be based on her performance Set rewards of different specifications, such as lending your mom my bag, taking your mom to visit my collection, adding more low-sugar fruits, going out to play mahjong, etc..."


Ji Lin choked, but still pointed out the loopholes with a cold expression: "But you do spot checks, the symptoms are not cured, you will be busy with the work of the law firm, at most, you can only check it during lunch break, afternoon tea break or after work, She will soon find out the regularity of your inspection time. At this time, she can’t move. She can’t completely stop her from eating in places you can’t see.” He glanced at Bai Duanduan. , The mechanism is not perfect, I still have to deduct wages."

Dare to report that the work is false, and it is true to take the opportunity to find the difference and deduct the salary, but can Bai Duanduan make Ji Lin succeed? ! Must not!

So Bai Duanduan smiled and waved his phone: "You can rest assured, for the vulnerability you said, I also made a patch measure, the blood glucose meter I bought, the data can be directly transmitted to my mobile phone through the cloud, your mother I asked her to check the blood sugar with a needle on time two hours after the meal every day. Once the data exceeded the safety value I set, the app would give me an alarm, which means that your mother must have eaten blindly, and what greeted her is punishment."


Bai Duanduan said that, thinking of something like that, he took out an invoice from his pocket: "Yes, this invoice, just reimburse you."

Ji Lin picked it up and saw a book purchase list attached to the invoice, but the title of the book purchased was inexplicably strange--

In addition to "How to See through the Laziness of the Subordinates", "Eliminate the Lazy Subordinates from the Source", "The Boss Is Like a Cat, and the Subordinates Are Like Rats", "The Art of Wisdom", "Management Experience" and "The Virtuous Cycle of Personal Supervision Mechanism" Even if, why is there also "prison management and prisoner reform" "criminal punishment conviction and sentencing jurisprudence concept" "discussion on the nature of rewards and punishments of commutation"? The most excessive thing is that Ji Lin even saw "Derailment and Catch" on the tail of the book list, "How to judge a man lied" and "Details of lying"...

"You explain it to me." Ji Lin Shen said, "What kind of book list are these? Do you want to check the man and ask me to pay the bill?"

"How do you say that!" Bai Duanduan squeezed his eyebrows toward Ji Lin, "I'm not for your mother! You see, how to prevent these subordinates from lazy carrying their bosses, and the experience of corporate management employees is not to prevent Does your mother carry me lazily and don't exercise? Although the situation is different, isn't the spiritual core connected?"

Ji Lindu laughed angrily: "What about this prison and commutation? Isn't it true that you are interested in criminal law and reimburse me with my hand?"

"No, no, I'm all for your mother! Look, my reward and punishment system after the spot check is the inspiration I got from here! Everything is worth your money for your money!"

"Then "Derailment and Catch", "How to tell if a man is lying"?" Ji Lin sneered, "What does this have to do with my mother?"

"Yes! It's a big relationship!" Bai Duanduan whispered deafly, "Although your mother is a woman, men and women are human in nature! It is common! Men are cheating and they lie and eat sweets with your mother. To lie, isn’t this human weakness, expression of expression and emotion the same? Not to mention men cheating and stealing, isn’t your mother stealing too? It’s all stealing. Let’s take a look at prevention and screening measures ,What is the problem?"


Bai Duanduan smiled: "So, boss, reimbursement, give money."


The author has something to say: all messages with more than 15 words in this chapter will be sent with red envelopes! (As of 8 o'clock tomorrow night)

Readers struggle to name the [Small Theater]

Just met-Sheng Lin everyone: (saliva) white skin beautiful long legs, goddess I can!

After getting acquainted-Sheng Lin everyone: (disgusted) Li Da Tong will cost money, Ji Par still has you!

Reader's orchid flower orz [small theater]

Mom Ji: The first day of Duan Duan’s onboarding, miss her, the second day of Duanduan’s onboarding, miss her, the nth day of Duanduan onboarding, pull an excel sheet and miss her

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