You are Fired!

Vol 2 Chapter 39:

Bai Duanduan didn’t know what Ji Lin thought quietly beside her. She only knew that Guifeng Communications could not claim the contract to be invalid. Therefore, Dai Qin’s labor contract would naturally continue to be performed, and her sick leave was all Legally true, the company was ultimately unable to fire her during pregnancy.

This result made Dai Qin so excited that she whimpered softly, Du Xinyi looked pale, and Li Wanjun's face was also very ugly. She had to jump into the trap of Bai Duanduan just now, and she was angry at the end. Now she looked at Dai Qin more and more The more unpleasant it looks.

"Even if you can't be expelled during pregnancy, Dai Qin, do you find it interesting to continue to work in the company like this? Do you think you can still be integrated into our collective? You are not claiming to be weak, do you need to have a baby after pregnancy? This psychological quality is quite strong, and even if it is so, it can still be calm. I Li Wanjun is really willing to worship."

Li Wanjun’s intimate face is full of malicious contempt at the moment: "Don’t say anything now I am a woman embarrassing a woman, deliberately mean you, just because I am also a woman, I also gave birth to a child, I only I know, persevering is not as difficult as you said, and you will have a miscarriage if you don’t ask for leave? Dai Qin, I was 36 years old when I was pregnant. I am a properly mature maternal, and I have had two abortions before. Isn’t my physical fitness worse than yours? You young girls like this, can’t bear hardships at all, you can’t do it, you can’t mention it as soon as you get pregnant.

Dai Qin was so upset by Li Wanjun that she couldn't lift her head. At a certain moment, she even thought Li Wanjun was right. Maybe the situation was not as bad as the doctor said. The child's vitality is very strong. Since the company can't fire her now ...She groaned for a moment, made a decision, and apologized apologetically: "I'm sorry for the company, I... I come to work next week, Sister Wanjun, and I am willing to insist..."

She also wanted to say a lot of stupid words, but Bai Duanduan directly stopped her--

"You should take a break, Dai Qin, follow your doctor's advice. You don't have to give up your legal rights in order to please others, sacrifice your body, and let your children take such a big risk."

As expected, Li Wanjun sneered: "The young girl is like this now, there is no way to endure hardship..."

"This is not a question of hardship or hardship." Bai Duanduan looked at Li Wanjun. She stared at each other with a firm tone of expression. "People are different from each other, and their physique is different. Some people have cancer, and conservative treatment can still Having lived a healthy life for more than ten years, then Manager Li, I made an offensive assumption offensively. I will ask you, if you have cancer, do you have to take such a special case as a reference and give up surgery? And conservative treatment? Just because others have done conservative treatment and survived healthily, can you certainly do it?"

Li Wanjun choked, and seemed to want to refute, but Bai Duanduan gave a rash, and did not give her a chance to speak.

"Everyone knows that teaching according to their aptitude has always been the most important thing in education. But when it comes to treating pregnant women, why can't you see the difference between each individual? Every pregnant woman is unique Individuals, some people will have morning sickness, some will not; some people will have gestational diabetes, some will not; some will have dystocia, some will not... You insist on working during pregnancy in harsh conditions, which is very strong and very admirable And admire, but if you did it yourself, you are trying to universalize this standard, but also to promote it to everyone, then in my opinion, this is a woman embarrassing woman. Because you are you, wear Qin is Dai Qin."

The look on Li Wanjun's face was already very unsightly, but Bai Duanduan looked at the other person, and did not flinch at all. Yes, your good luck made your child safe, but can you guarantee 100% that Daiqin also has this good luck? If this is the case for Daiqin’s child, can you take full responsibility?"

"You are a Superwoman, but not everyone in the workplace, so you have also received corresponding rewards. You have become the personnel director of Guifeng Communications, and people like Dai Qin can't do it." Bai Duanduan laughed softly. Laugh, "Everyone pursues different things. You think it's worth taking the risk of your unborn child for work, but Dai Qin doesn't think so. She wants to have the right to sick leave under the law, and wants to have the treatment of female employees during pregnancy. What's wrong with this? Do you know what you are like now? Like the kind of woman who has endured the abuse of a wicked mother-in-law before she finally becomes a mother-in-law and sees her daughter-in-law, she wants her to be as hard as she was."

At this moment, Bai Duanduan is like an unsealed sharp blade. She is sharp, decisive, and cold. She is neither gentle nor roundabout. She is so eye-catching that she makes Ji Lin completely open her eyes. After what Dai Qin didn't dare to say, she didn't look at Li Wanjun anymore, but pulled her up instead: "I believe the negotiations have ended, and Dai Qin will come back to work when the fetus is stable, but it should be When she is sick, she will still be sick."


Because of Dai Qin's wishes, Bai Duanduan did not tell the truth of her child's father. After leaving the meeting room, Bai Duanduan gently patted Dai Qin's shoulder: "You know what this child means to you, and be loyal to your own Just go inside. You can rest assured that you will stay at Guifeng Communications. They can’t expel you, just look at Li Wanjun’s current attitude. I’m afraid you will not have a good life after you stay.”

Bai Duanduan didn't want to hit Dai Qin at this time. This was not her duty as a lawyer. She had completed the agency task perfectly, and one thing was better than one less. However, she thought about it and still couldn't hold back: "You want to Staying in this company, wanting to be recognized by Li Wanjun or other colleagues, wanting to gain a foothold, promotion, and prospects in this company, I am afraid that it will take several times more effort than others, and also experience a setback that is ten million times more difficult than others. For your own sake, for your unborn children, have to be strong."

Li Wanjun is the personnel manager. She wanted to wear small shoes to disgust her. It was very easy for her to wear disgusting shoes. Moreover, Dai Qin had no time to make friends when he first entered Guifeng Communication. It was so isolated and misunderstood by other colleagues. It is foreseeable that with Bai Duanduan coming in contact, Dai Qin is not a tough person. She may not be able to withstand the time afterwards, and it is very likely that she will finally choose to leave the job under the pressure of all parties...

It's just that this is Dai Qin's life. Bai Duanduan can't get involved. She can help her with Li Wanjun today, but she can't help her all her life. Many things, she finally has to bear it herself.

Now that the negotiations have been settled, Bai Duanduan is ready to go home and Dai Qin is pregnant. After obtaining Ji Lin's consent, Bai Duanduan proposes to take her to send her home first, Dai Qin Naturally, I am very grateful: "Thank you two, but I just came to the company. I had to leave in a hurry before. There are some documents on the table and I want to go home together. Can you wait for me a little bit?"

Dai Qin pointed to the office area not far away: "It's there, soon, wait five minutes for me."


After Dai Qin left, only Bai Duanduan and Ji Lin were left. At this time, the silent Ji Lin finally opened his mouth--

"Actually, you don't have to say that."


Ji Lin pursed her lips: "You don't have to persuade Dai Qin, and you don't have to convince Li Wanjun. Lawyers can change the outcome of negotiations, but they can't change others. Saying these words is actually a waste of time."

Bai Duanduan has solid professional knowledge, strong negotiation posture, excellent communication skills, young but experienced, responsive and thoughtful thinking. From the perspective of the boss, Ji Lin also has to admit that she really pays for the price, even the goods. Excellent value, and because of this faint appreciation from the perspective of peers, Ji Lin couldn't help but want to speak up.

Bai Duanduan can be called perfect, but as a lawyer, it is still too idealistic. If she wants to become a top-notch lawyer, she must learn to abandon her over-blooded innocence and spend her time on productive and efficient things instead of trying to persuade others.

"Adults can’t change their values. The older they are, the deeper their qualifications, the more solidified and paranoid they are about things, and the more difficult it is to change and accept new things and ideas. You will find out later that these times It’s better to study the case. Work will not disappoint you, but it will do to try to change others and change society."

Ji Lin was not a preacher. He even felt that the advice he gave Bai Duanduan was inexplicable, and for the first time, Ji Lin was a bit unnatural. But what he didn't even think of was that Bai Duanduan responded to himself, not a sudden understanding, but a strong disagreement——

"I don't think this is a waste of time."

The girl with a gorgeous face in front of her face raised her head and looked straight into Ji Lin’s eyes. She looked serious and firm: “I work hard and fight in the workplace to change others and change society. .Why do men continue to squeeze women’s space in the workplace, and women are so harsh on women? Is this right? This is not.”

"The workplace has never been easy for women. I have always felt that women who work and bear children are great, but in real life, there are thousands of girls like Dai Qin who have huge burdens because they are pregnant. Feelings of guilt. If she wanted to find a company to support herself during pregnancy as she was slandered on Weibo, she doesn’t need to blame herself, because such a person is selfish and stupid enough, but such a person does not. There will be any burden to live, but Dai Qin is not. She wants this child and wants to work well. She is a woman who wants to pursue herself actively and positively. However, you can see how the society and public opinion return Her? How did Li Wanjun despise her? Is it because she can’t sacrifice herself completely like Li Wanjun, should she suffer this?"

"She's really weak, and because of her weakness, she doesn't even have the right to speak, and she can't even argue for herself." Bai Duanduan's tone was calm, her eyes bright and calm, her tone was still not fierce, but she brought a kind of It is a force that cannot be ignored. "It is also because of this that I need to redouble my efforts to speak for them and speak for them."

Bai Duanduan looked at Ji Lin's eyes: "Ji Lin, you are a man, you can't understand her, but I can. If there is no harsh living environment for women in the workplace, does she need to hide her pregnancy? Because of the oppression of the external environment , She chose to hide, she was forced, but no one sympathized with her. She felt that she should stay at home just because she was pregnant. Don’t go to the business to harm people, don’t burden the society, don’t trouble others, but The problem is that Dai Qin has an elder and a younger woman. She is an ordinary person and she wants to eat. She is not selfless, has no moral character, no flaws, no flaws, is not perfect, and it is impossible to think about the company and the boss completely, but In this world, who has no selfishness? Who doesn’t have a small heart? In this matter, the enterprise is still the strong party and Dai Qin is still the weak party. She deserves to be protected."

"I know it’s almost naive to change others, but I still keep trying. I don’t think the words with Li Wanjun are a waste of time, because if I say something, it will make her have a trace of reflection, which may be expensive next. The working environment of pregnant female employees in Fengtong can be more friendly; I don't think that the words with Daiqin are a waste of time, because in case, I mean in case, she can listen in and exclude in the future Persevere in being courageous, will there be another female planner with temperature in the workplace?"

"Now it's quite unfriendly to Dai Qin's Weibo public opinion. Once someone speaks for Dai Qin, thousands of people cry out coldly,'If the gender changes, a man will do something like her, just After the probationary period after entering the job, there will be various sick leave, can you still be tolerant?"

Bai Duanduan pursed his lips: "I really particularly hate this kind of words that seem to be dressed in equality between men and women. "Sex turns", this is what I hate to hear, but many of them say it. Girls, but they don’t want to think about it. Sometimes, it’s all women who brainwash and shackle themselves.”

"Because there are many things that don’t have sex, you can’t let men give birth and breastfeed. The world is unequal for men and women. How to talk about sex? Men and women have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s the ridiculousness to be equal in all aspects. But thousands of young girls feel that every time they say this, they are role models for women in the new century and they are all rational guests."

Bai Duanduan looked up to Ji Lin: "I hate this view. I want to change this concept. I want more voice. I want this society to become better and more gentle. And I firmly believe that, I have the power to change others, so I have to say a lot of things that may seem nonsense to you, and waste time, even if the end result is disappointment and powerlessness."

Speaking of which, Bai Duanduan suddenly laughed. Her eyes were black and bright. She blinked her eyes at Ji Lin, her eyelashes flicked gently, and Zhu Lip lightly opened: "Look, Ji Lin, before You, will you tell others about your own experience, and persuade others not to waste time?"

"I'm already changing you, am I?"

At this moment, Ji Lin only felt that he was hit in a trance.

Bai Duanduan is like a really deadly poison, or genetically targeted, like she is completely stepping on Ji Lin's dead hole, she is not as gentle and clever as most girls, even if the language is gentle, her eyes are hidden. The offensive, beautiful, sharp, dangerous, like a sudden cold weapon, which may make the average man intimidated, but Ji Lin's heart is boiling, strange emotions rampage in his chest.


Bai Duanduan and Ji Lin had this conversation in front of a huge screen in front of the office area of ​​Guifeng Communication. She did not expect that behind the screen that she could not see, Dai Qin stood silently like that. She bit her lips tightly, trying to suppress her voice. Because she found that there were a few more files, she probably needed more time to sort them out, so she turned around and wanted to say hello to Bai Duanduan Ji Lin, but she didn't expect to hear such words.

Undoubtedly, she was indeed weak. If something like this happened, if her cousin Xue Wen introduced herself to the lawyer Bai Duanduan, she might still be crying and crying, tolerating public scolding and accepting Guifeng Communications without resistance. Fire your decision.

Since the incident, Dai Qin has been sad in her heart. She was immersed in the past, thinking that if the child's father did not have an accident... she never dared to think deeply about her future, only to escape and be negative, Because of external attacks and the contemptuous eyes of Li Wanjun and others in the company, even Dai Qin himself, to her own evaluation to a minimum, has generated self-identity doubts, she only feels ashamed, embarrassed, and even she feels numb even herself , I am really a useless rotten person, concealing pregnancy is simply a big deal, deserve to be harassed and abused by calling the software after the human flesh out the information.

And until now...until hearing the words from Bai Duanduan, the depressed pain and grievances in her heart finally seemed to find the pouring outlet.

It was indeed wrong for her to conceal this matter, but should she deserve only such treatment? Can she only bear the cynicism of others? They are not themselves and do not understand their own lives at all. She... not only wanted to leave this precious posthumous child, but also young enough to have the passion to fight hard in the workplace. She should not give up on herself, and should not belittle her.

"Because in case, I mean in case, she can listen in and stick to the courage in the future, will it be another female planner with a temperature in the workplace?"

On the other side of the screen, Bai Duanduan's words looked like a flame, igniting Dai Qin's numb heart.

Yes, be brave.

She touched her swollen abdomen, her parents took the baby, and she had to take care of the workplace. Her future life will definitely become more and more difficult. If she can't be brave even at this moment, how can the future go?

At this moment, Dai Qin only felt that the emotion and gratitude surged in his chest.

In her view, Bai Duanduan is excellent, professional, and completely a heroic professional elite, and Li Wanjun is a class of people. Although he took his case because of his cousin's request and also defended himself because of his cousin's reason, but I am afraid that she does not agree with herself. She never thought about it. Bai Duanduan had always understood herself like this...

After the screen, Ji Lin and Bai Duanduan began to talk about other topics. Dai Qin pressed his emotions and decided not to disturb Bai Duanduan and Ji Lin. Instead, he sent a text message to inform him a few minutes later. Turned around and went back to his work station.


"It's really shameful. She obviously gave her the popular pregnancy scheduling system as soon as she joined the personnel department. Everyone scored according to age, the length of work in the unit, and some other circumstances. The female colleague who is older and has contributed more to the company is pregnant, and then turns slowly, so that it can avoid that a swarm of bees are pregnant, the job can not be handed over, and it is fairer and clearer. One came to report! Ignore the system completely!"

"And because of her, Sister Lin Xi who could have been pregnant and gave birth to a child can only dry up and wait. Sister Lin Xi is not too small. The medical doctor before said that she was advised to ask the child not to drag on anymore, okay? It’s easy to wait for myself on the wheel, and the result is robbed by the garbage like Dai Qin."

"Yeah, is that her attitude to work in the company? Yuqi, do you think you just got married after working for three years and accidentally got pregnant, but the result is not to comply with the company's pregnancy scheduling system, Has the child been beaten?"

"Why not, it would be disgusting to look at Yu Qi and then look at her, even after brazenly preparing to continue to work."


Dai Qin knew that several female colleagues in the same department were very vocal about themselves, but going back and forth and directly hit them in the background to tell their own bad things is another matter.

Dai Qin is very clear that this is not the first time. Guifeng Telecom has a so-called pregnancy scheduling system that requires all female colleagues who are married to have children to arrange this system. Whether it is a first or second child, they need to be scheduled. You can only give birth when you are there. Although you can’t get your salary without breaking the rules, but this will cause almost all the other female colleagues who follow the system to attack. Because of this, several of them had accidentally become pregnant before the turn. In order to develop in the workplace and in order not to be isolated by the rest, all chose abortion.

If in the past, Dai Qin probably only bitterly swallowed these attacks, but at this moment, there was a voice in her heart telling her that she could not go on like this.

She wants to be brave, want to be as strong, decisive, and never shrink back like Bai Duanduan.

This time, Dai Qin didn't pretend that she hadn't come to avoid embarrassment and turned around to leave. On the contrary, she walked out of the green plants covering her body and stood in front of the female colleagues.

"I will never give birth, because my child is more important than these neurological pregnancy scheduling systems. Are you proud of your compliance with this system? Are you happy to follow the rules? You even want to submit to this system Going to have a baby and murdering your child and take it for granted?"

Everyone's eyes fell on herself, and there was some tension in Dai Qin's heart, but she still insisted on what she wanted to say, what she had always wanted to express.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous? When can the company and the leaders still blame you for your private life, or even the life of a husband and wife? I thought that as a woman, we have at least the freedom to have children. As a result, for the first time, I knew when When you are pregnant and have a baby, you must get approval from the company and colleagues."

Faced with the sudden change in Dai Qin, one of the older female colleagues retorted: "This is not mandatory for the company and colleagues to approve the leadership approval, and the company did not link this to performance evaluation..."

"Yes, the company did not deduct wages and bonuses because of whether it complied with this system, nor did it really make any punishment for jumping in line, nor would it force you to have an abortion. It sounds completely non-mandatory and illegal, but the company completely Just use everyone's inertia to maintain this system in a subtle way, but have you thought about it? This system is simply unreasonable!"

"I concealed that it was indeed wrong to conceal my pregnancy. I admit that I also bear the negative effects caused by it, including your disagreement, but I..." Dai Qin stabilized his mind and said firmly, "I will not obey I don’t think you should abide by this ridiculous pregnancy schedule. You have this energy to attack me to maintain this stupid system behind you, it is better to unite and find a union to help ban this vicious system."

Dai Qin finished, took away the remaining documents on his desk, and then ignored the female colleagues who were embarrassed and ugly, but turned and walked out of the office area.

In this way, she had exhausted all her courage and strength. It was not until she left that she felt that the whole person was trembling nervously, and her footsteps were vague due to excessive force, and her hands were clenched into fists before giving herself. The energy just mentioned.

Only for the first time in her life, she found that she could be so happy.

For a long time, in order to gain a firm foothold in the company, Dai Qin was very careful to please her colleagues around, but now it seems that she can never be liked by everyone. Can the company's hostility, colleague's exclusion and misunderstanding be reversed as long as she is quiet and patient? Not at all.

But there is still a lot of time in the future. Dai Qin firmly believes that he will persevere, let everyone see her efforts, let everyone truly recognize her, and will reverse all prejudices with action. But if it can't be reversed, then it doesn't matter. I don't depend on the likes of others to live, as long as I have a clear conscience.

No one's life is easy, the path you choose, you have to go down on your knees.

The author has something to say: all messages with more than 15 words in this chapter are sent red envelopes~ (as of 8 o'clock until tomorrow night)

The pregnancy scheduling system mentioned in the article does exist in reality. In the key elementary school where my friend is located, a female teacher accidentally became pregnant because she did not follow this schedule, and she eventually had to actually miscarry. The female workplace is really cruel and cruel, I hope that every little angel who reads the text can have a very good working environment in the future~

And, some readers may have missed it. The rumor that Lin Duan is Lin Hui’s ex-girlfriend is the hahaha that we Rong Sheng told Ji Lin, not Ji Par’s own conjecture...

In addition, tweet: [Let me see the text duck after leaving a message] [Small theater after tweet]

"divorce! Don't think about it! 》By pale cherry

Su Mian was married by Qin Mingyuan to Qin Mingyuan and became a wealthy wife.

Su Mian is beautiful and gentle and virtuous. She can go out of the hall and enter the kitchen. Any interview with Qin Mingyuan will always be full of love. Even Qin Mingyuan's black powder has been moved.

#No one will love Yuan Brother more than sister-in-law! ##

Qin Mingyuan didn't like the newly-weds of arranged marriages, he was always picky, looking for ballast everywhere, and wanted to get divorced as soon as possible.

However, in less than two years, Qin Mingyuan gradually got used to his gentle wife and wanted to live a good life. Unexpectedly, at this time, Qin Mingyuan discovered that Su Mian drew a cartoon based on them, and the gentle and virtuous wife's wife sincerely confessed her heart.

"In half a year, I’ll pay off! You can end this marriage!"

"Mommy! The wealthy daughter-in-law is too **** hard! You scum! Every day I pick bones in the eggs! The old lady doesn't do it!"

"The film emperor is a fart, I played the couple who loves you for two years, you don't know!"

"Bang, the little fresh meat that plays with her husband is so handsome! I! Yes!"

Qin Mingyuan: "No, you can't."

Qin Mingyuan: "Divorce? Don't think about it!"

# Abusewife one time cool, chasing wife crematory#

【small theater】

After marriage

Ji Lin: I have newly added the welfare part of employees during pregnancy.

Bai Duanduan: Oh? That's great!

Ji Lin: The protected area is very comprehensive, with paid vacations, and various reimbursement ratios. After the leave after childbirth, I come to work, and I will give a certain tilt to the source of the case...

Bai Duanduan: Oh!

Ji Lin: I think if you can arrange for a pregnancy, there is absolutely no worries.

Bai Duanduan: ...

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