You are Fired!

Vol 2 Chapter 51:

Bai Duanduan spent the weekend with Ms. Meng Xin, and re-entered her busy work. Originally, Monday was the most annoying day for Bai Duanduan, because of a backlog of work on a weekend, and Monday foreshadowed a dull week again.

However, I did not expect that Monday of this day is quite different.

As soon as Bai Duanduan entered the office, he saw several female colleagues in the large office area gather to discuss what.

Wang Fangfang's expression is very excited: "This public account article is very good. Really, although I am not married and have no children, I can fully feel the helplessness and pain when married and married women are marginalized in the workplace, especially The author’s previous experience, if I were her, it was...too sad."

Cai Xiao also agreed with his face: "Then I have a deeper experience than you. Childbearing really wears professional women. I gave birth to my family two years ago. My mother helped me bring it, and my husband was very considerate. I also invited my aunt, but many things can't be faked by others, such as breastfeeding, this can only come from my mother, I have been feeding for a year and a half, and in this year and a half, I have almost no way Picking up a case that requires a business trip, the breastfeeding period is over, the child is particularly sticky to me, and is still a high-demand baby. I must sleep with me at night, so you see, I can hardly work overtime in the past two years, so the income-generating performance of these two years It was a straight down. Fortunately, Ji Par didn’t say anything to me. I had a friend who was in the same situation as me. As a result, my boss forced me to leave my job...hey..."

"This article is really popular!"


The female colleagues looked at each other with hatred, and the discussion was in full swing. Bai Duanduan turned his head curiously: "What happened?"

"It's exactly the end! Do you know? The case where Guifeng Communications, who you represented with Ji Par, dismissed a pregnant employee, there is still a second season!"

Bai Duanduan wrinkled, his face blank: "What?"

Wang Fangfang enthusiastically popularized: "Look at it, the well-known mother and child V Qitian Dasheng published an article this morning, just to talk about this matter, and stand up to your party Dai Qin! Now Weibo public opinion is completely reversed! At first, many netizens who scolded your customers came out to apologize, and many people spoke to Dai Qin!"

Bai Duanduan took out his phone and finally realized the ins and outs of the matter.

This vocal blogger Qi Tiansheng wins Weibo with 3 million followers. Every WeChat public account pushes 100,000 well-known maternal and child traffic V per post. She is just an ordinary office worker who is a mother In the future, I will do my own things for children and love sharing. I will share my own food recipes, invented early education games, and some real experience of using baby products on the Internet, because she does not write anything. Mixed with water, objective, fair and true, and very practical, she soon gained a certain reputation in Baoma circle, and after a certain influence, she did not stop there, but made persistent efforts, except for daily push education In addition to the dry goods of Infant Knowledge, it also began to systematically evaluate some of the infant products on the market.

Baiduan Endpoint shared this blogger's popular Weibo and found that they are really familiar, especially several of them include comparative evaluation of imported domestic food supplements, selection guides for crawling mats, and diapers. The cost-effective introductions and popular recommendations of several well-known baby toy brands have indeed been shared by many friends with children in the WeChat circle of friends.

In addition, the blogger is diligently doing various small inventory every day, such as whether it is necessary to abstain from pacifiers, how to import milk powder from Haitao, and brand recommendations for children's shoes and clothes... in short, piecemeal, But they are all very practical and all-inclusive, with a lot of information, and the conciseness of the blog post is clear at a glance. Bai Duanduan almost glanced at each other's Weibo, and he knew why this blogger could be so popular.

It's just that this blogger who only shares mother and baby products and childcare experience on weekdays has suddenly evaluated and stood up for Dai Qin? In her usual Weibo, she never expresses her views on current politics and social hotspots.

With a sense of curiosity, Bai Duandian opened the article that Wang Fangfang and they called a large block of hearts. The title of this article was very eye-catching-"I took the initiative to kill my child", long The subtitle is-"The woman who took the sick leave immediately after she concealed her pregnancy was scolded by the entire network. What about the woman who became pregnant after working for many years after entering the industry? 》

The title makes Bai Duanduan a little unclear, but the subtitle is well understood. Bai Duanduan thought that this blogger wanted to be a newcomer or an old man for many years. As long as she is a female, as long as she is pregnant, the workplace is not easy. This point came in, but when she really opened the article, she realized that it was not.

This article turned out to be Qi Tiansheng's personal experience.

And the beginning of the article dropped a bomb like a thunder-

"On the Internet, I am a maternal and child big V with more than 3 million fans, but in reality, I am just an ordinary woman struggling between 9 and 5 in the workplace and family-the employee of Guifeng Communication , Has been working in the company for a total of six years, the colleague of the cruel woman Dai Qin."

"I entered Guifeng Telecom after graduating from undergraduate school. After three years of work, I became a family. The second month after finishing my wine, I found myself pregnant! The little guy came by accident. It has been two months. Business trips, overtime, and irregular work and rest, but TA is still growing strong, which is good news, but I am not happy at all, because the proportion of female employees of Guifeng Communications is high, and the company is in order to prevent female employees from getting together There is a shortage of manpower after pregnancy, so a pregnancy scheduling system has been established to arrange the order of pregnancy for female employees according to their service years, age, and length of marriage.

"And according to this form, I have to wait until the third quarter of next year before I can get pregnant."

"The company does not explicitly stipulate that this pregnancy order list must be compulsory, but once it is not followed, everyone knows that the rest of the female colleagues who are waiting for their turn will exclude you, and the personnel department will give you a blind eye to talk to you. And your prospects in the company are completely over—because of not obeying this collective will, leadership will never consider promoting you in the future."

"So I'm scared."

"I chose to take the initiative to kill my child."

"So today, I don’t even know the gender of this child. Should I use'she' or'he', because TA's cowardly mother, TA's bravery is not worth mentioning, TA's growth is obliterated, TA has not When Fa had time to look at the world, it became a dead blood clot."


"Later, according to the schedule, it was my turn to get pregnant. I also became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. I shared some maternal and infant information to everyone every day. Eventually, I became what I call a big V. My life is happy and my work is There is nothing wrong with it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. It's just that my heart never reconciled with myself. I tried hard not to think about the child I killed in the past until Dai Qin appeared."

It can be seen that the long-term public account operation makes this Qitian's narrative very catch the reader's heart, straightforward and sharp and fierce, making people just want to continue reading.

As an employee of Guifeng Communications, and a department with Dai Qin, she described the beginning and end of Dai Qin's entire incident in detail in the article, including the dilemma that women face inability to work once they become pregnant, including the troubles of Dai Qin by the manager of the personnel department The exclusion among colleagues also includes the reason why Dai Qin wanted to keep this child in his life and death, as well as Dai Qin’s original intention, the initial efforts to work overtime to make up for it, and the later physical unbearable situation, the operation of Guifeng Communications Acting Lawyer , The final legal negotiation results, and even after Dai Qin could not be dismissed according to the law, the assignment of Guifeng Communication’s attorney and other disgusting didn’t matter.

Qi Tian Da Sheng's writing is not gorgeous, but simple and simple, in just a few strokes, it fully shows the pressure and working atmosphere of the pregnant woman who suffocated in the workplace. The white end of the reading is an unmarried and unborn child. I just felt sad and helpless.

She is an experienced person and an objective third person, so she is more convinced by readers. Bai Duanduan believes that even if Dai Qin himself stands out so clarified, the public does not necessarily buy it, but this one usually shares it. The mother and baby V, who have been dry for a long time, "exposed" everything, and everything becomes more real. What's more, what she shared was indeed true.

"When we were little girls, we had many, many dreams, to become scientists, to become astronauts, to become teachers...can be all the people who want to be. However, when we grow up, from girls to women, we have more children More experience and more education, but our path is getting narrower and narrower. We have become an office worker who is worried about pregnancy, and a person who personally kills his children for the purpose of group promotion for survival. "

"I killed my children cowardly and incompetently, but for this reason, I was praised by my colleagues and the company. Dai Qin bravely protected his children, but for this reason, he was surrounded by a collection of public opinion from his colleagues."

"If critics say that she suffered this kind of treatment because she was on sick leave as soon as she joined the job, what about me? I have worked diligently at Guifeng Telecom for many years. Forced to kill her child? Society is not tolerant to Dai Qin, is it for me to be tolerant? Pregnant women, at any time, are very difficult. She concealed her pregnancy is wrong, but Guifeng Communications is right ?"

"Daiqin made me feel that I was very poor, and I was more sorry for my child. Daiqin is now in the middle of pregnancy, even after being excluded and white-eyed, she has insisted on returning to work. I know that Mingzhe is the best choice to keep my mouth shut, but I I can't be silent anymore. I am a woman and a mother of a little girl. I want to stand up. I want to stand by her."

An article, from the beginning to the end, to see only Bai Duanduan's mood, which is indeed very popular!

It can be seen that this Qitian Dasheng's wording is very restrained, including the death of Dai Qin's boyfriend. It is only a slight mention, and there is no public privacy information. It is more protective for Dai Qin, but relatively speaking, it is expensive. Acting lawyers of Feng Communications and Guifeng Communications, the other party was much more ruthless, not only disclosed the name of personnel director Li Wanjun and her series of oppression operations on Dai Qin, but also disclosed the name of Zhao Hui Law Firm Du Xinyi, including her loss. Recruitment and online operation marketing in the early stage, deliberately obscure the mistakes of Guifeng Communication, and all the dirty water was splashed on Dai Qin, resulting in the fact that Dai Qin was attacked by human flesh and abused throughout the network.

The most interesting point is that this Qitian victory specifically mentioned the white end that was previously affected, and quoted her paragraph-

"Dai Qin does not have the right to speak, and he can't even argue for himself. It is precisely because of this that we women who work hard in the workplace and women who have a certain voice and influence in society need to redouble their efforts to replace Thousands of Dai Qin spoke up to speak for them."

"I would like to thank the lawyer who said this, and thank her for waking me up, and even more thank you for insisting on the creation of the Qitian Dasheng mother and infant public account, thanking it for the traffic it brought me, thanking it for bringing To you guys, thank you for letting me have the right to speak and can fight for Dai Qin."

"I just hope that from now on, no woman will be forced to kill her child. I only hope that my daughter can live in a society more tolerant to women in the workplace. Today, please let me wear Fight for the piano."


Wang Fangfang was very pertinent in this evaluation: "In any case, as soon as this article came out, according to her influence, plus the popularity of Daiqin's original thing and a proper hot search schedule, this is definitely a complete offense to Guifeng Communications. Can't Guifeng use these clues to correspond to which employee of this Qitian victory? If you can do this, you must be ready to resign and don't want to do it, so Li Wanjun and Du Xinyi were all pulled into the water before simply dying. , But a ruthless person. I appreciate it!"

"Why not, I even went to the hot search again with our Duan Duan's name. What's the topic? #Please apologize to Dai Qin and Bai Duanduan#, the young people are really..."

Bai Duanduan didn't know who was behind this Qitian victory, but she was so rare in her heart that she was so excited that she rushed into Ji Lin's office without even thinking about it. And the comments on the Internet were given to him-

"Look! I'll say it! I'm not fighting alone! I will say it, and what I say will never be wasted, because you don't know who might hear what you say, and you don't know it inadvertently. Who may have changed the words." Bai Duanduan's eyes shined, "Ji Lin, look."

Because of this article, many women in the workplace have also come forward to say that they have shared the workplace dumping and unfair treatment they suffered during pregnancy. All of a sudden, the discussion broke the table, and it even rose from the case of Dai Qin. New online movement


Many women joined in, in addition to the unfair voices suffered by pregnant women around the workplace, they also spread to voices for the disadvantaged women in other areas.

"I think I'm like a small fire. Although it was squally and rainy outside, I kindled something else."

Bai Duanduan's voice was filled with emotion and pride. At this moment, she suddenly felt that her previous overtime work was meaningful: "Women still have to work hard and occupy various positions in all walks of life in society. Right to speak, if these positions are all held by men, and men are considerate, and they are not women, they can’t really consider the issue from the female standpoint.” She looked at Ji Lin, “Ji Lin! I’m fine! I can continue to work overtime! Let the storm of overtime work more violently! Tonight, please continue to arrange me to work overtime!"


After Bai Duanduan finished the conversation, as he had when he came, Feng Fenghuo happily walked away, leaving only Ji Lin sitting and looking at her leaving.

This woman, sometimes really...infinite words...cute.

Bai Duanduan, sometimes quite calm and mature, sometimes like this now, a bit of a second, like a young fool, **** and lively, wind and fire, saying that the wind is the wind and the rain is the rain, there is no economic benefit The passion that I have done is never tireless, and my mouth is full of truth, kindness and beauty.

If before, Ji Lin had a high probability that this was hypocrisy, but with more contact, he also knew that Bai Duanduan really thought so in her heart. In the popular words, she sometimes has a kind of Virgin, such as Ji Later, I learned that Bai Duanduan had to "go to the sea" to do the housework for her mother because she lent a large sum of money to Xu Zhixin and refunded the lawyer's fees. The evaluation is reversed, in fact it has nothing to do with her, but she is so excited again, as if seeing the future women hope...

It's really a little silly, a little virgin.

In the past, Ji Lin probably sniffed at this, but now he feels that the silly little virgin is still needed in the world.

Because she would care, she would see people who lived unsatisfactorily and even were neglected all year round.

She is warm, fiery, and bright.

Ji Lin couldn't even help thinking, if at the beginning, if the 13-year-old could meet Bai Duanduan, wouldn't he become like this? Will Bai Duanduan feel distressed?

The author has something to say: all messages with more than 15 words in this chapter will be sent with red envelopes (as of 8 o'clock in the next chapter tomorrow night)

Almost at the end of the month, if there is nutrient solution, you can give us Ji Par~

[Small theater] by reader sheena

Ms. Meng: We don’t like tigresses like you! He wants to marry the gentle and virtuous woman who goes to the hall and goes to the kitchen!

When married

Ms. Meng: Why are we coming to the hall and the kitchen? ? ?

[Tomorrow 8000 words update, start entering the copy of the workplace line]

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