You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 19 I Admit That I Regret It

Nangong Po was very angry at this moment. He didn't expect his daughter to be so stupid. It took him a long time to calm down.

He said in a deep voice: "You should go back and apologize immediately. If that gentleman doesn't forgive you..."

He paused for a moment, and then continued: "Then you don't need to be the position of the clan leader."

The sound transmission stone suddenly closed.

Nangong Guyue was really panicked.

She had just sat firmly on the position of the young master of the Nangong clan some time ago. Nangong Po's words just now were like a thunderbolt to her. She didn't expect that her father would deprive her of the position of young master just because she didn't want to be the disciple of that man!

Without hesitation, she turned around and ran towards the top of Guyue Peak.


Su Chen was lying on a rattan chair at this moment. He was angry when he thought of what happened just now.

He was not angry because Nangong Guyue refused to be his disciple, but because Nangong Guyue played him. If she didn't want to be his disciple, she should have said it earlier. Why did she say that as long as my family agreed, I would be your disciple.

After all, she was a young lady from a big family, and Su Chen understood it. But when he went to the Nangong clan with great effort and obtained the consent of the Nangong clan, Nangong Guyue was still unwilling after he came back. Who wouldn't be angry?

Just then, there was a noise in the distance, but Su Chen didn't open his eyes and didn't care.

Nangong Guyue stood beside Su Chen with a complicated face. Whether she could stabilize her position as the young master depended on this man's thought.

She regretted refusing to be the man's disciple before, mainly because she really looked down on the people in the lower world before. What qualifications do people in the lower world have to be her Nangong Guyue's master?

But she really didn't expect that Su Chen's position in her father's place was so important.

She whispered, "Do I still have a chance?"

Su Chen didn't speak, and Nangong Guyue waited quietly on the side. After a long time, Su Chen spoke, "I am not worthy of being your master, you go."

Hearing this, Nangong Guyue's face turned pale and the whole person collapsed to the ground.

It's over!

It's completely over!

At this moment, her face was ashen, and the strength in her body seemed to be drained away.

She knew that she had no hope for the position of the family.



Nangong Guyue quickly knelt in front of Su Chen and begged, "I was wrong, please forgive me, I was really wrong!"

Su Chen slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Nangong Guyue, and said, "I asked you so many times just now, but you didn't want to, and now you regret it?"

Nangong Guyue trembled and said, "I... I was wrong."

Su Chen sneered, "I have to forgive you just because you are wrong? It's too late!"

As he said that, he waved his hand lightly, and Nangong Guyue disappeared immediately.

At the foot of Guyue Peak, Nangong Guyue slumped on the ground, his face pale, like a piece of white paper, without any blood.

At this time, the two young men suddenly appeared in front of Nangong Guyue. One of them looked at Nangong Guyue and asked with concern: "Guyue, what's wrong with you?"

The other young man also said quickly: "Yes, did the man bully you just now?"

After saying that, the two young men's eyes were full of anger.

Nangong Guyue suddenly stood up at this time. At this moment, she had recovered her composure. She looked at the two young men in front of her and said in a trembling voice: "Brother Jiang, Brother Chu, I...I..."

As she spoke, tears suddenly flowed from her corners.

This made Jiang Li and Chu Feiyu anxious.

Jiang Lidao: "Gu Yue, don't cry. Tell me, did that man bully you before?"

Chu Feiyu also said angrily: "Yes, do you think so? If so, I can't spare him!"

Nangong Guyue nodded, and then she started sobbing continuously.

"How dare he!"

Jiang Li and the two roared in unison.

Chu Feiyu said at this time: "What did she do to you?"

Jiang Li also looked at Nangong Gu Yue.

Nangong Guyue held back her tears and said, "He took me to a place where there was no one before, but he suddenly touched me. If I hadn't run fast, I... I'm afraid."

After saying that, she cried again.

Hearing this, Jiang Li and the two men immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Feiyu said: "Gu Yue, don't worry, the two of us will go to avenge you!"

Jiang Li also nodded, "Where is that bastard now? If I don't cut him into pieces soon, my surname will not be Jiang!"

Nangong Gu Yue hurriedly said: "That person is not simple, you don't want to go."

Chu Feiyu nodded and said: "Of course we know, otherwise she wouldn't dare to bully you, so we are going to go back to the clan to find some helpers."

Jiang Li nodded and said: "That's right, with the help of strong men from our Jiang and Chu tribes, even if he is not simple, he will have no choice but to die!"

The corners of Nangong Guyue's mouth raised slightly, but she still showed a cute look on her face. She looked at Jiang Li and said: "Then...that's really troublesome for you two. I don't know why. I’ll repay you.”

Chu Feiyu and the others looked at Nangong Gu Yue's charming appearance, and felt restless in their hearts.

Jiang Li suddenly said: "Gu Yue, what you said is obvious. You are being bullied. Is it possible that we can still stand by and watch?"

Chu Feiyu nodded and said: "Yes, if we stand by and watch, what is the difference between us and livestock?"

Nangong Guyue had tears in her eyes and said timidly: "How can that be done? If...if you can teach him a lesson for me, I...I will be willing to have a drink with you."

After saying that, a blush appeared on her face.

Hearing this, Jiang Li and his wife were elated, and their happiness came too suddenly!

Chu Feiyu immediately said: "Gu Yue, please wait for us in the Holy Land of Stars first, and we will go back to the Immortal Realm to call for people."

Nangong Gu Yue said: "Then...then be careful on the road."

Jiang Li nodded and said, "Yes."

After saying that, the two turned and left.

Looking at the two people who had disappeared, Nangong Guyue raised the corners of her mouth, and then suddenly became ferocious. She gritted her teeth and said, "Since I can't be the head of the family, then you should die!"

She knew that she would definitely not be able to fight against Su Chen, so she used Jiang Li and Chu Feiyu. The Jiang Clan and Chu Clan were the first-class forces in the fairy world, and she did not believe that Su Chen could fight them.

She just wanted to kill Su Chen with the help of the Jiang family and the Chu family!

Above the void, Su Chen looked at Nangong Gu Yue below and sighed helplessly, "Oh, I originally wanted to accept a disciple, but I didn't expect to make an enemy."

He shook his head and disappeared.

He was not prepared to kill Nangong Guyue and others, because he knew that even if he did, the forces behind them would come to trouble him later.

If the Jiang family and the Chu family really dare to come, he won't mind destroying the Jiang family and the Chu family.

As for why he didn't kill Nangong Gu Yue, in the final analysis it was him who took the initiative to ask her if she wanted to be a disciple, otherwise nothing would have happened later. So Su Chen decided to give her a chance. If she followed the Jiang family and Chu The whole family came to trouble him...

Sorry, she can only die.

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