You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 284 It’S Impossible In This Life!

Looking at Chen Wuhen at this moment, Xue Ying's face turned pale, wondering why Chen Wuhen did this.

Chen Wuhen let out a long sigh, with a look of helplessness on his face.

In fact, he knew that Xueying's sword posed no threat to Su Chen.

And the reason why he risked his life to block the sword for Su Chen was because he was saving Xueying!

If this sword struck Su Chen, Su Chen would definitely be fine, but he would definitely be angry if Su Chen got angry.

Snow Sakura is finished!

That's why he blocked the sword regardless of the danger.

Originally, he thought that with his body in the Immortal Saint Realm, he should be able to block this sword, but he never expected that this sword would be so terrifying!

Just tear his body apart on the spot!

Moreover, his spirit will soon dissipate.


He sighed, with a wry smile on his face.

It was such a pity that he was gone not long after he broke through to the Immortal Saint.

But he soon thought about it.

If I can break through to the Immortal Saint Realm, then I will die with no regrets!

A smile appeared on Chen Wuhen's face. At this moment, he seemed to remember something and turned to look at Su Chen.

Looking at Su Chen, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Xue Ying is ignorant, please don't blame Xue Ying, ancestor."


Hearing this, Xue Ying's face turned pale with no trace of blood, and she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

She never expected that what Su Chen said was actually true!

He is truly the ancestor of the Sword Sect!

But how is this possible!

He looks so young!

How did you become an ancestor?

Xue Ying couldn't figure out what was going on.

Su Chen looked at Chen Wuhen who was about to dissipate, shook his head, did not speak, but pointed a finger between Chen Wuhen's eyebrows.

next moment!

Chen Wuhen's soul began to solidify at an extremely fast speed, and in just a moment, his physical body grew out.

Damn it!

Chen Wuhen was stunned.

what's the situation?

My physical body has been restored?

Xue Ying on the side was dumbfounded.

This...what operation is this?

Can you also help people restore their physical bodies?

Still an instant!

At this moment, she was really dumbfounded!

Because she has never seen such a heaven-defying method!

Not even her family can do it!

Chen Wuhen's whole body was shaking.

He originally thought that he was going to die, but he never expected that Su Chen was so awesome that he could restore his physical body in an instant!

Although he felt incredible, he still managed to calm down his inner excitement, looked at Su Chen, and immediately knelt down, "Thank you, ancestor!"

Su Chen ignored Chen Wuhen and looked at Xue Ying.

Seeing Su Chen, Xue Ying's face was as white as a piece of white paper, and her lips had no color.

The oppressive feeling emanating from Su Chen's body made her feel suffocated!



She has never seen anyone with such a strong sense of oppression!

At this time, Su Chen said calmly: "Kneel down."


As the words fell, Xueying was suppressed by an invisible force of terror on the spot.

Xue Ying felt as if she had been struck by lightning. The strong sense of suffocation made her heart beat faster and her breathing became more and more difficult. Drops of cold sweat kept sliding down her cheeks.

At this moment, her mind was blank and her eyes were filled with confusion.

She couldn't believe that she actually knelt down!

I really knelt down!

How is this possible?

She is a powerful person at the fifth level of the Immortal Saint Realm!

How could he just kneel down like that?

This can only be accomplished by someone who is at least two realms stronger than her, right?

Immortal Emperor?


She must be the Immortal Emperor!

If it weren't for the Immortal Emperor, it would have been impossible for her to kneel down so easily.

No wonder, no wonder he became the ancestor of the Sword Sect. It turned out that he was an Immortal Emperor.

At this moment, she finally understood why Chen Wuhen risked death to block the sword for Su Chen.

It turned out to be to save her.

After reading this, she gave a wry smile, finally let out a long sigh, and then fell silent.

It is worth mentioning that there was no fear of death in her eyes, and she could even see a trace of relief!

At this time, Chen Wuhen said quickly: "Ancestor, you must not be like her."

Su Chen glanced at Chen Wuhen, "Do you think I can't understand the meaning of what you just did?"

Hearing this, Chen Wuhen's expression froze, and then he fell silent.

Su Chen said: "Don't worry, I won't kill her."

Chen Wuhen and Xue Ying were stunned and looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Xue Ying and said calmly: "I just need someone to do things for me right now. You can serve me from now on."

Recently, he found that he had to do everything by himself, such as cooking, etc. He is a troublesome person, how could he keep doing these things?

Let Kenshin do these things?

He was wielding his sword all day long, so he had no time to do anything for Su Chen.

And since Su Chen was Jian Xin's master, he couldn't disturb Jian Xin's cultivation.

That's why he came up with the idea of ​​letting Xueying do things for him.

Hearing this, Xueying fell silent.

Doing things for Su Chen?

Isn't this the maid?

Chen Wuhen, on the other hand, was filled with joy, "Okay! I agreed on her behalf!"

For him, it was a great opportunity for Xue Ying to stay with Su Chen and work!

You know, Su Chen is the Immortal Emperor!

Needless to say, the gold content of an Immortal Emperor?

The Immortal Emperor is the pinnacle existence in the entire Immortal World!

The benefits of Xue Ying being able to stay with an Immortal Emperor and work are unimaginable.

So Xueying was very happy to be able to stay with Su Chen and work.

Chen Wuhen looked at Xue Ying, "Why don't you thank me, ancestor?"

Xueying frowned.

Isn't he just an Immortal Emperor?

But then, she thought that Chen Wuhen's vision was different from hers.

Maybe an Immortal Emperor is very powerful in Chen Wuhen's eyes.

But for Xueying, an Immortal Emperor would be okay.

Shaking her head, Xue Ying no longer thought about it, but looked at Su Chen and said calmly: "Kill me."

Hearing this, Chen Wuhen became anxious, "Silly boy, what are you talking about?!"

Su Chen looked calm.

Xueying said calmly: "I don't want to live anyway. If I die, I will die."

Chen Wuhen said quickly: "Why do you have such an idea? Do you know that you can stay with the ancestor..."

Xueying shook her head and said, "That's enough, I don't want to hear it."

Chen Wuhen was completely anxious, "What are you doing!"

As he said that, he looked at Su Chen and said, "Ancestor, don't mind if the child is ignorant."

Su Chen glanced at Xue Ying, "I won't kill you. Since you don't want to, just kneel down. When I feel better, I will let you go."

Xue Ying frowned, "Why not..."

Before she could finish her words, Chen Wuhen said quickly: "Okay, okay, okay, okay, let Xueying kneel down."

As he said that, he winked at Xueying and signaled her to stop talking.

Xueying was silent.

She knew that Chen Wuhen wanted her to live well, but when she thought about that, she didn't want to live anymore.

But Chen Wuhen had begged Su Chen several times to save him, and even almost died just now. If she continued to want to die, it would be really chilling.

In order not to let Chen Wuhen feel cold, she chose to remain silent.

As for being Su Chen's maid...


Absolutely impossible!

She can never be someone else's maid in this life!



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