Su Chen stared at the sword, "Name?"

The sword spirit answered honestly: "Bloodthirsty!"

Su Chen nodded, stretched out a finger, and touched the blade of the sword. The bloodthirsty sword trembled violently for a few times, and then calmed down.

Su Chen threw the bloodthirsty sword to Lin Fan and said with his hands behind his back: "I have sealed this sword. How strong you are in the future will be how strong this sword will be."

"Thank you, Master!"

Lin Fan held the bloodthirsty sword in his arms and felt excited in his heart.

He knew that this sword must be a divine sword!

Holy shit!

Master is so awesome!

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan, and then a small tower appeared in his hands.

Lin Fan looked at the small tower with a puzzled expression. He didn't know why, but he was somewhat familiar with the small tower. He couldn't explain it clearly.

Su Chen gave the small tower to Lin Fan, "You can study this tower yourself and leave as a teacher."

With that said, he turned around and left.

Looking at Su Chen's back, Lin Fan's eyes turned red.

Ever since he was young, Su Chen was the only one who treated him so well.

He quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Su Chen several times.


In the main hall of the Shen clan.

An old man sat in the main seat. His face was lined with wrinkles, but his eyes were extremely deep and sharp. He was filled with imperial power and the sky was shaking.

The ancestor of the Shen clan, Shen Li!

An elder looked at Shen Li and said in a deep voice: "Ancestor, we have lost all face in the immortal world this time. For a whole year, the entire immortal world has been laughing at my Shen clan."

The other elders also looked ugly.

Shen Li's face was also extremely gloomy. He looked at the elder below and said, "I have contacted the Emperor of the Chen Clan in the True Immortal Realm."

The reason why the taboo forces are taboo forces is because the taboo forces have produced the Great Emperor. Only the forces that have produced the Great Emperor can be called the Great Emperor!

However, in the current pseudo-immortal world, almost no emperor is willing to stay here, and they have all gone to the real immortal world.

After hearing what Shen Li said, the elders looked happy.

With the Emperor here, they won't be afraid of the Sioux anymore!

An elder frowned and said, "But the Su Clan also has great emperors."

Hearing this, all the elders in the field suddenly fell silent.

Yes, the Sioux people also have great emperors!

So what if they have an emperor sitting in charge, doesn't the Sioux clan not have one?

They are not afraid at all!

The corners of Shen Li's lips raised, "Of course I know that the Su Clan has a great emperor, but what if they don't have time to contact the Su Clan's great emperor?"

The elder seemed to know something, and his pupils shrank suddenly, "You mean, we carry out a sneak attack?"

The other elders were also stunned.

Sneak attack?

This is a good idea!

Shen Li nodded, "Well, I will ask the emperor of the Shen tribe to come back quietly, and then directly attack the Su tribe, so that the Su tribe has no time to contact the emperor!"

At this time, Shen Li frowned and disappeared. When the elders saw this, they were confused at first, and then they also disappeared into the hall.

Shen Li appeared in the void, and a group of elders also appeared behind him. At this moment, they looked solemnly at a figure opposite.

Not far from them, they saw a white-clothed foot stepping into the void. Bai Yi has a face that is so beautiful that it makes people breathless. His eyes are like stars, his nose is straight, and his whole person is unusually calm.

An elder stared at Su Chen and said in a deep voice, "I wonder why God Son Su came to our Chen clan?"

Su Chen glanced at the elder. The elder's face was blank, and then he fell from the void, and his life breath also stopped at this moment.

Seeing this scene, all the elders were stunned on the spot. They did not expect that Su Chen would suddenly take action. When they realized it, they suddenly became furious and were about to question him.

A sword light flashed across the field in an instant, and all the elders' heads shot up into the sky. The expressions on their faces were the same as when they were alive until they died.

They never thought that they would die so quickly!

And below, all the Shen clan disciples looked at this scene with great horror in their hearts!

Damn it!

So outrageous?

Shen Li's face was extremely gloomy, and at the same time, he was extremely shocked.

He didn't expect Su Chen to be so strong!

You know, the elders of the Shen clan are all half-emperors!

But he was still killed instantly by Su Chen!

what does that mean? This means that Su Chen's strength exceeds that of the Half-Emperor!

Su Chen is a great emperor!

But how could he be the emperor?

The Imperial Road has not been opened yet!

As he read this, a sense of fear filled his heart, and he stared at Su Chen with disbelief in his eyes.

He forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, looked at Su Chen, and said solemnly: "Can I ask why?"

Su Chen glanced at him and said calmly: "I kill people, I don't need a reason."


"A good person doesn't need a reason to kill!"

Shen Li laughed suddenly, with a ferocious expression on his face. The aura of the ninth-level Half-Emperor swept out of his body. The space could not bear this terrifying aura and instantly shattered!

next moment!

The other person disappeared directly on the spot. Between the heaven and the earth, a fist light emerged, and the terrifying power of the fist swept millions of miles!

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and looked calm. Nothing in the world was enough to cause him any trouble.


The terrifying shock wave spread, and thousands of galaxies were instantly wiped out.

At this moment, Shen Li was shocked, because his hand was being held tightly by Su Chen, and his punch just now did not cause any harm to Su Chen!

How can this be!

At this moment, he was really shocked. He had used all his strength in the punch just now and didn't hold back at all. However, Su Chen blocked it so easily, and he didn't even suffer any damage. It was so hard. Just!


The children of the Shen clan below were already frightened and stunned.

What did they see?

A strong man in the Half-Emperor Realm actually didn't cause any harm to the man!

If that punch fell on them, I'm afraid the remaining power would kill them.

Damn it!

Do you want to be so outrageous?

Shen Li didn't dare to think too much and wanted to withdraw his fist, but at this moment, Su Chen suddenly pinched Shen Li's neck and said with a smile: "Contact the Emperor to sneak attack on my Su clan? This is indeed a good idea."

Shen Li's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in disbelief: "How do you know?"

He only told this matter to the elders of the Shen clan!

And it didn’t take long!

At this moment, no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out how Su Chen knew?

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "Go to hell and think about it slowly."


As he spoke, he directly crushed Shen Li's neck, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Shen clan were frightened to death, and a sense of fear arose spontaneously.

At this time, Su Chen looked at the Shen disciples below, his eyes as calm as water.

Seeing Su Chen, all the Chen clan disciples were frightened out of their wits, their legs weakened and they collapsed to the ground.

"Spare your life, Son of God Su, please spare your life!"

"Please, Son of God Su, don't kill me, please!"

"Su Shenzi, I am still useful. I can warm your bed. Please don't kill me!"


All the Shen disciples kowtowed desperately and begged for mercy, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

At this moment, they were really scared!

He was afraid that Su Chen would kill them directly!

They prayed in their hearts, praying that Su Chen would not kill them.

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