In this way, Su Chen and the two traveled for three days. In the afternoon, the setting sun gradually set on the horizon and the surroundings became dark.

The two of them walked into an inn. Strangely enough, this inn was located in a deserted place.

As soon as Su Chen entered the inn, the waiter greeted them with a smile, "Hello, gentlemen."

Su Chen ignored the waiter and found a stool to sit down.

Lin Fan looked at the waiter and said, "Well, arrange two rooms and serve your store's signature dishes."

"Okay! Guest, please wait a moment."

The waiter nodded and then turned around. Just the moment he turned around, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Masters, please use it slowly."

Time passed quickly, and the waiter placed the last dish on the table and left.

At this moment, the table was filled with various meat and vegetable dishes, and each dish exuded an attractive fragrance.

"Don't eat meat dishes."

Lin Fan was already very hungry. He was about to pick up a piece of lean meat when Su Chen stopped him.

Lin Fan was stunned and asked in confusion: "Ang? Why?"

Su Chen poured himself a glass of wine, and then smiled, "You can eat it if you want, as long as you don't regret it for a while."

Hearing this, Lin Fan silently took back his chopsticks. He already guessed that there might be something wrong with these dishes, but he was a little confused because he didn't notice anything wrong with them.

Su Chen drank all the wine in the glass and said slowly: "Vegetarian food is fine, just eat it."


Half an hour later, except for the meat dishes on the table, all the vegetarian dishes were finished.

The waiter also came out of the kitchen and looked at the untouched meat dishes on the table. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He said with a smile: "Are you two dissatisfied with the meat dishes we made?"

Su Chen and the two did not speak.

The smile on the waiter's face gradually turned a little cold, "In that case, let me ask you two to pay for the meal. The total is five million fairy crystals. Please note that our store does not accept credit."

Lin Fan was immediately amused by these words, "Are you a black shop?"

He was not surprised. He knew from Su Chen's previous reminder that this inn was definitely not simple.

The waiter said calmly: "Sir, please don't slander this inn. This inn has been run with integrity for so many years. Why do you want to talk about it? According to this guy, you are not ready to settle the bill?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "So what?"

The waiter frowned. He looked at Su Chen and the two of them. For some reason, he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart.

These two are dangerous!


He looked at Su Chen and closed his eyes slightly.

This person is in danger!

And it’s extremely dangerous!

It seems that we have encountered an iron plate.

After reading this, the smile on the waiter's face suddenly returned, "You two, it was just a misunderstanding. To express my apology, today's meal and room payment are free!"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

Does this person change his face so quickly?

He was ready to fight, but this guy got cold feet.

He shook his head and said nothing.

At this time, Su Chen stood up and walked to the second floor.

Lin Fan saw this and quickly followed.

Looking at the two people leaving, the sense of crisis in the shop boy's heart also disappeared at this moment. He looked solemn and said, "These two guys are really not simple. Fortunately, I didn't take action against them."

Second floor.

Lin Fan came to Su Chen's room, looked at Su Chen, and asked doubtfully: "Master, why don't you let me eat meat?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, "That's human flesh."

"What the hell?"

Lin Fan's eyes widened, "But why can't I feel it's human flesh?"

Su Chen said: "He used some special methods to cover up the smell of human flesh, so of course you can't feel it."

After hearing this, Lin Fan suddenly realized, "That's it."

After a moment, he asked: "Aren't we going to kill him?"

Su Chen smiled lightly, "Why kill?"

Lin Fan said: "This is a black shop! If we don't kill him, I don't know how many people will suffer in the future."

Su Chen smiled and said: "He didn't provoke us, so why should we kill him? Besides, what does the people he kills after that have anything to do with us? There are countless such people in the world. Can we kill them? Can we manage them? ?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan fell silent. After a long time, he said: "But... I feel that this is wrong."

Su Chen smiled and said: "Then go and kill him. By the way, that person is in the Saint King realm."

Lin Fan frowned, "What do you do in the Holy King Realm?"

Su Chen said: "How dare he do this without any strength? In the world of immortal cultivation, killing people and seizing treasures is the easiest way to obtain cultivation resources. Do you understand?"

After listening, Lin Fan fell silent again.

Indeed, working hard to obtain some cultivation resources is not as practical as killing people and grabbing treasures.


Lin Fan sighed in his heart, "Master, I'm going back to my room."

He really wanted to kill the waiter in the shop, but he had no choice. He was in the Saint King realm, and if Su Chen didn't take action, there was no way he could beat him.

In the early morning, Su Chen and Lin Fan came downstairs to have breakfast.

Breakfast is relatively light, two bowls of porridge and two plates of pickles.

Lin Fan didn't move his chopsticks, but stared blankly at his bowl of porridge.

That night, he had insomnia. No matter how much he wanted to fall asleep, the words Su Chen said last night kept lingering in his mind. Those words made him unable to calm down for a long time.

Su Chen drank the porridge from the bowl, not caring about Lin Fan's current state.

"I didn't expect there to be an inn in such a remote place." At this time, a clear, bell-like sound came from outside the inn.

The waiter looked out the door, his eyes suddenly brightened, and there was a fleeting hint of lust in his depths.

Outside the inn, a woman walked in. The woman was tall, with a slim waist, and her black hair was as smooth as a waterfall. She exuded a faint fragrance.

The waiter came to the woman and said with a smile: "Welcome to our inn, what do you need?"

The woman said: "Give me all the most delicious dishes in your restaurant!"


The waiter's mouth raised, turned and walked into the kitchen.

The woman looked around the inn. At this moment, she noticed Su Chen, and a look of infatuation suddenly appeared on her face.

Holy shit!

looks great!

She sat very close to Su Chen, then looked at Su Chen and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Meng Yu, do you want to meet me?"

Su Chen looked at her and said with a smile, "Su Chen."

This smile immediately stunned Meng Yu. After a long time, she seemed to realize that something was wrong, and her face turned red. In order to relieve the embarrassment, she looked at Lin Fan again, "Hello."

Lin Fan looked at her and nodded, "Lin Fan."

Meng Yu nodded and glanced at the two bowls of porridge on the table, "What you guys are eating is too shabby. My food will be here soon, shall we eat together?"

Su Chen shook his head, "No, we are already full."

Hearing this, Mengyu said nothing and sat back in his seat. Soon, his table was filled with dishes.

"Don't eat meat dishes!"

Just when she was about to start eating, Lin Fan reminded her.

Meng Yu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Meng Yu's face darkened.

Just say the whole thing when you say it. What does it mean to say half of it?

In the end, she listened to Lin Fan and did not eat meat. After all, she had heard a saying that when people advised her to eat enough, Lin Fan would not deny her meat for no reason. There must be a reason.

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