You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 83 Half-Emperor Is Like An Ant!

However, he did say this on the surface: "Master, I was ignorant at first, so please don't be angry!"


Su Chen chuckled, "I think you're still a little unconvinced."

The nine-tailed sky fox shook his head quickly, "No, no, how could I not be convinced? Master, don't talk nonsense."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Really?"

The nine-tailed sky fox nodded seriously.

Su Chen shook his head and smiled, and then said: "Just stay with me from now on."

The nine-tailed sky fox nodded: "Okay!"

Su Chen smiled and gently stroked the nine-tailed sky fox's head with his right hand.

The reason why Su Chen let the Nine-tailed Sky Fox stay with him was because he felt that being alone was a bit boring. In the future, with the Nine-tailed Sky Fox around, his life would definitely be a little more fun.

The nine-tailed sky fox hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Master, don't you care why I appear in this pseudo-immortal world?"

Su Chen said calmly: "It's not important."

The nine-tailed sky fox said: "Aren't you afraid that I will bring you a lot of trouble?"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "Whoever comes to trouble me can be killed with a sword."

Hearing this, the nine-tailed sky fox's mouth twitched.

Okay, you are awesome!

Obviously, he thought Su Chen was bragging.

Su Chen looked at the disbelieving look on the Nine-tailed Sky Fox's face and just smiled without explaining much.

"You bastard, you still dare to stay here!" At this time, an extremely angry voice sounded. The next moment, a terrifying aura appeared in the field, and then, Feng Yi stepped through the space.

He first looked at Feng Luo's body, and then looked at Su Chen. The overwhelming murderous intent shook the sky, and the entire sky shattered into pieces in an instant.

Looking at Feng Yi, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox's throat rolled, and he said in a trembling voice: "Master...Master, can you beat me?"

At this moment, he was in a panic.

Su Chen raised the corners of his mouth and said softly: "Don't be afraid, he is just a scumbag."

Hearing this, the nine-tailed sky fox covered his head and wanted to cry.

Brother, can you stop pretending?

The ninth-level Half-Emperor is a scumbag, thank you for telling me so!

Su Chen looked at the nine-tailed sky fox and said with a smile, "You don't believe it?"

The nine-tailed sky fox hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Then take your guess."


Seeing that Su Chen ignored him, Feng Yi became even more angry. He clenched his fingers and punched Su Chen fiercely.

The fist light shone in this world, and a terrifying fist intention erupted from the fist light. The terrifying fist force instantly enveloped Su Chen and the nine-tailed sky fox.

The nine-tailed sky fox was suddenly frightened to death, with fear and despair in his eyes.

It’s over!

Am I just like that?

I'm not convinced!

Su Chen smoothed the fur of the nine-tailed sky fox and said softly: "Don't be afraid."

As he spoke, he looked at the punch without any trace of emotion in his eyes. Then, he slowly stretched out a finger and pointed it towards the void.

At this moment, an invisible terrifying force instantly shattered the punch.

That punch was just gone!

Damn it!

Seeing this scene, the nine-tailed sky fox was stunned. He looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

Damn it!

What kind of existence is he?

Blocked that punch with just one finger?


At this moment, he was really shocked. He had just personally felt the terror of that punch, but it was still resolved so easily by Su Chen.


Feng Yi was also confused.

My punch is all gone?

He stared at Su Chen, his heart solemn as never before.

This guy is weird!

Don't be careless!

As he read this, a ball of red light burst out from his body, and then his body began to change, turning into a fire phoenix in an instant. And at this moment, a trace of the power of a divine beast filled his body.

The moment he became local.

The heaven and earth shook!

The thunder continues!

The terrifying momentum soared into the sky!

Looking at Feng Yi who had transformed into his true form, the nine-tailed sky fox felt heavy in his heart and still had some doubts.

Because he discovered that Feng Yi's bloodline was not pure. Compared with the bloodline of the Fire Phoenix Clan in the True Immortal Realm, it was far behind.

At this time, Feng Yi suddenly flapped his wings, and two terrifying tornadoes immediately swept towards Su Chen, tearing apart everything they passed!

Su Chen spat out one word lightly.



As the word fell, the two tornadoes dissipated in the world in an instant.

And at this moment, Feng Yi turned into a red light and rushed towards Su Chen. He was very fast and arrived in front of Su Chen in the blink of an eye. Then, he opened his abyss-like mouth, Bite towards Su Chen,

Everything that happened happened in just a moment!



And at this moment, a supreme force instantly pressed against Feng Yi. Feng Yi fell to his knees on the spot, without any ability to resist!

Seeing this scene, the nine-tailed celestial fox took a deep breath and trembled uncontrollably.

One word!

One word made a strong man at the ninth level of the Half-Emperor kneel down!

Damn it!

This is really fucking outrageous!

The nine-tailed sky fox looked at Su Chen and said in a trembling voice: "Master...Master, are you not bragging?"

Feng Yi, on the other hand, was even more confused. At this moment, he only felt tens of thousands of stars pressing on him. He wanted to get up, but he couldn't do it!

At this moment, he was really stupid.

He looked at Su Chen in disbelief, his heart almost filled with fear.

What kind of existence has his daughter provoked?

Is this fucking something you can mess with?

Su Chen looked at the nine-tailed sky fox and said with a smile: "When did I say that I was bragging?"


The nine-tailed sky fox was stunned.

It seems that Su Chen is not bragging, but he thinks that Su Chen is bragging.

The nine-tailed sky fox smiled awkwardly, "Hahaha..."


At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the space behind Su Chen suddenly burst. Immediately afterwards, an old man walked out. Without any hesitation, the old man raised his hand and punched. This punch contained extremely terrifying boxing skills. Power.


The nine-tailed demon fox was shocked and quickly reminded him.

Su Chen had no expression on his face and did not turn around.


At this time, a ray of sword light flashed across the field, and the old man's punch also stopped at this moment. His eyes revealed confusion, confusion, and endless fear.

next moment.

His head fell right off his body.

At this moment, dozens of half-emperor warriors suddenly appeared around Su Chen. These warriors were very decisive and all used their strongest attacks!

Dozens of terrifying powers swept across the world. Everything within a million miles began to perish because they could not withstand the dozens of terrifying powers!

And their target is Su Chen!


Suddenly, they stayed in the air, and the next moment, their heads flew out together.

These half-emperors were all killed instantly!

Instant kill!

The nine-tailed sky fox's head went blank, and he trembled: "Fuck...fuck!"

Feng Yi's eyes were as big as a horse's egg.

Are half-emperors like ants?

At this moment, he was really frightened.

The Half-Emperor was not just a cat or a dog, but he was still killed instantly.

How the hell do you fight this?

how to spell!


Typing is too slow...

I'll do it...

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