Suddenly, aunt Yun asked him not to go back to Qingyun city today. Lin Qiu frowned and thought

Then he asked, "is there anything interesting in Yunchuan?"

Ling Yayun smiled: "it depends on what you want to play? If a woman... There are thousands of beauties in the Royal Club in Yunchuan."

Suddenly, hearing aunt Yun's joke, Lin Qiu suddenly felt a little embarrassed and blushed

Ling Yayun looked, but he couldn't help joking: "you're not still a place, are you?"

Sir, what's the answer?

Thinking about it, Lin Qiu had to smile and say, "aunt Yun, let's... Let's be serious?"

Ling Yayun smiled and said, "well, let's be serious."

As she spoke, she started the car

Seeing that she really didn't intend to take back the bank card, Lin Qiu said anxiously, "that... Aunt Yun, this card... You haven't taken back yet!"

While driving, aunt Yun smiled and replied, "I said, this card is yours. If you really want me to take it back, unless you admit that I am the chancellor of the exchequer."

"...." Lin Qiu was completely speechless.

But he was thinking, uncle, you are Yu Tingting's little aunt!

Finally, in desperation, he had to say, "then... Let me keep this bank card for you first."

Ling Yayun said with a smile: "it's up to you. It's yours anyway. It's up to you."


After a while, when Aunt Yun drove to the airport auxiliary road, inexplicably, she saw a taxi following her all the way.

As a woman like aunt Yun, she naturally has a keen sense of smell for such things, so she also feels that something is wrong.

As a result, she was stunned with thoughtful eyes, and then she turned her head and said to Lin Qiu sitting in the passenger seat, "sit down."

Suddenly listening to this sentence, Lin Qiu seemed to realize what she wanted, so he was busy and answered with an answer.

Then, aunt Yun really began to drive and speed up and play with her driving skills

At the moment, looking at the woman's skilled driving skills and keen sense of smell, Lin Qiu was thinking, should she be much more complicated than he thought?

In fact, in his heart, he had already felt that this woman was unusual.

The reason why the previous understatement speculated that she was the boss's wife was that Lin Qiu didn't have much to say for a while.

Therefore, we should avoid it as much as possible for the time being.

In the back, the taxi driver seems to have good driving skills and has been chasing after him all the way

At this moment, Lin Qiu still realizes that he may still be the killer before?

So... The killer should have nothing to do with aunt Yun.

So it can be ruled out that Aunt Yun invited the killer.

Besides, his intuition told him that Aunt Yun could never harm him.

Because if a woman like aunt Yun really wanted to harm him, she could do it when she arranged for him to run to Guangzhu.

And that's a great opportunity.

Because at that time, on the way to Guangzhu by the bus, you could do it anywhere in the wilderness.

So, aunt Yun can never hurt him.

In fact, at this moment, aunt Yun is also thinking, which way is that behind?

In Yunchuan's words, Lord Hong will unify the Jianghu for the time being.

Because Mr. fat is dead and Mr. Ma is in the Bureau, now Mr. Hong is the most powerful.

Of course, as aunt Yun who got on the boat, she also knew that she had offended many people, so... She couldn't guess which way it was for the time being?

At this moment, she can only try her best to get rid of the taxi behind.

Now it seems that the target of the taxi behind is obviously her car.

Because she wanted to get rid of it all the way, and the taxi behind was chasing it all the way.

Finally, there was no way. She suddenly picked up her cell phone and made a call.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the law enforcement vehicle of the traffic police station suddenly came to stop the taxi behind.

Originally, in terms of the current speed, the taxi behind was also seriously speeding.

However, just after the law enforcement vehicle of the traffic police station appeared, the taxi behind had voluntarily given up and continued to chase.

However, in the end, the taxi behind was intercepted.

As for what happened later, we don't know yet.

Because Aunt Yun has taken the opportunity to drive away and run to the city.

Just sitting in the passenger seat, Lin Qiu thought that Aunt Yun was really unusual!


Finally, aunt Yun drove to the Rossi hotel in the city.

About Rossi Hotel, this is one of the five-star hotels in Yunchuan.

Because the entrance of the underground parking lot of this hotel is more secret and the security is relatively safe, aunt Yun chose this hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, aunt Yun drove directly to the underground parking lot.

After finding a relatively secret parking space in the underground parking lot and parking the car, aunt Yun turned her head and looked at Lin Qiu on the passenger seat, and then smiled faintly: "just... Was it a false alarm?"

Suddenly listening to her asking, Lin Qiu was thoughtful and stunned for a moment

After that, he said tentatively, "who will follow aunt Yun?"

Ling Yayun still smiled faintly, and then said lightly: "maybe I offended someone in the business field?"

Hearing her saying this, Lin Qiu could only smile with understanding, and then didn't say too much.

Then, Ling Yayun said, "well, get off and let's go to the hotel front desk to check in."


Lin Qiu was stunned secretly, and then he thought, what rhythm is this?!

Ling Yayun has opened the door and got out of the car.

Seeing that she had already got off, there was no way. Lin Qiu had to push open the door and get off.

After he got off the bus, I saw aunt Yun calling again

"What happened to that taxi just now?" Ling Yayun asked.

"There's nothing wrong with the taxi. It's really a regular taxi company's car. It's just speeding," her friend replied at the end of the phone, "It's just that there are foreign male passengers on the bus, but they didn't find anything unusual. They didn't admit that they were tracking your car. They just said they were in a hurry, so... There was no accident. We can't intervene in the investigation and can only punish them for speeding."

"I see. Thanks!" Ling Yayun could only reply.


After that, under the leadership of aunt Yun, Lin Qiu followed her to the front desk of the hotel.

As a frequent guest of the hotel, aunt Yun skillfully took out her ID card and said to the receptionist at the front desk, "open me two big bed rooms."


Lin Qiu was stunned secretly, and then seemed a little disappointed

Because he thought aunt Yun was going to bed with him tonight, but it wasn't.

Just then, when Aunt Yun checked in at the hotel front desk, suddenly, the mobile phone in Lin Qiu's pocket suddenly rang

Suddenly, his mobile phone rang and looked at Aunt Yun who was checking in at the moment. Therefore, he didn't say hello to Aunt Yun. He just turned around and walked aside, took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID

Suddenly he saw that the call was from Aunt Bai. Lin Qiu couldn't help but be slightly stunned. After that, he connected the phone and said respectfully, "aunt Bai!"

Aunt Bai on the other end of the phone asked, "have you returned to Yunchuan?"

Suddenly, when Aunt Bai asked about it, Lin Qiu was stunned again. She was thinking, did sister LAN have told aunt Bai?

Thinking about it, he had to respond truthfully: "yes, aunt Bai. I've returned to Yunchuan."

So aunt Bai asked again, "are you going to stay in Yunchuan for one night?"

Hearing aunt Bai's question, Lin Qiu seems to understand. Maybe aunt Bai already knows something?

It is estimated that Aunt Bai is taboo about his contact with aunt Yun of Yunchuan?

Can make aunt Bai so taboo, so... Aunt Yun is more than an ordinary woman?

Although he thought of it in his heart, Lin Qiu pretended to be confused. He replied, "yes, aunt Bai. I'm going to stay in Yunchuan for one night. Because I have a friend here in Yunchuan."

Then Aunt Bai didn't say anything about it. She just said, "well, I know."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Qiu was stunned again, and then lit a cigarette thoughtfully

At the moment, he was thinking, it seems that some patterns have changed since he came back this time?

However, whether he should be involved in this circle too deeply or not, in fact, he has not thought well.

It's just something he hasn't done yet.

This time he came back, he still wanted to do what he should do first.


After a while, after aunt Yun opened the room, she turned around and said to Lin Qiu, "OK, we're upstairs."

Suddenly, hearing aunt Yun say so, Lin Qiu is busy and turns around

Seeing that he came, aunt Yun directly handed him a room card and said, "this is your room."

Lin Qiu was not polite, so he directly reached out and took the room card

Then he took the elevator upstairs with aunt Yun.

In the elevator, smelling the fragrance of natural women on Aunt Yun, I couldn't help but look at Lin Qiu again

This woman in a sky blue dress is not only tall, but also concave convex. She exudes a unique feminine charm all over her body.

Therefore, Lin Qiu's eyes could not help but be thieves again. He glanced into aunt Yun's collar

The looming white tender and plump, especially the deep V white tender trench, stunned Lin Qiu.

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