I heard Lin Qiu say that our insiders taboo this matter, so Xiaohei's goods were embarrassed and said, "just this time, you bumped into it."

Listening to what he said, Lin Qiu had no choice but to glance at him

Because I'm a brother after all, I can't say anything.

However, as an internal staff of KTV, it is really taboo to engage in AI ignorance with internal ladies, mainly for fear of emotional entanglement.

Because once you get emotional, it will affect your future work.

After all, the ladies here can't avoid facing guests.

Therefore, when there is emotional entanglement with the internal security personnel, it will naturally affect their work.

Besides, every industry has its own rules.

This is the rule.

Moreover, this matter was repeatedly emphasized at the internal regular meeting.

Of course, Xiao Hei knows.

So he looked at Lin Qiu's face, which was a little ugly. Therefore, he was busy and embarrassed. Le hey said, "don't worry, there won't be another time."

Seeing that his goods were so useless, Lin Qiu had to say, "Sir, you are the security captain. You have to set an example, okay? We can't break the rules, okay? After all, we're out to mix, okay?"

Xiao Hei was busy and embarrassed. Le Hei said, "I understand. I understand."

So Lin Qiu said, "well, don't talk about it."

Then, he said, "by the way, is sister LAN in the office?"

Suddenly hearing this, Xiao Hei hurriedly said, "sister LAN came here tonight to shake, and then left. She hasn't come back. So I don't know where sister LAN went tonight?"

Listening to Xiao Hei saying this, Lin Qiu couldn't help being stunned

Then he said, "OK, you go to inspect first."


Then, after Xiao Hei walked to the reception hall, Lin Qiu took out her mobile phone and was ready to call sister LAN.

He was mainly worried about sister Lan's safety.

After all, the situation is complex and chaotic.

Besides, now sister LAN has carried a flag herself, which has naturally become a thorn in the eyes of some people.

After a while, after the phone was connected, without waiting for him to ask anything, sister LAN at the other end of the phone whispered, "I'm here with aunt Bai."

He was relieved to hear that she was with aunt Bai.

But he suddenly thought, sister LAN went to Aunt Bai... What might happen?

Then, he didn't say anything for the time being, just said, "I know."


At the moment, you LAN, who is in Villa 8 of yuebanshan, is being knocked and warned by Aunt Bai.

In fact, aunt Bai also knows that you LAN is an ambitious woman.

When two equally ambitious women are together, it is natural to have a submission.

So aunt Bai doesn't want to see one day tour blue get rid of her control.

The reason why she helped you blue was purposeful.

Because Bai Yi is planning to set up an entertainment group to integrate the entertainment venues and resources of the whole Qingyun city.

To put it bluntly, I just want to monopolize the market share of entertainment venues.

She plans to let you LAN be the president of this entertainment group.

In other words, let you LAN always work for her.

So she didn't want to see you LAN. She just took her aunt Bai as the springboard and finally separated from her.

Just now, the fifth master of Yunxi District plans to retire and sell his industries, so aunt Bai means... After the acquisition, integrate resources and establish an entertainment group immediately.

The meaning of you LAN is naturally just to borrow money from Aunt Bai and use the whole resources yourself.

But now, listening to Bai Yi's meaning, you LAN suddenly understood why Lin Qiu said it was wrong to borrow money from Bai Yi.

It can be seen that Lin Qiu is the best.

Therefore, you LAN has to admire Lin Qiu again!

The boy really has foresight and strategy.

However, now it's about this, so she doesn't dare to challenge aunt Bai openly.

So I'm afraid I can only swallow it?

Finally, there was no way. You Lan had to smile and say, "then do it according to Aunt Bai's meaning."

Aunt Bai said, "it's all right. You can say what you want now."

Where dare you LAN say?

She can only smile and say, "I have no idea and no opinion. If there is no Bai aunt, there is no time for me to swim blue, so... Thank you Bai aunt!"

So aunt Bai said, "in that case, it's settled. Since the fifth master believes in you, we'd better buy the industries under the fifth master in your name. After that, we'll set up an entertainment group immediately. Don't worry, the established Entertainment Group will naturally be taken care of by you, I just ask."


It can be seen that Aunt Bai still has a good wrist.

However, although Youlan had ideas in her heart, she also felt some satisfaction.

Because at least after following aunt Bai, her value has really improved.

Besides, if she is the person in charge of the entertainment group, she must be worth at least one million a year.

If she is really big, she may have an annual salary of more than ten million.

So it's better than she used to be.


After the purchase of the fifth master's industry was finalized, aunt Bai couldn't help saying, "by the way, about Lin Qiu... Have you found out his temper and temperament?"

Suddenly, you Lan was stunned

In fact, to tell the truth, she didn't know the boy Lin Qiu.

Therefore, she had to truthfully say: "aunt Hui, that... To tell the truth, I can't touch his boy. But one thing I'm sure, he won't do anything to me. Moreover, all the time, his boy has always stressed that he is just a passing ghost, so... I think there must be something else in his boy's heart?"

Hearing you LAN say so, aunt Bai said, "then I know. I know why he keeps saying that."

This made you LAN ask curiously, "why?"

Aunt Bai was stunned for a moment, and then revealed: "maybe it's his boy's family affairs? I asked someone to investigate his boy. It is said that... More than ten years ago, their Lin family suffered misfortune. His boy was secretly sent to the river fishing village and survived. So... I guess his boy should still know something, so his boy... Should want revenge?"

Suddenly, you Lan was surprised when Aunt Bai said so

It seems that she immediately understood why Lin Qiu was a little strange sometimes. It turned out that

Then Aunt Bai said, "it's done. Just know about it. Remember, don't talk nonsense."


After a while, when it was almost three o'clock at night, you LAN drove out of the moon mountain. At the moment, the mood was more or less complicated

On the one hand, she was thinking about Aunt Bai's pressure and control on her.

On the one hand, she was thinking that Aunt Bai revealed Lin Qiu's life experience to her tonight

Finally, she couldn't help but pick up her cell phone and call Lin Qiu.

Because now for her, the most trustworthy man is Lin Qiu.

She was even willing to sacrifice everything for this man.


At this moment, the blue KTV has closed, and Lin Qiu has led Xiao Hei back to the lotus apartment.

As for his moving to Lianhua apartment, he is mainly considering bringing Xiaohei here to live together.

After all, if you are brothers, you have to share weal and woe.

Therefore, seeing that Xiao Hei always lives in the basement dormitory, Lin Qiu's heart is not strong.

After all, Xiao Hei came out and went to him.

After arriving at the lotus apartment, Lin Qiu said, "how's it like here?"

Xiao Hei said, "nonsense, of course, it's much better than the basement dormitory. I don't know how many times."

Seeing his goods like this, Lin Qiu said, "but first, you sleep in the living room and I sleep in the bedroom. Because this is just a small one bedroom, there is only one bedroom, so... You can only sleep in the living room."

Xiao Hei said happily, "yes, no problem. I sleep in the living room. Anyway, it's more than the basement dormitory. Hey!"


The two brothers were talking. Suddenly, Lin Qiu's cell phone rang.

When she took out her mobile phone, she suddenly saw that it was sister LAN calling. Lin Qiu was stunned

Then, he said to Xiaohei: "you clean up first and I'll answer the phone."

As he spoke, he connected the phone

"Sister LAN."

At the other end of the phone, you LAN asked, "where are you now?"

"Lotus apartment." Lin Qiu replied.

So, the blue sidewalk at the other end of the phone said, "I'll sleep with you at the lotus apartment tonight."

Suddenly hearing this, Lin Qiu couldn't help but be stunned, and then hurriedly whispered, "what... Xiao Hei lives here now, isn't it convenient?"

Hearing this, you LAN on the other end of the phone thought for a moment, and then said, "come downstairs. I'll drive to pick you up. Let's go back to Jinding garden together."

Hearing sister Lan's words, Lin Qiu couldn't help asking, "what's the matter, sister LAN?"

You LAN replied, "I'm not happy tonight."

Hearing this, Lin Qiu had no choice but to say, "well, I'll go downstairs and wait for you."


After hanging up for a while, Lin Qiu said to Xiao Hei, "you can sleep in the bedroom tonight because I won't sleep here tonight."

Xiao Hei also heard the phone call from sister LAN just now. Therefore, Xiao Hei couldn't help being curious and said, "Sir, tell me the truth. Did you really sleep with sister LAN?"

Seeing Xiao Hei so, Lin Qiu replied, "why do you always ask those useless questions?"

After that, he said, "it's done. You can wash and sleep quickly. I'm leaving."


Nevertheless, Xiaohei still thinks that Lin Qiu's goods should sleep with sister LAN?

Thinking of this, Xiao Hei is very jealous

Because Xiao Hei thinks that a woman like sister LAN is very interesting!

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