'knock!'‘ Peng! "‘ Knock! '

Big guy, you punched me and kicked me. They beat up the red haired brother. At the same time, they didn't forget to dispel their hatred

"Let you pay back Tamar's protection fee?!"

"Cao, brother Hongmao, I Tamar kicked you into black hair!!"

"Paralyzed, dare you charge protection fees?!"

"Lying in the trough, I'll kick you to death!"

"Ma, do you continue to compete?"

"I can't kick you, hum!!"

"Get out of the way, let me kick this foot!!"


Looking at this situation, Lin Qiu shrugged helplessly, and then said to Ma Kui, "come on, boss Ma, let's go back and have tea."

Then they and Tang Jun returned to Tang Jun's restaurant. Tang Jun really went to make tea

It seems that everything outside has nothing to do with them.

After Tang Jun made tea and sat down at the table, Ma Kui looked at him and couldn't help saying, "jun'er, you can't stand it now?"

Tang Jun said helplessly, "we are from other places. We just do some small business here. What can we do?"

Ma Kui said, "lying in the trough! We can't let them ride on our necks and shit, can't we?"

Tang Jun sighed helplessly, "Alas..."

Looking at this situation, Lin Qiu couldn't help saying, "yes, boss Ma, let's stop talking about it. Brother Jun also has his difficulties. Besides, as outsiders, we really don't want to make trouble here. Besides, it's not easy for us to live at the bottom of society."

Suddenly, Ma Kui was stunned. After that, Ma Kui suddenly said, "by the way, brother Lin, why don't... Tang Jun and I follow you in the future? As long as you nod, our brothers will get together and make a comeback in the future!"

Suddenly, when Ma Kui said this, Tang Jun couldn't help looking at Lin Qiu thoughtfully

In fact, Tang Jun also believes that as long as Lin qiuken nods, their brothers will definitely be able to mix up in the future.

However, Lin Qiu said, "boss Ma, let's think about it in the long run. Besides, it's inappropriate for me to take the lead? Because you two... One is boss Ma and the other is brother Jun."

Ma Kui said, "lying in the trough! What's special? Boss Ma and brother Jun? We have a rule for wandering in the Jianghu. Whoever has the greatest ability is the boss! We'll call you brother Qiu in the future!"

Lin Qiu said, "yes, boss Ma, let's not talk about these extraneous remarks for the time being."

He said, "by the way, brother Jun said Kangnan street is behind this street. Then... I'd better go to Kangnan street first."

Suddenly listening to this, Ma Kui hurriedly said, "let me go with you. Let's go."

Lin Qiu said, "No. I'll just go and have a look myself. I'll be back here in a minute."

Suddenly, Tang Jun couldn't help saying, "brother Lin, why are you looking for Kangnan street?"

Lin Qiu also asked, "is there a burning bar on Kangnan street?"

Tang Jun listened and was stunned secretly. Then he said, "that bar is not easy. It's easy... You'd better not go in."

Suddenly hearing this, Lin Qiu couldn't help but be stunned and hurriedly asked, "why?!"

Tang Jun frowned thoughtfully. After a while, he said, "people who enter that bar are people who have trouble to solve."

Suddenly Tang Jun seemed to know the bar. Therefore, Lin Qiu asked, "do you know that there is a guy named ah Kang in the bar?"

Tang Jun said, "if there is a Jeep Wrangler parked at the door of the bar, it proves that ah Kang is in the bar. If you don't see the car, it proves that ah Kang is not in the bar."

After answering, Tang Jun couldn't help saying, "brother Lin, I shouldn't ask. Why are you looking for ah Kang?"

At the moment, marquee was also listening.

Because Lin Qiu didn't mention this guy named ah Kang to him.

Hearing Tang Jun's question, Lin Qiu didn't intend to hide anything, but directly replied, "because the guy named ah Kang took a job for me. So I have to ask ah Kang who is behind the scenes?"

Hearing this, Tang Jun was slightly stunned

Immediately, Tang Jun said, "this... I'm afraid it's a little difficult?"

Then Tang Jun said, "generally, even if ah Kang is in the bar, he can't see it if he wants to see it. Because there is a secret room in the bar. Generally, ah Kang stays in the secret room."

Listening to this, Lin Qiu asked, "have you ever been to the burning bar?"

"No." Tang Jun shook his head.

"How do you know what's going on inside?"

"Listen to what others say," Tang Jun replied.

"That is... You haven't seen the guy named ah Kang?"

"HMM." Tang Jun nodded.

At this time, Ma Kui couldn't help asking, "is Akan the agent of an underground organization?"

"HMM." Tang Jun nodded again and said, "the agent of the international killer underground organization."

Suddenly listening to this, Ma Kui was stunned

Immediately, Ma Kui couldn't help looking at Lin Qiu. He was thinking that brother Lin was playing tall?

To tell the truth, Ma Kui's heart is somewhat timid

After all, when he heard about the international killer underground organization, he thought it was a very comparable organization.

At the same time, Ma Kui was also thinking that if the international killer was used, maybe the person behind the scenes might not be the old thing Hongkun?

Because Ma Kui still knows Hongkun's old thing. It's easy. Hongkun's old thing won't hire international killers.

Besides, there were countless thugs under the old man Hongkun, so there was no need to spend that money.

Thinking about this, Ma Kui asked Lin Qiu, "brother Lin, I shouldn't ask. Have you offended anyone in Qingyun city?"

Suddenly listening to Ma Kui's question, Lin Qiu said, "boss Ma has a new idea?"

Ma Kui also said: "if the international killer is used, then I think the person behind the scenes may not be the old thing Hongkun? Because the old thing Hongkun doesn't need to use the international killer."

In fact, according to the guess in his heart, Lin Qiu also roughly knows who it is.

I just want to hear the guy named Akon tell him himself.

In fact, aunt Bai also gave him a wake-up call.

But he just wanted to hear the guy named Akon tell him himself.

Later, Lin Qiu half joked: "boss Ma won't be afraid when he hears about the international killer underground organization?"

Suddenly listening to this, Ma Kui naturally replied with a hard head: "I've never seen anything? What's to be afraid of? International killers are not people? They are nothing but proficient in all kinds of guns. In addition to this, they are just like that!"

However, this is a point, because the so-called international killers are really proficient in all kinds of firearms.

If they fight hand to hand, their Kung Fu will not be comparable.

After listening to Ma Kui's words, Lin Qiu smiled and said, "yes, boss Ma, you'd better drink tea in brother Jun's shop. I'll just go to Kangnan street by myself. After all, we've all come here. How can we get to the bottom?"

Seeing that Lin Qiu got up while talking, Ma Kui got up and said, "I'd better accompany you!"

At this time, Tang Jun couldn't help getting up and said, "I'll come with you."

Suddenly seeing Tang Jun like this, Lin Qiu hurriedly said, "brother Jun, you'd better stay in the store and watch the store."

Tang Jun said, "No. I'm with you. After all, I know Kangnan Street better than you. Besides, I know the location of the burning bar."

In fact, in Tang Jun's heart, he always felt that he owed Lin Qiu a favor.

Because when he was in Qingyun City, if Lin Qiu hadn't shot in time, Tang Jun might have lost one leg.

Because the three Yao brothers at that time called the roll and wanted to abolish one leg of Tang Jun.

Although Tang Jun was embarrassed to mention such embarrassing things again, he still remembered that he owed Lin Qiu a favor.

Moreover, Lin Qiu also agreed to Tang Jun's request and helped sister LAN prop up the blue KTV for him.

Although Tang Jun never mentioned those things, he still felt that he owed Lin Qiu something.

Therefore, since he has a chance this time, he still wants to repay.

Although he didn't say it, he thought so in his heart.

It seems that they both have to accompany together. Lin Qiu couldn't help saying, "boss Ma and brother Jun, do you listen to me? After all, it's my personal business, and... There are many crises, so... I really don't want to involve anyone. I hope you two can understand me, so... You two should not accompany me!"

Ma Kui hurriedly said, "brother Lin, what are you talking about? If you say so, we are not brothers? If we are brothers, your business is mine!"

The reason why Ma Kui is like this is because Ma Kui wants to use Lin Qiu's power to kill back to Qingyun city for revenge.

Therefore, this relationship must be hard to get along with.

Without life and death, how can there be sincere care in the future?

So this trip, no matter life or death, Ma Kui decided to stay with him.

Tang Jun said, "brother Lin, we are all brothers, so don't say those outspoken words! Remember our conversation at Gongtian hospital? So since we are brothers, don't say those outspoken words, which will hurt our brothers' feelings!"

Immediately, Tang Jun said, "although I am living a miserable life, I am not the kind of person who is afraid of death, am I not?"

Seeing that they are like this, Lin Qiu doesn't know what to say?

But now he felt that if they were accompanied, there would be more care.

After all, these two were once fierce people in Qingyun city.

Moreover, if hard work is said, they are not bad.

So they're together. There's really no trouble. They can take care of each othe

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