At this moment, Bentley Tianyue is approaching Lianhua Mountain.

Lotus Mountain in the middle of the night is unusually quiet.

The street lights on both sides are particularly bright.

For convenience, Lin Qiu suddenly turned off the lights and slowed down the speed.

Ma Kui and Tang Jun in the car began to look around and observe the terrain

After all, the first time I came here, I didn't know it at all.

If it were in Qingyun City, it is estimated that the three brothers had already sneaked into uncle Kang's villa.

After all, I'm new here.

When approaching the villa, Lin Qiu drove the car to the shade of a big banyan tree.

After stopping in the shade of the tree, the three brothers got off.

Obviously, they are going to walk there.

After all, the car was too dazzling.

Although it was the first time for the three brothers to live and die together, the tacit understanding was seamless.

After sneaking into the villa area and finding villa 1, the three brothers first observed the situation outside the wall outside the villa.

There were three security guards in the yard, but one of them fell asleep at the gate of the yard.

There are two sitting by the swimming pool in the villa yard, smoking and farting

"When do you think we can get to the height of Uncle Kang?" one of the security guards asked.

One of the security guards replied, "grass! Don't dream! This man is Tamar's life! If I had seized the opportunity two years ago, I wouldn't be Tamar's security guard here now, would I?"


At the moment, looking at the three or two small minions in the yard, Lin Qiu couldn't help jumping over the wall.

The action was light, and there was no sound at all.

Immediately, Lin Qiu quickly rushed to the two security guards next to the swimming pool

When the two security guards realized that someone had broken in, it was already late, because Lin Qiu stretched out his hand and lit their acupoints. They were very turbulent and couldn't make a sound. They had to stare at Lin Qiu.

It scared them to pee their pants.

Then, Lin Qiu rushed to the security guard at the door and reached out to point his acupoints

After that, Lin Qiu waved, Ma Kui and Tang Jun also climbed over the wall and came in.


The light in the hall on the first floor of the villa is always on.

Two bodyguards fell asleep on the sofa in the hall on the first floor.

When the three brothers of Lin Qiu sneaked into the hall on the first floor, the two bodyguards were still sleeping on the sofa.

Lin Qiu thought, with this vigilance, how about Tamar's bodyguard?

After the three brothers looked at each other, Lin Qiu went forward and lit the acupoints of the two bodyguards

After that, the three brothers swaggered along the wooden ladder towards the second floor.

Ma Kui also asked, "brother Lin, can you teach us acupoint Kung Fu later?"

Lin Qiu said, "this can't be learned in a while."

Tang Jun suddenly asked a strange question. He asked, "brother Lin, tell me the truth. Have you slept with sister LAN?"

Before Lin Qiu answered, Ma Kui said, "it's Tamar's nonsense! Lin Qiu's goods have lived with you LAN for so long and haven't slept. Who believes it? I just don't know how exciting You Lan's little women sleep. It's up to Lin Qiu to talk about it!"

However, Lin Qiu hurriedly said, "Sir, are you two serious? Now we're sneaking into uncle Kang's villa. How much respect can we pay to others?"


At the moment, the master bedroom on the second floor of the villa is also lit.

Uncle Kang seemed to hear something vaguely, so he vigilantly opened the drawer of the bedside table and pulled out a pistol

On the pistol, the silencer has been installed in advance.

Then, uncle Kang took a pistol and aimed at the position of the main door. He planned to shoot as soon as the door opened.


At the moment, in the corridor outside the door, Lin Qiu and his brothers are also very vigilant. They are all walking along the walls on both sides of the corridor towards the main door of the master bedroom.

When approaching the front door of the master bedroom, the three brothers looked at each other, meaning to discuss how to open the door

Immediately, Ma Kui reached out and took out an axe from behind.

Lin Qiu and Tang Jun watched. They were stunned and thought that Ma Kui was really a fierce man.

After Ma Kui stood in a relatively safe position on the side of the door, he waved his axe and suddenly split towards the front door of the master bedroom

"Bang --"

A bang!

The front door of the master bedroom was directly split!


At the same time, there was a gunshot with a silencer.

However, the bullet flew into the air and flew straight down the corridor

However, Lin Qiu and his three brothers were still stunned. After all, the other party did have a gun.

This thing, bullets don't have eyes.

However, after the front door of the master bedroom was directly split, uncle Kang was also frightened, trembled and peed in his pants.

At the moment, his cat was in the bedroom, his whole body was still shaking, his hands and feet were shaking

After all, this thing, in the middle of the night, the other party has sneaked into the house. Think about it, can you be afraid?!

Especially big guys like his uncle Kang are afraid of death.

Obviously, at the moment, the other party is obviously in the upper hand.

As a big man, he was killed at home by others, which was obviously a failure.

In fact, at the moment, uncle Kang also realized that his life could not be saved tonight.

Now he is just a dying struggle before he dies.

When the dog jumped over the wall, he suddenly fired several shots at the door crazily


Several shots in a row!

When he pulled the trigger again, the sound was suddenly wrong

After the "Da" sound, but no bullets were fired Chu.

Looks like the bullets in the gun have been fired.

Listen, the gunfire is wrong. It seems that there are no bullets. At this time, Ma Kui took the opportunity to look in

Suddenly he saw that the old cat was behind the bedside table, but it was blocked by the bedside table. Therefore, Ma Kui, in a rage, waved his axe and suddenly looked handsome

"Bang --"

A bang!

The bedside table was split in two!

Lin Qiu and Tang Jun have to praise this. Ma Kui is really fierce!

Ma Kui's axe is really superb in use!

Seeing that the bedside table was directly split in two, uncle Kang, who had no place to hide, suddenly became excited

Then, with a "poop", uncle Kang knelt there directly on his knees. Flustered, he raised his hands and signaled his surrender.

At this moment, he lost his pistol.

In desperation, uncle Kang could only tremble and say, "hero, spare your life!"

At this moment, seeing that it was safe, Lin Qiu's three brothers also appeared and swaggered towards the bedroom

At this moment, uncle Kang suddenly saw three fierce generals coming in, and he dared not move.

At this moment, looking at Uncle Kang kneeling on the ground with an embarrassed face, Lin Qiu asked, "are you uncle Kang?!"

There's no way. Uncle Kang can only nod with trembling

Looking at the old man nodded, Lin Qiu came forward and waved with a big mouth

"Pa --"

A crisp sound!

The old man's head was crooked.

At present, uncle Kang is estimated to be the most embarrassing scene and the most humiliating one in his life.

As the saying goes, it's not a raptor but a river.

It seems that the boy surnamed Lin is really a raptor!

As a person in Guangzhu's side, he was cleaned up so badly. It's estimated that uncle Kang will have no face to mix in Guangzhu's land in the future?

Immediately, Lin Qiu's backhand is another big mouth fan back

"Pa --"

This time, he hit uncle Kang's head straight.

After that, Ma Kui squatted down in front of Uncle Kang and patted uncle Kang's face

This is the standard face beating mode again.

Then Ma Kui asked, "old man, how much did Zheng He Nian charge?"

"This... I this..." at the moment, uncle Kang hesitated and almost cried. Then, he had to apologize, "yes, I'm sorry! I'm... I'm old and confused!"

Ma Kui said, "Tamar! What I asked is how much did you charge Zheng He Nian?"

"Three, three, three million, but... But at present, but only one million has been received." there was no way, and uncle Kang had to answer truthfully.

So Ma Kui said, "grass! Are you still working so hard? Last night, dozens of people and horses were arranged to encircle?"

"I... I don't want to..."

"What do you want?" asked marquee.

"No!" Uncle Kang changed his mouth in panic. "Nothing! I didn't think about anything! I just have eyes and don't know Taishan! I have eyes but no eyes!"

At this time, Lin Qiu said, "now that you old man knows that you have eyes and don't know Mount Tai, you say... Tonight... Do we just do you? Or abandon you? Or..."

Uncle Kang was so frightened that he almost collapsed - soft on the ground.

At the moment, he can really defecate, defecate, lose control.

Obviously, Lin Qiu's words, like a judge, sentenced his uncle Kang to death.

But, in fact, Lin Qiu's goods just scare him.

Didn't really want to kill him.

In fact, all three of their brothers know that if they really want to kill someone here, the nature will change.

Therefore, their purpose is to let uncle Kang know that they are not easy to provoke, and Zheng Helian's money is not easy to earn!

Looking at Uncle Kang scared like that, the three brothers couldn't help laughing. Hey

Immediately, Ma Kui pretended to be vicious and reached out to pick up his axe

Suddenly seeing this scene, uncle Kang was frightened and begged for mercy on the ground: "hero... Spare my life! Spare my life! Please! Spare my life!"

At this time, Tang Jun couldn't help but say, "grass, spare Mao's life? Tamar, did you think about sparing our life last night? Now you know that you lie here crying and shouting to spare your life? Spare NIMA's life? Lying in the trough!"

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