At the moment, it was Yan Shuqiang, the criminal suspect, who was very excited. "Hefa real estate owes my father thirty or forty million yuan and has been unwilling to give it. Later, my father suddenly died strangely. Don't you really know what's going on? It's not clear that it's the black hands and feet of Zheng Helian's dog behind the scenes? Therefore, since you are in collusion and unwilling to deal with it, I have no choice as a common people. I can only kill Zheng himself What's wrong with the new year's dog? So now you don't have to ask any more questions. In short, I killed Zheng He Nian. Just do what you want! Anyway, I'm Tamar's barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes! I'm a man when I do things! So you hypocritical and dignified guys don't have to doubt anything anymore? I know, you dogs I'll just sit in the office drinking tea and figure out who to deal with! Now, deal with me! I killed Zheng He Nian! If you want to shoot me, just shoot me! I know, anyway, people like us don't regret death! "

After hearing the suspect's words, Wang Tinggan felt a little more bitter.

In desperation, he had no choice but to ask Qiao Hongzhi in his ear whisper: "the suspect said that he had owed three hundred forty million to his father. What was going on?"

Qiao Hongzhi also had to whisper back to Wang Tinggan's ear: "this is Yan Dazhong's murder case last year. Up to now, he has not solved the case. The suspect is the son of Yan Da Zhong. He must know that he is the real estate group of Zheng He."

Hearing Qiao Hongzhi's words, Wang tinggan asked again, "haven't you solved the case of Yan Dazhong's murder last year?"

Qiao Hongzhi said, "we can only doubt, but there is no evidence, and no trace has been found at the scene. Last year, we conducted an investigation on this case for more than two months, but we still didn't collect enough evidence, so later... It slowly ran aground and became a pending case."

Taking the opportunity, Wang tinggan said, "your case handling efficiency is too low, isn't it?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Qiao Hongzhi had to keep his face astringent and silent.

Then Wang Tinggan looked at the suspect Yan Shuqiang again, then said, "you must not be excited, do not be too extreme, OK? We are not what you think. We have absolutely no way to protect it. We have never protected anyone."

However, Yan Shuqiang said, "this line has been told to me several times by Qiao bureau last year. It's not that I want to be excited or extreme, but what you have done has forced us civilians to be excited and extreme, do you understand?"

Then Yan Shuqiang said again, "I don't believe you don't know that my father was killed by Zheng Helian's dog!"

Then Yan Shuqiang changed his words: "yes, it's useless to say more. I'm too lazy to waste my breath! In short, I killed Zheng He Nian! Do whatever you want! If you want to kill or cut, please!"

After his words, Yan Shuqiang didn't want to say anything.

In this regard, the trial reached an impasse.

However, Wang tinggan also felt it, and there was nothing to come out of the retrial.

Qiao Hongzhi's heart was thinking, it seems that the meaning of the province or want to dig out Lin Qiu through this case?

Fortunately, Yan Shuqiang's answer made Wang tinggan feel helpless and unable to continue the trial.

At noon that day, taking advantage of the lunch break, Zuo Changqing hurried back to Zuo's old house.

After seeing dad's left year, Zuo Changqing said, "I don't know who the man in Lin Qiu has offended." today, the provincial side, Wang Tinggan came to Qingyun city again, and he was re examined the suspect Yan Shuqiang. He also took photos of Lin Qiu to Yan Shuqiang to see what Yan tree did not know Lin Qiu.

When his son came back to talk about it, old man Zuo said, "I already know about it."

"You already know?" Zuo Changqing was surprised.

The left old man said, "is there anything strange? Is it hard for me to know something?"

So, having no choice, Zuo Changqing had to ask, "what do you think of this...?"

Master Zuo said, "Zheng He Nian's death has nothing to do with Lin Qiu. What else can I think? Besides, isn't it Li Hongquan who you said last time?"

With that, the left old man paused, took a cigarette, and then continued: "But... Li Hongquan estimates that it should be soon. I have also figured out why Li Hongquan wants to trouble Lin Qiu. It is because Li Hongquan suspects that Lin Qiu has taken a USB flash disk. But that USB flash disk... Should be over to the provincial Ji soon? After they get the USB flash disk, it is estimated that... Li Hongquan will be finished?"


At the moment, office 1 in the province.

Secretary Mao Shangui is reporting to Zhou Tangqing

Mao Shangui said, "you asked me to check the young man named Lin Qiu. I've found it. This young man... Doesn't seem to have any formal career? At present, he is in charge of security at a KTV in Qingyun city."

After listening to this situation, our provincial No. 1 was puzzled and couldn't help frowning

After thinking about it, Zhou Tangqing sidewalk: "Strange? You said... What does Lu Yingdong of Hong Kong want such a young man to do? I really don't understand? And... He has to pass through our province? What does that mean? Does... Lu Yingdong mean... That we should take care of this young man? The question is... He is a social youth. How can we take care of him?"

Hearing Zhou Tangqing's words, Mao Shangui thought for a moment, and then said: "Well, when I was checking this young man, I overheard some voices saying that this young man had a holiday with Hong Kun, chairman of Qingyun Kunpeng group. It seems that he also had a holiday with Zheng He Nian, chairman of Qingyun Hefa real estate group. So I was wondering... Would Lu Yingdong want our Province to come forward and take care of him properly because of these things ?”

After hearing this, Zhou Tangqing frowned and thought again, and then said, "go and check it again, follow up and see what's going on? After that, you can arrange it as soon as possible, and arrange for them to meet according to Lu Yingdong's meaning."


That afternoon, Lin Qiu had learned about the retrial of Yan Shuqiang by someone from the province.

Hou Qi and Ma Kui also learned.

On this matter, they are worried about Lin Qiu.

Hou Qi asked, "brother Lin, this... Won't really involve you in the end?"

Ma Kui said, "brother Lin, why don't you... You'd better avoid it?"

You san also said hurriedly, "yes, brother Lin, I also think it's necessary to avoid it. Besides, we don't know what to do if you have something to do. After all, we haven't solved the big trouble!"

Hearing what they said, Lin Qiu said, "what's there to avoid? It's just a retrial of Yan Shuqiang. Why are you so scared? Besides, the retrial is just a retrial. It has nothing to do with us. I'm afraid of wool?"

Then Lin Qiu said, "besides, be afraid, Hongkun should be more afraid than us. Because we heard through the grapevine that Hongkun had something to do with the bizarre death of Yan Shuqiang's father last year. Understand? If we try again, we may not turn over the murder of Yan Shuqiang's father last year?"

Suddenly listening to this, they were stunned and a little silly

Because they suddenly thought, why does Lin Qiu know everything?!

Think about it. In a detailed calculation, Lin Qiu has been in Qingyun city for less than a year. He even knows some things about Qingyun city in the past. This is really an ability.

Because they have been mixing in Qingyun City, some things are not very clear.

For example, when Yan Shuqiang's father was killed last year, they didn't know what was going on.

Of course, they still thought that this matter has an inseparable relationship with Zheng He Nian.

But I didn't expect to have anything to do with that old thing Hongkun.

Later, Hou Qi couldn't help saying, "by the way, brother Lin, if you play according to this routine, don't you need us to turn around and Hongkun's old thing will enter the bureau?"

However, Lin Qiu said, "how can that work? Boss Ma can say that it's not cool. Boss Ma means to kill Hongkun himself."

Listening to this, Ma Kui said excitedly, "Jianghu affairs should be handled according to Jianghu rules! It's better to kill Hongkun himself!"

At this time, Tang Jun couldn't help persuading: "boss Ma, I think... It's better to play according to brother Lin's routine. Because if you kill Hongkun yourself, you have to go to jail. In fact, I don't think it's necessary, really!"

And Ma Kui said, "well, don't talk about it! In short, I'm going to kill Hongkun myself! As for going to jail, those are just later words, there's no need to say!"

Understand Ma Kui's waiting seven way: "all right, all right, let's not talk about it first. Let's listen to brother Lin and see what to do next?"

Lin Qiu said, "there are no plans for the time being. Now the parties concerned are watching closely, and we have to stop. We have to give people a chance to breathe, don't we?"

However, later, Lin Qiu said: "But... Wu Dayong suddenly appeared around Hongkun. We can get rid of Wu Dayong again. In short, no matter who is around Hongkun, we have to see one and get rid of another. In the end, when no one can use Hongkun, that's when we can do it."


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