After a while, after driving back to Qingyun City, Lin Qiu's goods rushed straight to the king of songs KTV.

Hou Qi, Ma Kui and others are also staying in the king of songs KTV at the moment.

When Lin Qiu went into their private room No. 10 and looked at them, Lin Qiu first said, "stop about Qiu Ye!"

As soon as Lin Qiu came back, he first said such a sentence with a black face. Suddenly, Hou Qi and Ma Kui were stunned and confused

They thought to themselves, what's the matter with Lin Qiu?

Why are you suddenly so serious?

Think about it. They have been dealing with Lin Qiu for so long. They all know that Lin Qiu usually looks relaxed and laughs and jokes from time to time.

And no matter how big the challenge is, the goods look relaxed.

But suddenly so serious this time, they seem to be aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Therefore, the whole atmosphere suddenly solidified.

After waiting for a while, Hou Qi asked tentatively, "what's the matter, brother Lin?"

Lin Qiu took another serious look at Hou Qiyi, and then glanced at Ma Kui

After that, Lin Qiu said, "you really don't think it's a big deal! You don't think about what time it is now. You really have nothing to do!"

Think about it. Hou Qi, Ma Kui and you san are all princes of all parties, but they are timid in the face of Lin Qiu's sudden reprimand.

Because they are also special for Lin Qiu.

Although he shouted brother Lin, in fact, Lin Qiu had already mastered them and became their boss.

Later, Lin Qiu explained: "Think about how many things have happened in Qingyun city recently? Do you think those big people really sit idly by? Let me tell you, now the social security problems in Qingyun city have become the focus of the province. One day, the province will directly order and organize a large-scale anti underworld operation, so think about it. At this time Hou Chengye, isn't it special? "

Then, Lin Qiu said again, "needless to say, you must know that if those people are serious, as soon as the violence machine is turned on, what kind of Jianghu? What kind of boss? What kind of master? All of them are crushed to pieces by you! So think about it, who dares to call you a master at this time?"

After hearing Lin Qiu's words, Hou Qi and Ma Kui all looked serious

Because they realized the seriousness of the problem.

They also realized that Lin Qiu was still not considerate.

At the same time, they also found a gap. Why among them, only Lin Qiu can claim the Lord in Qingyun City, but they can't. That's because Lin Qiu's head is still much smarter than them.

What they couldn't think of, Lin Qiuquan thought of it.

Moreover, they still sum up several together.

The final total of things has brought such great harm.

When he realized the seriousness of the problem, Ma Kui hurriedly apologized with a astringent face and said, "sorry, brother Lin! These... Are actually my suggestions, and they just agree, so... I'm still not well considered, sorry!"

In Lin Qiu's eyes, Ma Kui is a real man and dare to do it.

Later, Hou Qi was busy and apologized with a astringent face: "I'm sorry, brother Lin! We... We didn't get so much, so you're still the best brother Lin!"

Then you san busy apologized: "I'm so sorry, brother Lin! We didn't want to push you to the edge of danger! It's just that our consideration of this matter is really poor!"


I'm afraid Lin Qiu is the first person in history to make these princes so obedient.

Seeing that all of them had a good attitude, Lin Qiu said, "that's it. Now... There's a more serious matter. Listen to me first and don't interrupt anyone."

"Uh huh." Hou Qi was busy nodding.

So Lin Qiu said: "If nothing unexpected happens, I think those people have quietly prepared for a large-scale anti Mafia operation. That is to say, maybe we don't have to do it. Hongkun's old thing is finished this time. However, since boss Ma means to kill Hongkun's old thing, we must get rid of Hongkun's old thing before the anti Mafia operation. However, I What I want to explain in advance is that as long as Hongkun's old man dies, the relevant parties will carry out the anti Mafia action quickly, so... At that time... They will act according to their destiny. I think... You all know what I mean? "

Of course Hou Qi and Ma Kui understand what this means.

In other words, in any case, it may be difficult to escape the crackdown by relevant parties.

So at that time, we can only take care of ourselves.

Because it was still in a ball at that time, it would die faster.

Because it's the gang that people hit.

At this moment, they looked more and more serious. Lin Qiu said again, "if you understand what I mean, nod."

So Hou Qi and Ma Kui nodded one after another

Seeing that they nodded, Lin Qiu said, "now that you understand, the next resolution is everyone's resolution. If you think you want to kill Hongkun, raise your hands and vote."

As soon as this fell, Marquina guy raised his hand first

Obviously, Ma Kui's waiting is to kill Hongkun himself one day.

Ma Kui raised his hand. Hou Qi hesitated and thought, but finally Hou Qi also raised his hand.

It's time for seven to raise his hand, and you San is busy raising his hand.

Tang Jun saw that they all raised their hands, and they were busy raising their hands.

Seeing that they all raised their hands to vote, Lin Qiu said, "in this case, let's do it!"

Then he said again, "but this should be done as soon as possible. It can't be late. After this, everyone should follow their destiny."

Ma Kui can't wait to ask, "brother Lin, what are we going to do next?"

Lin qiuze said: "Of course it's according to the rules of the Jianghu. First tie up Huiyi, the youngest wife of Hongkun. After that, I'll meet you on Lantau Island in the suburb of the city. Don't worry, Hongkun's old thing will come. At that time, the mysterious monk next to Hongkun will be difficult to deal with. Anyway, remember not to fight with the mysterious monk. Because none of you is his opponent. I'll deal with the mysterious monk then, Then how to kill Hongkun is your business. "


At the moment, villa 9, Yajing garden.

In the morning, after reorganizing the people around him again, Hongkun, an old man, realized the seriousness of the problem again.

Because he suddenly found that there were few generals around him.

There are few useful moments like this.

So now Hongkun, an old man, also realizes that he is exhausted and can't stand the toss.

If he fights with Lin Qiu again, it's not just a disgrace for him Hongkun.

Therefore, now Hongkun is thinking that if he can stop here, maybe he can retain a certain prestige in Qingyun city.

Therefore, at the moment, Hongkun, an old man, had to consider seeking peace.

But now he is an old man and can't save his face.

How to say... Regardless of the recent Jianghu rumors, at least for now, in name, he Hongkun is still the first person in Qingyun city.

Although there are rumors in the Jianghu that he has become lonely, no one has officially come forward to compete for the first place, haven't they?

In other words, at least there's a ceremony, isn't it?

Therefore, as a Jianghu leader, he took the initiative to seek peace. If this matter spread, I'm afraid he Hongkun will have no face to continue playing in the future?

More importantly, that kind of prestige seems to be greatly reduced.

So... Even now, Hongkun, an old man, wants to take a posture.

He is thinking about a way to make Lin Qiu ask him for peace?

But after hearing what Lord Kun meant, Xuan monk frowned, but then he didn't say a word.

Because Xuan monk was thinking that he still wanted to take a posture at this time. I'm afraid Lin Qiu won't cooperate?

Think about it, the situation has reached this point. With Lin Qiu's temper, will he let Hongkun take a posture?

Later, the old thing Hongkun meant that he wanted monk Xuan to come forward to fix it

Monk Xuan frowned

At the moment, Xuan monk was thinking that if he came forward, he would come and go with Lin Qiu. He was afraid that he would be embarrassed to fight for the last confrontation at that time?

Think about it. At this time, monk Xuan went to contact Lin Qiu again. They talked and finally had some private friends. I'm really embarrassed to do it at that time.

But Lord Kun expressed such a meaning, so he didn't know what to say?

In desperation, Xuan monk had to reply: "since it's what Lord Kun told me, I'll try my best to do it. As for the result, I'm not sure. Besides, at this time, Lord Kun must know that some things may not develop in the way we imagined?"

"I understand." Hongkun nodded helplessly.

It can be seen that the old thing is really exhausted.

Now it's obviously a little less of a bastard.

After all, in terms of momentum and formation, he has lost a mess. Now he is really wilting.

In desperation, the old man had to sigh: "Alas..."

Looking at Lord Kun's sigh, Xuan monk can only express some sympathy.

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