At 9 o'clock that morning, aunt Bai, who was in the middle of the moon, suddenly received a phone call.

This phone call is from the mysterious man behind her.

That is, the man in the army who is also at the rank of commander.

When Aunt Bai got on the phone, the man with extraordinary bearing said, "this time, your practice is more or less inappropriate!"

Suddenly hearing this, aunt Bai felt a little knock in her heart

Then Aunt Bai seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem.

So aunt Bai immediately looked dignified.

After waiting for a long time, aunt Bai asked, "are you... Aiming at the boy Lin Qiu?"

"What else can I do this time?" the man with extraordinary bearing replied at the other end of the phone.

Therefore, aunt Bai had to ask, "what's the background of that boy?"

The man with extraordinary bearing replied, "anyway, we can't afford to be serious."

Then he said, "I hope his boy is still in the dark? I hope his boy won't know that you put him behind his back?"

Listening to this, aunt Bai seems to be more and more afraid

At the same time, she seemed to realize that she might not have disclosed so much information to the police this time?

Then, the man on the other end of the phone said, "you don't have to wait. That boy should be no longer in Qingyun city?"

Hearing this again, I learned that Lin Qiu had left Qingyun city. Aunt Bai's heart was tight again

That's what she fears most.

Because she was afraid that Lin Qiu would know something when he looked back, she suddenly killed him and retaliated against her.

Then she had to ask, "what should I do now?"

The man at the other end of the phone said, "I don't know now? Anyway... Correct it as much as possible! Don't make mistakes again and again!"

Then he said, "but I don't know if the boy will know this and come back to you for revenge?"

Aunt Bai hurriedly asked, "then don't you have any other better suggestions?"

"No. I dare not do anything about that boy. So... Take care of yourself."

Hearing this, aunt Bai was flustered and said, "why didn't you say it earlier?"

"At that time, you just asked me to investigate whether the boy's foundation was clean or not. I also told you that he was very clean. But how did I know you would suddenly make small moves behind your back and give him a hand? Besides, wasn't he also one of your people? How did I know you would attack your own people?"

Aunt Bai said, "I'm not watching his boy finally play Hongkun's old thing badly, so I'm afraid not? I'm also afraid that one day my end will be the same as Hongkun, isn't it?"

"That's a big mistake! Didn't I tell you? His heart is not in Qingyun city at all! To tell you the truth, Qingyun city is too small to accommodate that boy! If his boy really wants to dominate Qingyun City, don't say Hongkun, you've been killed by him long ago, okay?"

"But... I..."

"Well, don't you, don't me! In short, I told you what I should tell you! You're a smart woman! You know, smart is mistaken by smart! I think... Women are better stupid! It's still a male world when they really play!"


After that, when she hung up, aunt Bai trembled inexplicably

It seems that she also realizes that sometimes she is really too smart.


At 10 o'clock in the morning, Xu Lin suddenly called you LAN.

When the phone was connected, Xu Lin said bluntly, "you don't have to worry. Lin Qiu escaped. And he's completely safe. There won't be anything else."

Suddenly hearing this, you LAN finally breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "Hoo..."

But then, she couldn't help asking, "is he really all right?"

"It's all right. Don't worry."


On that afternoon, around 2 o'clock, a Ford Ruijie with Yunchuan license plate drove into Qingyun city with a low profile and some publicity.

Inside the car, the driver was a seemingly gentle man in his thirties, just like a successful man.

He is min Wen bin, one of the gold medal lawyers in China.

He is also the Royal lawyer of aunt Yunchuan.

He suddenly came to Qingyun city this time. Naturally, he had something to do.

At this moment, he drove directly to Qingyun Municipal Bureau.

When he arrived at the Municipal Bureau, he made only one request to see Ma Kui.

After a while, under the arrangement of the Municipal Bureau, lawyer min met Ma Kui.

However, when he suddenly saw such a person, Ma Kui was a little confused

Min lawyer also knew that Ma Kui would be a little confused, so he whispered, "I'm Lin Qiu's friend."

Suddenly listening to such a sentence, Ma Kui was stunned, and then immediately became energetic

Then, Min's lawyer whispered, "do you want to carry all the crimes?"

After listening to this sentence, Ma Kui was stunned at first, and then replied in a low voice: "come on, how can I cooperate?"

So lawyer Min said, "remember, you must bite to death. You borrowed the Volkswagen Touareg from Aunt Yunchuan, not Lin Qiu. In other words, Lin Qiu was not present at the whole scene of the incident. Do you know what I mean?"

After listening, Ma Kui was stunned again. Then he nodded hurriedly and said, "I understand. I understand. I know what to do."

Seeing that he understood, lawyer Min said again: "Also, I will be your defense lawyer. Because Yunchuan's aunt Yun has hired me as your defense lawyer for you. Of course, this is actually what your brother Lin Qiu means. Because some things Lin Qiu had expected, he told aunt Yun long ago and asked me to come forward when it was time. However, you must be mentally prepared. It is impossible to completely get rid of the crime The only way is to minimize the crime. However, after the sentence, if you perform well in prison, you can apply for commutation at that time. In short... In a word, just cooperate with me, and I will do it for you. You know what I mean? "

After hearing what lawyer Min said, Ma Kui had to admire Lin Qiu again

Because he didn't expect that Lin Qiu had already planned for the future.

Then, Min's lawyer said again: "by the way, I have to state one thing: to elute Lin Qiu and prove that Lin Qiu is not at the scene is not Lin Qiu's own meaning, but aunt Yunchuan's meaning! Therefore, as brothers, you must try your best to cooperate!"

Ma Kui has the final say, "lawyer, you can tell me how to do it. I don't understand it anyway. You said how to cooperate. I'll cooperate with you. Anyway, you have the final say."


At about 4 o'clock this afternoon, it was in a conference room in the city Yamen.

Sitting around the oval conference table in the conference room were Huang Changzhong, No. 1, Qiao Hongzhi, head of the Municipal Bureau, Wu Xiaolong, head of the Publicity Office, Li Lanzhou, head of the television station, and so on.

What was discussed at this meeting was how to publish the results of the surprise crackdown

We all know the so-called news.

No matter how big a matter is, it's not a big deal to discuss it in this conference room, because the bigger thing is to avoid face and maintain a positive image. We all know the face project.

Of course, there are still some achievements in this surprise crackdown on triads.

At least 80 people were arrested.

But these 80 odd people are basically horses.

Several key personnel arrested only Ma Kui.

Wu Xiaolong, the leader of the publicity board, suggested how to publish such an achievement, which means that Hong Kun, the boss of Qingyun City, died in the fight, and all the gangs led by Ma Kui have been arrested.

In this way, we can avoid the important and ignore the light, and highlight the actions of the Yamen.

After all, Hou Qi and you san escaped, so this can't be reflected.

After listening to Wu Xiaolong's proposal, Li Lanzhou, the leader of the TV station, took the opportunity to flatter him in good time.

After hearing this, Mr. Huang Changzhong, No. 1 of the city, pondered it carefully, and then said, "I think it's more appropriate. That's it. Tonight's city news must be broadcast."

Qiao Hongzhi from the Municipal Bureau listened. It seemed that he had no opinion, saying that he acquiesced.


Therefore, there was a TV news in the evening. Its content was almost the same as the suggestions made by Wu Xiaolong, the head of the publicity board, at the afternoon meeting.

The news content is: Hongkun, a big man who has been involved in the Jianghu of Qingyun city for a long time, died in a fight with forces led by Ma Kui last night. All the forces led by Ma Kui were removed in the raid organized by the Municipal Bureau last night, and now all the forces led by Ma Kui have been arrested. Huang Changzhong, No. 1, vowed that this dramatist will not be allowed to run rampant in Qingyun City, which is absolutely zero Tolerance.

About the whole news, that's about it.

Of course, in the process of broadcasting, there are naturally TV pictures. For example, the picture of the police's full pursuit last night

There are also pictures of Ma Kui's arrest, and the death of Hong Kun in the car, and so on.


After the news about the TV station came out, it means that the surprise crackdown on triads has come to an end.

In other words, those lucky enough to escape last night, even if they escaped completely.

As for the next step, it is natural to go through legal procedures and a trial process.

In short, the whole process is actually cumbersome and takes time.

Moreover, in the process of trial in court, it may be another scene?


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